Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2308: Settle the old accounts!

One by one genius, one by one strong, even some old monsters born in the dust, could not bear it.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Ye to miss this feast at the Nine-Ji Palace, but he is not in a hurry.

"This nine-pole palace is really interesting."

In my mind, the voice of Emperor Tianjian resounded, "It looks like someone deliberately created it, son, this emperor is actually somewhat interested in this nine-pole palace."

"See the doorway?"

"Space Avenue! But it should be that the huge palace itself is an incredible treasure, rather than someone directly laying down this huge and incomparable battle with Space Avenue."

Space Avenue!

Li Ye took a breath.

You know, above the law, even the Emperor Wu is pursuing the power of heaven! The so-called Daofa will is the incarnation of heaven! However, there are many kinds of Dao Fa wills. There are three thousand Dao Fa wills. Below the Dao Fa wills are ordinary Dao Fa wills.

Just like the way of flame he has mastered, it is the most common way of will!

With the same Dao Fa will, Dao is naturally more terrifying than Dao! Even the gap is not what he can imagine now.

The Dao of Space is one of the Dao, not even the Emperor Wu, even a character like the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor can not necessarily control it.

Li Ye's gaze retracted from the Nine Extremes Palace, he was not in a hurry to rush in like the others.

His gaze swept over everyone, and suddenly saw several of his goals.

Tianyangzong! Four great families! Eagle Gate!

At the beginning, one by one had murdered him and the sect, he didn't let them go alive!

Over the years, he has come to understand a truth, to fight snakes and seven inches, to cut grass and roots! Otherwise, it will bring potential hazards and dangers to yourself and the people around you who care about it.

"Some accounts should be settled."

Muttered to himself in a low voice, the reason why he never showed up was not that he was not interested in Nine-Julus Palace, but that he had other unfinished things!

At this time, almost everyone's attention was in the Nine-Ji Palace, but few people noticed Li Ye's appearance.

However, soon, the expressions of several elders from Tianyang Sect changed slightly!

∧∧∧∧, a terrifying breath has locked them!

Suddenly they lost their color in shock, and looked at one side in horror. When they saw who it was, they immediately had only one thought in their minds!


Because they saw Li Ye's arrival, they didn't need to hesitate at all. There was no possibility of reconciliation between Tianyang Sect and Li Ye.

These elders were also clever, such as Yangzong was not as good as before, and even after Emperor Qingyan Wu had eaten his own evil results, they were on the verge of splitting. Naturally, they knew that in front of Li Ye, they had no room to fight back.


With just one move, the terrible pressure on the sky directly crushed several disciples of the Tianyang Sect into fleshy flesh! The fly ash is annihilated, and even the soul has no time to escape.

This shocked everyone!

"Someone has acted on Tianyang Sect!"

"At this time, someone dares to make a move?"

All schools, even casual cultivators, are aware of an unwritten agreement in the Xinghai Territory, that is, as long as the birth of the Nine-Julus Palace is related to the entire Xinghai Region's major events, no matter how great the hatred is, it cannot be used to resolve private hatred!

Although this was just an unwritten agreement at the time, even the fourth-tier sect and the fifth-tier sect acquiesced, and naturally no one else would object to it.

After all, this kind of thing is beneficial to the vast majority of people, otherwise, at a critical moment, the powerful sect will directly take action, destroying all of them is too simple, and it is easy to cause a panic in the entire Star Sea area.

But no one thought that someone had broken this unspoken rule that no one had changed for thousands of years!

"Who is so daring?"

"What a terrible suppression! When did Tianyang Sect provoke such a terrible enemy?"

Although not as famous as one sect, one pavilion, two sects, three sects, and four families, Tianyang Sect is also a sect with Emperor Wu. Although Qingyan Martial Emperor has fallen and Tianyang Sect is facing a crisis of separation, in a short period of time, not many people dare to attack Tianyang Sect.

When they saw that the person who shot was actually a young man, many old monsters took a breath!

"This boy is so bold!"

Before they were shocked and regained their senses, Li Ye didn't give the elders of the Heavenly Sun Sect any chance at all.

That day, the elder of Yangzong was also the peak of Tianzun, but he didn't even have a chance to resist a move in front of Li Ye, and was directly photographed as fleshy.

This scene scared many people almost!

That is the pinnacle of Tianzun! Even the king would not dare to kill such a strong man so easily!

"Li Ye! Do you have to kill them all!"

Seeing that one of them was killed so easily, one of the remaining few people suddenly shouted, "Langlang Qiankun, Li Ye! You dare to do it! Don't you know that the Nine-Ji Palace was born? Any school must let go of private grievances. Hands-on regulations?"

Li Ye!

This angry shout made many people who are still strange understand it!

Even if you don't know Li Ye, you have heard of Li Ye's name!

The battle of Shen Danzong was too shocking! Yes, whether they believe it or not, but Li Ye's name has already resounded throughout the entire Star Sea area and is well-known!

"He is Li Ye!"

"Unborn emperor, kill the emperor first! Hearing that the Southern Emperor of the four major families died directly in his hands! He was shocked to kill the Emperor Wu Dharma body! Even the last ghost emperor was forced to surrender to him!"

There are too many rumors about Li Ye recently, and any one of them is enough to make people feel like they are dreaming.

Some people didn't believe it, after all, Li Ye was just a generation, especially those strong men of the older generation, who were just born, they all sneered at him!

No matter how young people are against the sky, it is impossible for them to become that level! After all, the road to martial arts is going against the sky, and the more you go up, the more difficult it is! Many people have spent a tenth of their entire life cultivating to their current peak, but for the rest of their lives, their cultivation level has never progressed!


Li Ye said nothing, the crazy sword intent turned into endless sword light intertwined into a huge sword net, instantly strangling the remaining elders of Tianyang Sect!


Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath!

Tianyang Sect, although not a particularly powerful sect! But one sword killed five or six Heavenly Sovereign Realm pinnacles and even one Sovereign Powerful! This method is enough to scare some sects! You know, this one hand is enough to destroy them all!

Tianyangzong's army is wiped out! Although there were not many people.

Li Ye's gaze shifted directly, and the next moment, he directly focused on the four major families, Yingmen and other schools!

In an instant, people from the four major families, Eagle Gate and other sects felt a chill behind them!

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