Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2289: The sun and the moon are dead

Half Emperor Peak! Do not! Stronger!

The Golden Armored General is not the Emperor Wu, but he is much stronger than the Half Emperor!

As for the black armored general, no one can see how powerful he is!


When the black-clad general took a step, he suddenly overwhelmed the mountains, and the endless murderous air turned into an army!

Daofa will!

Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly!

He didn't expect that the powerhouse transformed by this chessboard could be so powerful!

It actually directly derives the will of the Dao Fa, and it has assembled the will of the Dao Fa like an invincible legion!

"This is the way to kill!"

In the depths of the void, the Emperor Huo moved slightly. After all, he, who is the Emperor Wu, has not completely controlled any kind of Dao Fa will, but he has seen it on a magic weapon!

At the same time, ten Golden Armored generals shot at the same time! The golden spear in his hand turned into a golden dragon!


Li Ye also chose a frontal hard anal! The way of killing is rolling out, and it is also the will of Dao to kill. The two are like the most primitive sparks hitting the earth. Even if either side relaxes, it will be the consequence of destroying the world.


Li Ye spouted a mouthful of blood, but also caused the ten golden armor to be shaken out, and the golden armor on his body cracked.

In this scene, everyone who saw it was heart trembling! Including Elder Yuyun and some of the older generation's strong, whether it is Qi Lan or Li Ye, they have already thrown them far behind!

Even in the Shendanzong, which is as powerful as the fourth-tier sect, there are not a few that can be compared to the two. The other two, even those pawns and chess pieces on the chessboard that were destroyed by Li Yewan’s destruction, are enough Shen Danzong's vitality is severely injured, and Wu Huang does not come out, it is possible to be destroyed!

Silently, the black general moved!

A broad sword in his hand, swung down in the air!

Kill the world!

With this sword, it was enough to make Emperor Wu retreat! This sword, with endless murderous aura, and the way to unify the army!

"Yijian! Stars!"

The same terrifying sword light, Li Ye was not afraid, the seven-star sword ∞∞∞∞ almost burst out with the light of stars, one of the stars turned into a sword of heaven, even the gods, he dared to cut it down!

Destructive power leaned out, and the entire chessboard was faltering, but after all, it was maintained.

Only saw two figures flying upside down, it was Li Ye and General Hei Jia.

"have equal shares!"

Although no one had the upper hand, this result surprised Qi Lan a little! Xun Shu on one side yelled angrily, "Damn, is this a monster! Can't you win this?"

Before the two came here, they never thought that Li Ye would be so terrible.

If you know it, come here, and waste the strength they have accumulated for so many years.

Suddenly, next to the black armored general, the ten golden armored generals who had just been beaten out just turned into ten golden rays of light, and submerged in the black armored general!

With a purple and gold armor, the heavy damage just now seems to be repaired instantly!

On the other hand, Li Ye, with blood on the corners of his mouth, looked up and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"Qi Lan, that's enough, then the last one, Emperor Wu will not stay! Do you want to ruin your efforts for so many years!"

Seeing the change of the black armor general, Xun Shu couldn't help it, and quickly wanted to stop it. But he knew that they didn't come to Li Ye for revenge or even kill Li Ye. They have already done what they should do, so why bother so desperately?

However, Qi Lan's reaction surprised him. He only saw Qi Lan shook his head slightly, "I want to see where your limit is. If it can be blocked, it may be an opportunity for our Xinghai Territory."

"Are you crazy!?"


With a wry smile, Qi Lan suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spouted a mouthful of blood!

This is not ordinary blood, but the blood of the essence of his body!

In an instant, Qi Lan looked more than ten years old, from an elegant middle-aged man in his thirties to a forty or fifty year old, with a few more white hairs on both sideburns.

And with this bite of blood, an army really appeared on the entire chessboard! The invincible division!

Unlike the phantom that appeared before, this is a real entity!

In addition, the general incarnate in purple and gold armor is enough to make Wu Huang hate here!

Even Li Ye couldn't help but curse secretly at this moment, "Damn, it's shameless! Actually come to the wheel!"

Thinking of this, Li Ye is not hiding! A roar!

In an instant, the void was torn open, and the huge three-headed giant wolf tore the void and appeared, and when it appeared, it was a terrible roar!

At the same time, the roar of the dragon rose into the sky. As soon as a huge flood dragon of hundreds of feet appeared, the dragon waved its tail and instantly killed countless soldiers!

The appearance of the two big monster pets exceeded everyone's expectations!

Especially Qi Lan and Xun Shu, they didn't know that there were such two big monster pets beside Li Ye.

This is more than that, since there are more people! Li Ye is indeed incomparable, but it does not prevent him from summoning the golden corpse puppets at this moment!

After the golden figure appeared, like a **** of death, the harvest began!

However, what appeared on the chessboard was an invincible division, the Jagged Legion! No matter how many people die, they can't stop their way.


Thunder rolling down the sky, like Thor's anger! Thunder of Heaven's Retribution was lowered!

"what is that?!"

"Dragon and lion! The dragon and lion clan that was almost extinct in ancient times! The terrible beast whose blood is closest to the monster dragon clan! How could it be possible!"

Someone recognized the huge yellow behemoth that appeared in the void and couldn't help but exclaim!

Even the White Emperor in the depths of the void was quite surprised. After all, whether it was the three-headed hellhound, the flood dragon or the golden corpse puppet, they had all seen it before, and only this dragon lion had seen it for the first time.

Naturally, they would not know that this dragon and lion, which was almost extinct in ancient times, was the incarnation of the beautiful and peerless Master Li next to Li Ye. After all, in the realm of Master Li, after incarnation, unless it is a powerful person like the Great Emperor , Otherwise it would be very ugly to break her real body.


With the help of Li Shishi and others to delay, Li Ye's target was directly locked on the General Zijin! Catch the thieves first! Decapitation is the only way to defeat this army!

The way of killing broke out instantly! Turning into an invisible killing intent, any person or thing blocking it will be annihilated!

The sky turns into a sea of ​​flames, burning everything!

The earth cracks directly, like a scene of the end!

Three Ways of Law, Li Ye has no reservations!

Sword out! This sword can break the sky! Can cut the gods! Can slaughter the Buddha!

Similarly, General Zijin roared silently, transformed into a giant in the sky, and cut out with a single sword!

The sky is broken, the sun and the moon are bleak! The heavens and stars fall directly! This is a terrible storm that even Emperor Wu will fall!

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