Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2386: Heaven and Earth Cliff

However, to everyone's surprise, Dillon shook his head with a wry smile.

Suddenly, Haiyuelou's complexion changed that day, "Do you think there are too few fellow Daoist Dillon?"

There was even a hint of anger in the voice! After all, even though he didn't care about this sacred crystal, he could get more out of it because of his origin. But this is Saint Crystal after all! It is impossible to find a better spirit stone among the lower nine realms!

Even the Emperor Wu can use a spiritual stone like Shengjing! Naturally it is extremely precious.

"You are misunderstood, the treasure of my teacher is not driven by sacred crystals. If it is so simple, I would not hesitate. Although Tianji Dao has a small foundation, it does not lack these sacred crystals."

This self-effacement can hear the pride of Di Long's heart, but everyone also acquiesced. It is true that Tianji Dao is in the lower nine domains, even if it is not in the top three, at least it is in the top ten with names and surnames! Such a descendant from the inheritance, naturally it is impossible to have so little holy crystal on his body.

"So that's the case, it's a misunderstanding! I don't know what conditions are needed?"

The genius of Haiyuelou was also a straightforward person, and he quickly apologized, but what he wanted to know more was how to let Di Long let go.

Seeing that the sales of Guanzi are almost the same, Ti Long also knows that it is similar, and suddenly smiled, "Actually, it is very simple. I need six imperial artifacts to show the will of the emperor!"

As soon as this statement was made, many people's complexion changed slightly!

"What? The imperial weapon strikes a blow from Emperor Wu's will?"

"You actually want six imperial artifacts? What kind of treasure is it?"

Many people frowned! You know, most of the people who come to the Nine Extremes Palace have imperial weapons to defend themselves! But even if it is an imperial weapon, it does not mean that it can be played by playing the will of the emperor. It requires a very powerful price!

"Once the Emperor Wu's will is played, the imperial weapon will become weak in a short period of time! It will take a while to recover! Unless the Emperor Wu himself takes the action, he will not be restricted at all!"

"Six imperial weapons simultaneously play the will of Emperor Wu, even if the real Emperor Wu meets them, they will run away, right?"

Someone's eyes became a little suspicious! After all, this matter is unheard of!

However, this is not their most surprised!

"Everyone, I mean, at least a middle-grade imperial weapon is needed! A lower-grade imperial weapon will not work!"

If it was said that it was enough to cause a group of people to exclaim in exclamation, then at this time, when Ti Lung spoke, someone could not help cursing directly!

"What's the truth! There are still six middle-grade imperial artifacts? If you can really gather six middle-grade imperial artifacts and strike a blow with the power of the Emperor Wu, why break the formation? Directly blasting this ghost prohibition is more than enough!"

Someone yelled, and someone immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, six middle-grade imperial weapons within the martial emperor's will strike is equivalent to six martial emperors personally shot, there can be nothing in this world to stop! What kind of treasure is it that actually needs such conditions?"

Everyone who can come here has at least one imperial weapon.

However, the imperial weapons are also divided into superiors and inferior ones. Most people only carry low-grade imperial weapons. Even so, it is a proof of their pride as the descendants of the powerful sect! After all, in the powerful clan family, the imperial weapon is not Chinese cabbage, just give it! A huge power with an ancient heritage of thousands of years cannot have too many imperial weapons.

Every imperial weapon was refined and forged by a martial emperor who spent countless years and energy.

It can be said that the ordinary Wuhuang emperor spent his entire life, that is, refining and forging three or five imperial artifacts!

"Of course there are middle-grade imperial objects! But it is not a small representative to stimulate the will of the Emperor Wu in the middle-grade imperial objects!"

A cold voice sounded, and when everyone saw it, someone suddenly recognized the identity of the person who spoke.

"Xiao Yuetian!"

I don’t know who exclaimed in a low voice, and some other people suddenly realized, "It turns out that he was born in Tiandi Cliff. From his appearance, he should have received the true biography of Tiandi Cliff!"

"It is rumored that Tiandiya has given birth to no less than ten martial emperors, and two of them are in the realm of the middle emperor! It is not surprising to have a middle emperor."

"Heaven and Earth Cliff, that is the powerful inheritance of the Lower Nine Regions. Although it can't be compared with the Tianmen, Tianji Dao and other schools, it is definitely in the top 20!"

There are many sects in the lower nine domains, but there are not many that can really be called powerful!

Obviously, this heaven and earth cliff is one of them! As soon as this person appeared, even the four great arrogances glanced slightly, after all, this was an opponent who was somewhat challenging and threatening to them.

"Xiao Yuetian, have you inherited your middle-grade imperial weapon from Tiandiya?"

Someone looked at this person, and Xiao Yuetian smiled coldly, and casually summoned a treasure that exuded a powerful divine light.

"The throat hammer of Tiandiya!"

The person's pupils shrank for a while, and he nodded slightly, "Sure enough, it is a middle-grade imperial weapon! Nail Throat Hammer! Heaven and Earth Cliff Broken Throat Emperor's natal imperial weapon! Unexpectedly, it will be passed on to you in this generation!"

Before, there were people who didn't understand the origin of this thing in Xiao Yuetian's hand, but when they heard the Emperor Broken Throat, they all showed horror on their faces!

"It turns out to be the king's natal weapon! This Xiao Yuetian is not low in Heaven and Earth Cliff!"

"It's not too low! That's the imperial weapon of the Broken Throat King! The Broken Throat King, but a generation of peerless martial emperors, there are few opponents in the Lower Nine Realms! I heard that there is even a small Sect Martial King who offended him , Be directly killed by his own hands! Megatron is the entire Lower Nine Regions!"

Emperor Wu was killed! This is rare in thousands of years!

After all, Emperor Wu represents invincibility, but everyone knows that Emperor Wu is not immortal! It's just that there are too few people who can kill the Emperor Wu in this nine domains!

Seeing the descendants of Heaven and Earth Cliff appearing, there are also several other people who are not hiding, one by one exuding a terrifying aura on the body, and at the same time, the most powerful treasures that exude a faint imperial power and divine light are released.

"Medium-grade imperial weapon! Six pieces!"

No more, no more, six imperial artifacts, and definitely not ordinary imperial artifacts, fools can see that once these six imperial artifacts are released, any one can easily suppress an ordinary low-grade imperial artifact.

As for the six Xiao Yuetian, the auras in each of them are extremely powerful, especially Xiao Yuetian, who now has a faint tendency to approach Tianyangzi and Gu Yueyu! Even in his eyes, there was a trace of warfare!

"There are exactly six imperial artifacts. As for your questions, listen to me one by one."

Ti Long was not in a hurry. He didn't mess around for everyone's doubts. Instead, he smiled and said, "You should have heard that there was an ancestor of the Heavenly Ji Dao. Fortunately, in a secret realm of heaven, I got a piece of heaven. Qibao!"

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