Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2384: Treasure

The stalemate continues!

Both parties had their strongest moves, and Gu Yueyu even did not hesitate to expose the strange treasures on her body, but now she can't do anything with Li Ye!

At this time, a trace of regret flashed in his heart suddenly!

Originally, he just wanted to build power through Li Ye!

He is not a follower of Wu Wen Haoran, he has greater ambitions! It is a pity that he chose Li Ye as his stepping stone, but in the end it turned out that this stone seemed to be harder than he expected!

Now Gu Yueying is also hard to get off!

In his capacity, if Li Ye cannot be taken in this battle, he will definitely become a laughingstock! Even all the amazing achievements once made will be wiped out!

No one will remember that he once defeated a martial emperor, but only remember that he was defeated by an unknown man!

Even if there is a tie, it is an unacceptable result for him!

"Today, you must die!"

A strong killing intent burst out of Gu Yueyu's eyes! If at the beginning he just wanted to stand up, then now, he really moved to murder! If Li Ye cannot be killed today, it will be the biggest stain in his life! He would never allow such things to happen.

The majestic blood rushed into Mingyuelun! Unlike the imperial weapon, Tianwai Qibao needs amazing blood to activate! The more terrifying the blood, the more it can arouse the endless power in the strange treasure!

However, for a cultivator, blood qi is too important! Although the loss of blood gas can be made up, when it is consumed to a certain extent, it will damage itself! Even for the cultivation realm and life span, there will be a certain reduction.

Everyone only felt a majestic breath coming to their faces. In an instant, many people's complexion changed slightly, and they backed away again.

"Gu Yueying actually did not hesitate to waste his blood! It seems that he is anxious!"

"Can he not be in a hurry? If he can't solve even a nameless guy, he probably won't have the face to continue to claim to be an evildoer! But this can't be blamed on him, who made him meet such a pervert! I see, this time Star Ocean Territory It is to rise up, an ancient bloodline, a demon against the sky, maybe it will really have a huge impact on the current pattern of the lower nine regions!"

Many geniuses saw it, and they were all thoughtful.

Sure enough, with the astonishing blood infusion, the Mingyuelun in Gu Yueyi's hand seemed to be bright, and a faint divinity was faintly exuded!

That luster, unexpectedly echoed that bright moon, and built a whole world!


Such a big movement directly changed the original world!

Everyone only felt that above the sky, a shocking suppression came down on everyone! Before everyone could react, in an instant, whether it was Li Ye and Gu Yueyu who were fighting against each other, or other people watching the battle, they were caught off guard and were directly suppressed on the ground. Many people trembled their legs slightly, even unable to Stand, kneel down!

That was a totally unexplainable suppression. Compared with that, what was Gu Yueying just now? In front of this, it is like the light of fireflies, not worth mentioning!

"Look! Baoshan's restrictions have changed!"

Just when everyone was horrified, I didn't know who suddenly shouted!

Everyone saw that, as expected, the sacred light on the treasure mountain where people still alive should not enter has disappeared. At the same time, the prohibition that guarded the entire treasure mountain has not been lifted, but it has also been loosened.

"The treasure is born!"

Someone flashed in their eyes, overjoyed, and rushed directly into Baoshan!

But before he really entered, he suddenly felt a force of strangulation. This person was already prepared with a roar, and his body flashed with a flash of light, and he immediately put on a treasure of armor!

The confident expression on his face didn't even last for a while, and the whole person turned into a cloud of blood! The key is that those blood mists are directly absorbed by some kind of force and are sucked into the restraint.

In an instant, everyone who was still enthusiastic just stopped. However, many people rushed in, and the screams were not heard for an instant, all of them followed the footsteps of the person just now.

"Damn, isn't the power of restraint weakened?"

"It seems that even if the treasure is born, the prohibition is disappearing, but we still cannot enter it now."

"Maybe after it disappears completely?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but they all have no idea.

As for the victory of Li Ye and Gu Yueyu just now, who would care?

Gu Yueying himself was a breath away, just now he did not hesitate to lose his blood to strengthen Mingyuelun, so he also lost a lot, now that the birth of the treasure is near, he doesn't want to miss the opportunity.

As for Li Ye! He glanced coldly, "Today the most precious treasure is about to be born, I will spare your life! Wherever I go by Gu Yueying in the other days, unless you take a detour, I will definitely take your life!"

Did Li Ye take him seriously and spare his life?

"Why next time, now if you can take my life, you can do it!"

With a loud laugh, Li Yeke didn't care whether he was the most precious treasure or not, his fighting spirit increased crazily, and he stepped out of a thousand ways to escape! Even more arrogant than just now!

At this moment, Gu Yueying's face was pale, he did not expect Li Ye to be so aggressive! Not to mention that he is so arrogant, even ordinary people can't bear it at this moment!

"Since you are looking for death! I will fulfill you!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, at this moment a voice prevented the entry.

"Why don't the two of you give up, since the treasure is about to be born, and we are blocked by the ban, it is the time when everyone is in the same boat and looking for a solution together, why not hurt your peace?"

Everyone saw that this statement was from Tianyangzi. In his capacity, he is qualified to be a peacemaker.

It's just that in the eyes of everyone, they can't help but show envy!

They looked at Li Ye with a strange look.

Because they were very clear, these words directed at Tianyangzi undoubtedly explained one thing!

Li Ye, the once unknown pawn, has at least received the approval of such evildoers as Tianyangzi! At least, in their opinion, Li Ye already has a chance to compete with them for the treasure! Become their competitor!

Now that there was a step down, Gu Yueyi suddenly let out a cold snort.

In fact, everyone could see that Gu Yueying didn't want to expose too much now, and he would live and die with Li Ye. At least while the Four Great Tianjiao and Tianyangzi are still present, he will naturally retain his strength.

Naturally, Li Ye didn't care, spreading his hands, "It's just such a weak restriction, no need to find a way, just go in."

Seeing that the two of them stopped working, everyone was relieved, but Li Ye's sudden words made the atmosphere of the scene become tangible again.

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