Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2288: Kill the world

Sure enough, Li Ye was also taken aback when he saw the incarnations of the soldiers who had been killed just now resurrected instantly!

Just as other people thought, he couldn't be truly invincible. There were so many ants that killed elephants! After all, he is not a god, just a mortal!

But even so, it is impossible to stop his progress!

Amazing step! Step by step!

Stepping out in one step is like breaking a piece of void, even if the chessboard is a world of its own, it must be shaken again and again!


A mouthful of power like the Sanskrit sound of Buddhism came from Li Ye's mouth and turned into endless killing, instantly crushing the incarnations of the soldiers rushing up in front of him.

Regardless of whether it is a **** in the king-respecting state or a soldier commanding the king's pinnacle, in front of this sound, it is like a piece of paper, completely shattered!

With just this one, at least dozens of powerful enemies were killed!

Everyone in the Shen Danzong who looked at them couldn't help but grow their mouths!

"This is too abnormal, right?"

Even Xunshu is such a strong man, he took a breath! He knew how terrifying this Lingbao chessboard was! Regarding the cultivation base, he thinks he is better than Qi Lan, even in the entire Star Sea area, unless it is the Martial Emperor who breaks through by himself, he will not look at the Martial Emperor who breaks through the Emperor Pill!

Even so, if he were to fall into this chessboard, he would have no choice but to catch it!

Because this Lingbao chessboard is too abnormal! It is not an ordinary imperial weapon to compare.

However, when he saw Li Ye's aggressive offensive, he suddenly showed a bitter smile, and he found that he was still being calculated after all! And the person who calculated him is watching all this at this time!

He raised his head and glanced slightly, and Xun Shu couldn't help rolling his eyes. At this moment, he knew that he wouldn't have a phone call at all, so he might as well stay aside and wait for the result.

Qi Lan's body shook frantically, although the entire chessboard was self-contained, but it was also a huge consumption for the holder! Had it not been for the strength he had accumulated for countless years, it would have been impossible to achieve this step.

"This job is not easy to do."

She smiled bitterly in her heart, but Qi Lan did not give up. She appeared on the chessboard with a flash, and waved her hands, more pawns appeared, and even started to wake up in a biased way, toward Li@■@■@■@■, Ye Si killed and left!

Kill dozens of powerful enemies in one move, but looking around, more appear on the board!

"This is no longer a wheel fight! Shameless!"

Outside the Sword Palace, many of the disciples who were originally from the outside world also appeared at this time. After all, the Sword Palace was provoked and made them extremely angry. Seeing Li Ye falling on the huge chessboard in the sky, he was all worried.

Bai Jingyun couldn't wait to go up and help Li Ye, even if he could only help Li Ye block a few incarnations of chess pieces, he could at least relieve the pressure. It's a pity that no one can get close at all! There, it is like an independent piece of the world.

"Don't worry, this strength hasn't fully revealed yet, now it's only 30 to 40% of his true strength."

I don't know when, a young man appeared outside the Sword Palace, including Bai Jingyun and some elders of Shen Danzong, who did not realize how this person arrived, but he smiled mysteriously and harmlessly.

"Zuo Yujie!"

Eryun's eyes condensed, he instantly recognized the identity of this person, and couldn't help but exclaim!

The same was true for Tie Muzhen and the others. It was a big surprise to see Zuo Yujie appearing here.

In the depths of the void, a few pairs of terrifying eyes naturally noticed this uninvited guest. The Fire Emperor just wanted to speak, but he saw the White Emperor showing a thoughtful look.

"This son, is it the heir over there?"

Seeing the white emperor showing thought, the fire emperor also looked curious. Yao Huang thought of something, and exclaimed slightly, "The descendant from over there? If so, it would be a big deal! But looking at his attitude, it seems that he cares very much about Li Ye. If the rumors are good, this is not... "

"We just watch the changes and don't need to intervene! If it is, then naturally it is best. If it is not, we can't offend there."

Several people glanced at each other, and they all exchanged their heads, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Looking up at the depths of the void, Zuo Yujie showed a mysterious smile with a deep meaning.

However, his gaze fell on the fierce battle on the chessboard.

"This guy, I haven't seen him for a while, and his strength has improved so much, but compared to the old man, there is still a gap. Let me see how much you can do."

No one knew these words, and even Temujin and others who were not far away did not hear them at all.

"The gods are coming from heaven!"

The incarnations of countless soldiers were shattered, but Qi Lan suddenly roared in a low voice. In an instant, like the incarnation of a heavenly soldier, an army suddenly appeared from the sky above the chessboard. The endless killing air was enough to shock the powerful in the realm of the king!


Li Ye also roared!

The way of killing! Daofa will! Crazy release at this moment! At this time, any move is redundant, and the comparison between the two sides is the strength of the strength level!

On one side is the transformation of the gods, on the other side is the Dao Fa will, which is known as the strongest evolving under the heaven and the earth!

The collision between the two is like a comet hitting the earth. If it weren't for the complete imprisonment of the world, it would be enough to instantly destroy half of the Shen Danzong!

A figure flew out frantically, spouting blood.

"Junior Brother!"


Outside the Sword Palace, the disciples of Tianwaitian exclaimed! Because that's Li Ye!

But looking at the other side, the chessboard vomited three mouthfuls of blood, his face was extremely pale, and the whole person was shaky.

On the chessboard, that terrible army has disappeared, but only ten generals and the last black-clad general are left!

But that's it, the terrible power exuded by these eleven people even exceeded the entire army just now!

After wiping the blood on the corners of his mouth, there was no fear in Li Ye's eyes! Even compared to just now, the strong fighting spirit is stronger.

"This is the last resort. If you can crack it, today our brothers and sisters are willing to bow down."

Qi Lan sighed slightly. Even if he didn't have the confidence to control this move, he was even sure to injure or even kill a martial emperor once it was used!

You must know that Emperor Wu's existence is almost above mortals. For countless years, there has also been a demon like a demon king who killed the Emperor before he became an emperor!

But Qi Lan was confident, relying on this Lingbao chessboard to directly kill a Martial Emperor, showing how dangerous this last move was.

Before the words fell, the general made a direct movement!

Just after waking up, a terrible breath rose from the sky! As if becoming one with the entire chessboard, this continent is the world he conquered! At the same time, the ten most powerful golden generals, one by one, bloomed with terrible edges!

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