Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2290: The dragon veins under Shen Danzong


I don't know how many years of standing the Wulao Peak, which has not collapsed, violently shaken one after another.

"No! Wulao Peak is about to collapse!"

Many elders of the Shendanzong were shocked, and even horrified!

The existence of Wulaofeng had already stood on this land even before Shen Danzong established a school. No one knows the origin of Wulao Peak, but only a few people know that Wulao Peak is the pillar of the heaven and earth spiritual veins where the entire Shen Dan Sect is located.

In the depths of the Shendan Sect, if someone could see the direction of the spirit veins, they would definitely exclaim, because the whole spirit veins twisted and twisted, but they were connected to each other. At first glance, they even looked like the legendary monster dragon body. !

Dragon veins! More rare than the heaven and earth spirit veins! Of course, this dragon vein under Shen Danzong is not complete, it is just beginning to take shape, tangible but not godless. But even so, it is wider than any other spiritual vein. Cultivating on this piece of heaven and earth can increase the efficiency more than five times than the outside world!

Wulaofeng, on the other hand, was like five nails, nailed to the five most vulnerable nodes of the spirit veins like a demon dragon, firmly controlling the development of the entire spirit vein.

If at this time an array master discovers the spiritual veins under the Shendanzong and observes the location of the Wulao Peak, it will definitely be horrified, because this is basically someone who uses supreme magical powers to forcibly suppress a spiritual vein and at the same time deploy an array against the sky. Fa, slowly nourishing the growth of the entire spiritual vein.

A figure rose into the sky, covered in blood, it was Li Ye.

When he looked down from a high altitude, he suddenly seemed to realize something, or perhaps, he was aware of the layout of the entire Shen Danzong's spiritual veins.

"What a big handwriting!"

There are very few people who really know about the rise of Shen Danzong, but from the layout of the Wulao Peak under him, it can be seen that the terrible existence of that year was not small. Nourish the spiritual veins with formations, and then nurture others with spiritual veins! It is definitely a shocking method.

However, such a shocking layout, because of the terrible collision between Li Ye and Qi Lan, directly tore the veil that few people knew about for thousands of years.

On the other side, Qi Lan spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person could no longer support it. The heavenly chessboard gradually shrank, but it eventually fell into Li Ye's hands.

Seeing this scene, Xun Shu's face sank, and he suddenly shouted angrily, and he was about to take back the Lingbao chessboard from Li Ye.

"Boy! Hand over the board!"

Although he knew he was not Li Ye's opponent, Li Ye and Qi Lan were also injured in the battle, so he was naturally not afraid!

But when he just wanted to make a move, he was stopped by a voice.

"Forget it, Heaven and Earth Lingbao, those who are predestined will get it. This thing has been in my hands for many years, but it has never been able to exert its true power. Perhaps it is necessary to change the owner.

Compared with Xuntu, Qi Lan was obviously more free and easy, and she gave a wry smile, but made Xuntu snorted loudly, "You are a dead brain, you still don't know how to adapt for so many years!"

Since even Qi Lan gave up, Xun Su was naturally not happy to be a villain.

But suddenly, Li Ye threw out the Lingbao chessboard and fell into the hands of Qi Lan.

"I'm sorry, I don't like taking treasures from others."

Everyone can see that this Lingbao chessboard is terrible! Once possessed, it is equivalent to the terrifying invincible legion on the chessboard, the iron-blooded division that everyone saw just now! Especially the black general, his strength is unfathomable! Emperor Wu can fight.

In addition to the ten golden armor generals and the invincible iron masters, even the treasures that the Emperor Wu would be eye-catching would return it!

It's just that some people who are familiar with Li Ye's mouth twitched slightly after hearing these words. They rolled their eyes.

However, the upper and lower elders and disciples of Shen Danzong didn't know Li Ye's past, and many people were even more moved! Some disciples even worshipped and respected!

Even Elder Sun and others nodded slightly.

Looking at the Lingbao chessboard in his hand, Qi Lan was also very surprised, but he made him look even higher at this young man who is neither humble nor arrogant but arrogant.

"No wonder they would choose you, they do have their reason."

In fact, the heartache in Li Ye's heart, he really wanted to take the Lingbao chessboard as his own. After all, fools can see that with this thing, it is equivalent to an extra killer! Even without him, just relying on this chessboard can trap Emperor Wu.

And he also saw that even though Qi Lan was controlling the Lingbao chessboard just now, he hadn't really refined it. It was equivalent to drawing a scoop by the gourd, a layman! In this way, they have all exerted such terrible power. If it is really refined, even he can't believe it, if Qi Lan has really refined the Lingbao chessboard just now, who else can beat him?

Emperor Wu? He doubted that Emperor Wu would fall into it!

At least this star sea area is absolutely invincible!

In the depths of the void, the White Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this game was set by him, but he didn't want to see an accident on either side of Li Ye and Qi Lan Xunshu.

Among the crowd, Qing Lang is also among them. If he lost to Li Ye back then, he still had all sorts of dissatisfaction and even eagerness to compete, but today he saw Li Ye and his two even both of them. Only once, after the collision of the mysterious but terrifying brother, completely dispelled all his eagerness to win.

What a joke! Compared with this kind of perversion, isn't it looking for abuse?

Although Qing Lang is arrogant, he is not stupid! And being able to be favored by the White Emperor in the first place is naturally not as simple as having outstanding talent.

"It's all gone."

An old voice came from the void, extremely majestic, but it caused many people in the Shen Danzong to change their expressions, and they did not dare to stay for a long time and left directly.

After all, the status of the White Emperor in the Shen Danzong is supreme, even more prestigious than the other martial emperors.

Wu Lao Peak gradually calmed down.

But in the Sword Palace, the atmosphere looked particularly embarrassing.

Li Ye was not there, but Bai Jingyun greeted him personally. It's just that he smiled bitterly, and these people in front of him were all supreme beings in the entire Star Sea Region.

"Where is the little guy Li Ye? Don't you want to see us?"

The King of Fire came up and asked, he couldn't hold back his hot personality.

However, as soon as he spoke, Yao Huang and Mei Huang rolled their eyes. They were changed, and now they are too lazy to come out to take care of them. After all, this matter was their fault.

Bai Huang's expression was flat, beside him, Qi Lan and Xun Shu, who looked slightly pale, were very interested, looking at the entire Sword Palace.

"Senior White Emperor, Junior Brother said that he is injured and it is not convenient to come out temporarily. Please forgive me from the seniors."

Bai Jingyun smiled bitterly.

"Is there any injury? I think this kid is deliberately hiding and not wanting to see us!"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice came from the Sword Emperor Palace, "Young Master said, no guests! Please come back, everyone."

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