Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2284: Step into the void

Xuanzang's figure appeared in the void, but there was a trace of dissatisfaction and disappointment on his face.

Even Qi Lan shook his head again and again, "It seems that the so-called rumor, but so, it is the two of us who are troubled."

Listening to the disappointed tone of the two, Bai Jingyun showed bitterness.

Among Ye Wuming's several disciples, in terms of talent, he was indeed inferior to Jian Chen, and even after Li Ye appeared, Bai Jingyun had no choice but to bow down. But really speaking, apart from Jian Chen and Li Ye, Bai Jingyun in the entire Xinghai area, although not famous, but also has his own pride!

Less than a hundred years old, but already a half-emperor! This level of cultivation speed is one of the best among the younger generation in Xinghai Region! Unless it is Li Ye Jianchen's evildoer, who would dare that Bai Jingyun is not a genius?

But in front of the two people in front of them, even they only used one trick to make him completely defeated!

Even so, he reluctantly stood up! The face is full of fighting spirit and unyielding, even if it is about to lose! He will lose without regrets!

"The backbone is good, but unfortunately, the strength is still weak."

Seeing Bai Jingyun standing up, Xunzhu's eyes lit up. He didn't mean to deceive him, but some things, after so many years, made his hands itchy.

It's just that the fight between the two stopped because of a voice.

A hand was placed on Bai Jingyun's shoulder, and at the same time a lazy voice came, "Second brother, leave this guy to me, I will help you beat him to vent your anger!"

I don't know when, Li Ye appeared behind Bai Jingyun, and even his appearance was not noticed by the three present!

Hearing this sound, Bai Jingyun suddenly loosened his body, and then smiled bitterly. He didn't want Li Ye to cause trouble, he didn't hesitate to mislead the two terrifying enemies to think that he was Li Ye himself, but obviously, he was still shocked in the Sword Palace after all. Li Ye appeared in retreat.

Bai Jingyun did not refuse either, he was indeed not the opponent's opponent.

But Xun Shu and Qi Lan both stared!

The two looked at each other, and they all saw a touch of solemnity in each other's eyes!

"This is not easy!"

△7△7△7△7, Qi Lan's head slightly, in front of them, in this world, few people can prevent them from noticing approaching, even the Emperor Wu, they will be somewhat alert. But just now he didn't notice anything at all, and found one more person.

This alone is enough to show a touch of interest on their faces.

"No, you are also a disciple of the Sword Palace?"

The depth of Bai Jingyun obviously couldn't satisfy Xun Shu, but the appearance of Li Ye made him look forward to it.

"Don't you just want to find me?"

Looking at the two people in front of him, there was a flame in Li Ye's eyes that was difficult for outsiders to detect. His eyes were slightly narrowed, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he stepped out in one step, but it was like carrying the entire sky and roaring towards them. go with!

At that moment, whether it was Xunshu or Qilan, his complexion changed slightly!

"You are Li Ye!"

Xuntu's eyes condensed, and his tone fell suddenly.

"It doesn't seem to be too dumb to be hopeless."


Step two!

Thousands of times the momentum instantly pressed down towards the two of them, Li Ye didn't have any politeness at all, as he came up directly to start! From the moment the Sword Palace was hit, he woke up from the retreat, but he didn't think there would be a problem in the Shendanzong. There really is the kind of strong man who can break through the Sword Palace defense, and it will also alarm the White Emperor and others.

However, he did not expect that just because of his momentary laziness, he let the second senior brother Bai Jingyun replace him, withstand the opponent's attack, and then get injured!

Anyone who is familiar with Li Ye knows that he is not a good person, but he is definitely an extremely short-term person!

He can kill anyone, but absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt the people around him he cares about!

At the moment he appeared, he beat the two of them to vent their anger to Bai Jingyun, but it was not a joke!

He is really angry!

In Shendanzong, one after another!

After one, two more! Who is he?


Step three! At this moment, the ancient scriptures of Tianshengzong's most powerful inheritance technique were fully reflected!

Similarly, in the first three steps, a person with a Venerable cultivation base displayed it and Li Ye's display is completely different!

Thousand times the trend! The power of heaven and earth that can only be controlled by Emperor Wu! But in Li Ye's hands, it was even beyond the scope of a thousand times the trend at this time!

Xun Su's expression has changed! Because of such a terrifying pressure that exceeds a thousand times the general trend, even he can't easily face it!

He only saw his expression condensed, and the surging blood rushed out of his body, like a volcanic eruption, turning into a terrifying behemoth, roaring up to the sky! Want to compare with Tiangong test!

"Where did the old perverts pop up?"

The terrifying extent of the opponent's strength also surprised Li Ye a little!

Although he could see that the other party was still a half emperor, this half emperor was many times more powerful than the so-called half emperors in the Star Sea Region today! Even the few Wu Sovereigns that Li Ye had contacted were not much stronger than the one in front of him!

The most important one!

He saw a trace of Daofa will in the opponent! Although it's not complete, just aiming at this is enough to make him afraid to underestimate the enemy!


Li Ye took the fourth step!

In an instant, the space smashed into pieces, as if a black hole was formed, and everything around was attracted towards the center of the collapse. Whether it was a person or the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they were powerless to struggle in front of the collapsed void!

"This one is even more abnormal again!"

Far away, a looming look like a two or three-year-old baby, but with the shadow of the vicissitudes of life hung on his face, slightly stunned. He is the ghost emperor who was subdued by Li Ye, but now only the Yuan Ying whose vitality is badly left, he did not dare to approach the collapsed space right now, and could not help showing a touch of horror!

Seeing the ghost emperor Yuanying appearing, Bai Jingyun was not surprised. During this period, the people in the Sword Palace were all familiar with the once domineering ghost emperor, and the awe of him at the beginning is now accustomed to him.

Hearing his amazement, Bai Jingyun smiled slightly, "The talent of the younger brother is unfathomable even for the older brothers. If there are people in this world who can't be guessed by the older brothers and the seniors, then they are the same. ."

"The Sword Emperor and his apprentice are like this? That's right. This one cannot be measured by common sense at all. The Emperor has some expectations. If he enters the Nine Extremes Palace and goes to the Upper Three Realms, what will happen? Domain, for him, is still too limited!"

The Upper Three Realms, even Emperor Wu, is very yearning! Just as the major sects of Jiangnan Road were looking forward to the Southwest Star Territory, the levels of heaven and earth are simply incomparable.

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