Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2306: Yunjia Shengzu

A series of terrifying bodies appeared in the void, and everyone under the pressure did not dare to gasp.

These are all martial emperors of real value!

In front of the real Emperor Wu, let alone ordinary people, even those who are strong and respected must lower their proud heads!

Even the old monsters like the half emperor had reduced their aura one by one at the moment. After all, no matter how long they were acquired, they would not be enough to look at them in front of the emperor.

The arrival of the martial emperors made all the martial arts be cautious. Except for those powerful sects with Emperor Wu, the general sects dare not speak out.

On the contrary, there are some casual cultivators who have no concern, perhaps in awe of Emperor Wu, but they are not like those little sects, shrinking aside and dare not say anything.

"It has long been rumored that the Eagle Emperor and Thunder Emperor were opponents when they were young, and they had fought against each other several times because of something. The relationship has never been good. Now, when I look at it, the rumors are true.

Some experts in the sect who probably know the origins of the two martial emperors said in a low voice, this is not a big secret. The super genius who dominates an era.

"Emperor Eagle!" A cold light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Lei, but the two of them had been rivals for so many years, but no matter whether they became Emperor Wu or after Emperor Wu, their cultivation strengths are not much different, even with each other. They both want to kill each other, but it is clear that this idea is difficult to realize.

"I don't know which Wild Sea Supreme is."

In fact, the martial emperors present were all wary in their hearts!

Huanghai has always been independent and special, and rarely has too much contact with other sects. Although the outside world is rumored that the deserted sea is a barren land, where the barbarians are, people are barbarians.

But only a few people know that Huanghai is actually very powerful! It's just that these years are too chaotic, and no one can dominate the deserted sea, and gradually it will be forgotten.

In the void, a white-bearded old man squinted his eyes slightly, even if he appeared like Thunder Emperor and Eagle Emperor, he was slightly moved.

"This one from the Yun family is here!"

Seeing this old man, many people all exclaimed!

Especially some old monsters and strong men above the elders of various sects, their complexions changed slightly.

"The emperor of the Yun family! He was born!"

Some people who knew the old man couldn't help but whisper.

The emperor of the cloud! As soon as they heard this name, those who were still wondering also took a breath!

"It turns out to be the emperor of the cloud! I heard that this person is second only to the ancestor of the Yun family, and the highest-ranking person in the Yun family today!"

"Thousands of years ago, I heard that the Emperor Yunzhong was not in the world. I didn't expect that now he was born for the Nine Extremes Palace!"

Everyone who knew or heard of the emperor's name in the cloud couldn't help but move.

The Yun family invited such an ancestor out, and all fools could see that this time the Yun family is bound to win! Or, it is also a deterrent!

More than a cloud emperor came to the Yun family, even the empty emperor! It's just that in front of the emperor in the cloud, even if the emperor is Wu emperor, he has become a junior and did not speak.

However, the two emperors of the Yun family are coming together, and a Yunzhong emperor who once powerfully shocked the entire star sea area in that era appeared in person, not to mention some small sects, even some fifth-grade sects, their expressions changed!

Although some powerful sects with Emperor Wu were doing well, their expressions changed slightly.

Even the Emperor Yunzhong was so careful about the mysterious person in the yellow sand world behind the void, so many people couldn't help but guess.

It is possible to let such a generation who was almost invincible at the time, with this tone, all those who had originally laughed or even ridiculed them all turned red and sullenly hid in the crowd.

"People of the Yun family, I don't know if anyone still remembers the old man."

The old voice seemed to be reminiscing and sighing. But the more so, the more people dare not look down upon it!

Even Yun Zhonghuang was so old that he couldn't understand the origin of the other party.

There are a few Supremes in Huanghai, the Yun Family naturally knows, but apart from that one, the others are not particularly afraid. However, when he thought of that one, even the Yun family, even his Yunzhonghuang, his heart twitched slightly.

"Yunlan is dead?"

Suddenly, the old voice seemed calm, but it rang in everyone's ears. No matter who it is, they feel that at that moment, even their spirits can't help but tremble slightly!

Cloud blue?

Many people looked at each other. Although they guessed it must be someone from the Yun family, few people had heard of the name.

Including the Yun family, some of the Yun family's children are also suspicious.

But before they could reflect, the complexions of Yunzhonghuang and Konghuang changed drastically!

In other words, it was shocked!

Yunlan! In the entire Yun family, there is only one person with this name!

"Holy Ancestor!"

The terrifying aura on Konghuang's body seemed to be able to tear apart even the heavens, and the violent power even caused patches of void to collapse! An angry face! Enough to let people see his anger at the moment!

Make a Wu Huang so angry!


Konghuang stepped out in one step, his whole body surrounded by all kinds of magic! The endless laws turned into chains, rushing directly into the endless world of yellow sand!

"Call the saint ancestor's name directly! Damn it!"

No one thought that Konghuang would actually be angry and make a move! But what scares everyone even more is that phrase Saint Ancestor!

Even people like Konghuang would be called saint ancestors, there is only one person in the Yun family!

The Yun family has been rumored for a long time and is the first emperor of the Yun family!

The chain of law can be trapped even in the sky, but it is not yet close to the yellow sand, but it is directly bounced away, and at the same time a magnificent and vast force directly shakes Kong Huan's whole person away.

Everyone's eyes widened!

"The Emperor Kong was defeated without even getting close to the person behind the scenes!"

Many people feel that their three views are undergoing tremendous changes!

Kong Emperor himself was shocked and angry, but was stopped by a hand, it was the Emperor in the Cloud! Perhaps he is the only one who has the right to stop Konghuang.

Because at that moment, he already knew who Huang Hai came this time!

Precisely because he knew, he stopped Konghuang and refused to let him continue.


A gleam of light flashed across the emperor Yunzhong's eyes, and the emperor Kong had thought of something, and his face was shocked!

It's a pity that the rest of the people, except for a few, seem to have guessed one or two, most of them are confused.

"It seems that the old thing Yunlan hasn't died yet. It's definitely impossible for him to take that step with his character. He wasted the opportunity that year."

The old voice didn't seem to care about the anger of the Yun family.

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