Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2307: Not everyone can enter the Nine Extremes Palace

No one from the Yun Family made a sound. It just so happened that in the huge temple above the Nine Void, a ray of light rising into the sky almost attracted everyone's attention. The address of this site is changed to:, mobile phone reading is changed to £∝Appointment Novel, x.

"It's about to start!"

Seeing that ray of light, many people's expressions changed.

The Yun family was also not interested in continuing to entangle with the deserted sea. Suddenly, a disciple of the Yun family was walking in the air, relying on the incomparably powerful cultivation base, and wanted to enter the temple's nine-pole palace.

"very scary!"

"As expected of the Yun family! The name of the first family in Xinghai Region!"

Many people exclaimed! Because there are not many young people in the Yun Family this time, but there are also more than a dozen people. The weakest cultivation base of these people is to step into the realm of the king, and they are not ordinary kings!

You know, the king is enough to establish sects in some sects. Even the Five-Rank Sect is definitely a first-class ancestor with a higher status than the elders!

Nowadays, under the Yun family, so many young people have this kind of cultivation base, so many people can only sigh for the Yun family's name as the first family in the Xinghai region over the years.

Naturally, the other sects were not far behind, and one after another talented disciples broke out!

However, many people still couldn't get close to the Nine Extremes Palace at all, so they were shaken back by the supreme coercion.

Someone forcibly wanted to approach, but was injured by the more terrifying counter-shock force, and the whole person fell from the void.

For a time, all the big sects, all those who had ambitions for the Nine Extremes Palace, all shot one after another.

The so-called Eight Immortals crossed the sea and each showed their magical powers, at this moment, it was manifested!

The genius or the strong of the small sect is not weak in cultivation, but the supreme magic weapon on his body is a bit shabby, but it is enough to make many big sects slightly vigilant.

As for the casual cultivators, the strengths are uneven, some are against the sky, and there are also fish in troubled waters.

However, a very small number of people have attracted the attention of many people. After all, those figures are even faster than some big sect geniuses!

"What a terrible pressure! This is the Nine Extremes Palace!"

"Now it seems that it is not easy to enter the Nine-Julus Palace, the closer you are, the stronger the pressure!"

Looking carefully, although those geniuses showed their magical powers, many people were very relaxed in the first ten steps, but after ten steps, they gradually showed their differences.

I saw only one of them, Tianzun Peak! When he took the eleventh step, his face was pale, and the next moment he spewed a mouthful of blood, he was shaken out!

As for those who are inferior in strength, some of them failed without even taking ten steps.

Naturally, there are also powerful people against the sky.

A silhouette of a person, fast, one step into the sky, like walking in a leisurely garden, without any obstacles at all!

"It's Yun Qiantian of the Yun Family!"

"It's worthy of being the name of the No. 1 Young Master in Xinghai. It is too easy to enter the Nine Extremes Palace with his strength! Only the top evildoers from other places in the Nine Regions are qualified to compete with him!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, some people sneered slightly after hearing this, "Xinghai No. 1 Younger? That's a past tense! In the battle of Shen Danzong, Yun Qiantian had long been defeated by that abnormal person of Shen Danzong, Xinghai No. 1 young man was not worthy of the truth!"

When some people heard it, they slightly remembered some rumors some time ago and remained silent.

Some people do not believe it, and naturally others have inquired the truth of the matter from various channels.

"Huh, those are just exaggerated rumors. If the man named Li Ye is so powerful, why doesn't he appear now?"

There are not so many disciples from the Shen Danzong as the Yun family, but all of them are powerful generations. Among them, Qing Lang is almost second only to Yun Qiantian, the most dazzling person!

Yun Qiantian Yiqi Juechen, he alone can follow closely!

As for the others, they were all separated.

Suddenly there was a phoenix cry, and the fiery red figure almost caught up with it at an unimaginable speed.

"It's the saint of Tianxiang Pavilion!"

"Sage of the Heavenly Phoenix, the blood of the Heavenly Phoenix of the ancient bloodline! Sure enough!

Everyone can see that the cultivation of the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess is a bit weaker than Yun Qiantian and Qinglang, but the speed is higher than that of latecomers, which makes many people feel slightly staggered.

The three of them almost stepped into the Nine-Ji Palace and disappeared, and successfully entered.

But it's not so easy for others!

There is a strong person who wants to forcibly rush in, and his blood is terrifying, half the emperor! But as soon as he approached the Nine-Julus Palace, he was slapped flying by an invisible big hand, spewing a big mouthful of blood on the spot, and was seriously injured.

"It is rumored that only people who are within 300 years of age are eligible to enter the Nine Extremes Palace. If they are more than 300 years old, it is difficult to enter unless they are like Emperor Wu."

Seeing that strong man came to an end, some of the older generation strong men who were eager to try had some words like a bowl of cold water and calmed down.

But there are still people who do not believe in evil, but there are very few people who are truly successful!

"The Black Mountain Demon has gone in!"

Someone exclaimed that an old monster who didn't know how long he had lived had successfully entered the Nine Extremes Palace with a treasure on his body.

This can be regarded as giving the rest of those over three hundred years of age more hope.

In the entire Star Sea Region, almost everywhere you can see that huge temple on the void.

Anyone, no matter where they are, can enter! The premise is that you have that strength!

At this moment, a figure that was relatively unfamiliar to everyone, almost using a terrifying speed not weaker than that of Yun Qiantian and others before, stepped forward step by step and approached the Nine Extremes Palace.

"Who is that?"

Someone couldn't help but ask, it was an old monster who narrowed his eyes slightly!

"Ranxiu! No school, no school!" Someone couldn't help being moved, because as long as some powerful sect or hermit family had a trace of the shadow of a master, this person made everyone feel strange.

Naturally, some people recognized it.

"Isn't this the super dark horse in Xinghai Secret Realm last time?"

Someone exclaimed! Suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

"It is indeed him!"

"This person is named Yu Luoyan. He has no background and is very mysterious! But his strength is definitely not under Yun Qiantian!"

Just as it was agreed, after Yu Luoyan appeared, everyone saw another bald head bathed in golden Buddha light, just like the Buddha descended and Luohan reincarnated! One step, one world, surrounded by Sanskrit sounds, spit lotus!

"It's another casual repair!"

Naturally, some old monsters didn't know what happened in the Xinghai Secret Realm before, and they couldn't help but change their colors at this time.

Suddenly, it was another person walking in the courtyard, but it seemed to be one with the sky. The whole person was obviously ordinary but looked like a son of the sky. The endless coercion had no effect on him.

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