Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2385: Haiyuelou

Gu Yueyu, who had no affection for Li Ye at first, Wu Wenhaoran and others, took a cold look. In their opinion, even if Li Ye's strength is close to them, he still has a gap with them. A bit far!

Especially Gu Yueyu, he is not Tianyangzi, and the descendants of the Gu Yue family are extremely proud! Even when compared with a talented arrogant like Wu Wen Haoran, he doesn't think he is much weaker, and he can see his pride in his heart by directly matching his brother. {<[

"Arrogant! Anyone can say big things, but unfortunately I don't know if some people really have the means to match his arrogance!"

Everyone has seen this restriction just now, and even the imperial weapon can't break it! Some people even spurred Wu Huang's will to make a blow, only to make a gap.

Although the prohibition has been weakened a lot, the fate of the few people just now let everyone know that even if it is weakened, it is enough to kill them in a second!

"Haha, maybe someone has a solution?"

Someone laughed, but it clearly sounded like sarcasm.

"If you want to break the prohibition, unless someone uses a high-grade imperial weapon to summon the will of the Emperor Wu to strike, it will be difficult to break it! Maybe after a while, the prohibition may be weaker."

"High-grade imperial weapon? I can't find a few in the lower nine domains! It's better to find the Emperor Wu to take it personally! It's a pity that this heaven and earth Emperor Wu cannot come, as if some kind of force is suppressing it!"

Everyone thought that the old man in black robes had directly thrown those who had reached the Martial Emperor among them into the portal. Although everyone didn't know what was behind, it was clear that they would definitely not be safer than here.

"let me try!"

Suddenly one person jumped out, his breath was like a terrifying behemoth!

In his hands, he naturally possesses an imperial weapon. This person is also very powerful. It almost exerts about 20% of the imperial weapon's power. Although it does not awaken the will of the emperor, it is terrifying enough.

The power that can simply destroy a city is in front of the prohibition, without even a single wave! Obviously the prohibition has weakened, but at this moment there is no reaction at all.

Everyone's complexion became serious!

Even the four great arrogances who were confident and calm just now have changed their expressions.

After all, they were so calm just now, because they were confident that with their means, it would not be a problem to forcibly break the ban. But now, it is obvious that this road will not work.

"The formation has changed!"

At this moment, as a descendant of the Heavenly Mystery Dao, Ti Long's eyes flashed, as if something had appeared, and then his face showed a hint of surprise! Repeatedly muttered to himself, "This is impossible! There can be such a change, I didn't show it just now!"

As far as the formations are concerned, none of the people present can compare with Ti Lung who was born in Tianji Dao. Even characters like the Four Great Tianjiao are inferior to Ti Long in formation!

"Have you seen how to crack it?"

Wang Kui asked in a deep voice, but he was somewhat more polite to Ti Lung compared to the kind of indispensable just now. After all, the descendants of Tianji Dao are different from other sects. Ti Lung's own strength may not even rank in the middle of the crowd, but if you really want to fight, except for very few people, there are really few people who are sure to suppress him!

More importantly, now that the prohibition has changed, it is a bit dangerous to forcibly break into it, so naturally it is Ti Lung's turn to understand the formation and gain more advantage!

"Yes, Fellow Dillon, your knowledge in formation is one of the best in the next nine domains. Tianji Dao is even more famous for the formation. If you want to say which of us is most likely to crack it, it is you!"

Someone directly held Dillon's top hat, which made him quite useful.

He thinks that his martial arts cultivation may not be outstanding, but he has to discuss the formation!

On his face, a trace of pride flashed by, but it was still caught.

No one will deny it, after all, Tianji Dao is for this kind of food.

"It can be broken to be broken, not enough. The ban is laid by an expert. Although it has decayed after tens of thousands of years, and the ban has changed just now, it takes a lot of work to resolve it! And... …"

"And what?"

Some people are impatient and can't help but ask.

"This, it can only be a monster who is not good at learning..." There was a trace of shame on his face, but the pride in Ti Long's eyes was not diminished. "It is very difficult for me to break through the formation, maybe even I am not full. Go in. If you want to bring other people..."

No one is a fool, and when he hears this, everyone understands.

"Friends of Dao Dillon need not hesitate, any request can be made!"

Ti Long shook his head slightly, "You don't know anything about this formation. I can only see that this formation bans 60% to 70%. If you want to break the formation directly, I need to use a treasure from the ancestors of my Heavenly Mystery Dao, but I want to use that treasure. It's not that easy."

Everyone looked at each other. Although they could see that Ti Lung was deliberately raising himself, but at this time, they didn't care about so much, and suddenly someone patted his thigh, "Is it necessary for the holy crystal? I have it directly!"

When this person makes a move, he is a holy crystal! Any sacred crystal is equivalent to tens of millions of high-grade yuan spirit stones! There are dozens of them! Enough to make some Six-Rank sects completely bankrupt! Although the fifth grade sect took the shot, it is impossible to be so prodigal, just give it to a disciple!

In fact, the person who took out the holy crystal is not an ordinary person. Seeing this person, Di Long is also slightly surprised, "It turns out to be Brother Xu Ding from Haiyuelou!"

Haiyuelou, many people took a deep breath!

"This Haiyue Tower is amazing?"

Li Ye didn't know so thoroughly about other heavens outside the Xinghai Territory. At this time, he lowered his voice and asked.

While the Saintess of Tianfeng couldn’t help but give someone a glamorous look, she explained, “Haiyue Tower is the ancient heritage of the Qiandao Region in the Lower Nine Regions. The Qiandao Region is known as the only one in the Lower Nine Regions with countless In the universe of islands, it is rumored that nearly a thousand islands are as big as six, hence the name Qiandao Domain! As for this Haiyue Tower, it is one of the best inheritances in the Qiandao Domain, and a high-ranking emperor was born."

A high emperor was born! This is enough to explain the problem!

Obviously, this is another descendant of a fourth-rank sect, and obviously, it is also a fourth-rank sect. The three and fourth-rank sects of the Xinghai Region are in other heavens, and they can't even enter the ranking!

"No wonder it is so generous when it comes out. The holy crystal is used by martial practitioners and alchemists."

Because of this, it is obvious that this genius of Haiyuelou thought that Ti Long's voice was just for holy crystal!

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