Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2283: Mobilize the crowd

Outside the Sword Palace, two people appeared directly one after another.

"This is the Sword Palace?"

The two of them were Xun Shu and Qi Lan who had heard that Qing Lang had suffered and wanted to ask for a law for their junior.

After looking at each other, they weren't as impulsive as Qing Lang. Although they had almost always sealed themselves in dust to avoid the destiny of running out of life, they had heard of Sword Palace.

"Are you coming or me?"

Xun Su smiled slightly, and a terrible breath filled his body! He has even faintly touched the degree that Emperor Wu controls.

"You do it."

Qi Lan has never been interested in this kind of thing, and smiled slightly.

Seeing him like this, Xun Shu didn't have too many surprises. The two had known each other for so many years and knew who each other was.


The entire Sword Palace suddenly shook violently.

At this time, everyone in the Sword Palace, whether resting or practicing, all showed surprise.

"Someone is attacking the Sword Palace!"

Inside the palace, Bai Jingyun woke up from where he was practicing and went straight outside. Although he was still in the Sword Palace, he could see who was outside.

When he saw two strangers appear, one of them was waving a big hand, turning into a huge palm print on the Sword Palace, he couldn't help showing a trace of emotion!


Once again, the Sword Palace shook violently, but after all, this was the palace where Ye Wuming had personally cultivated. Unless Emperor Wu came in person, it would not be possible to break it so easily.

"Second brother, what's the matter?"

Some of the disciples of Tianwaitian are now cultivating in the Sword Emperor Palace, but the sudden change makes them a little unclear.

"Don't go out for now, I'll go out and have a look."

Now in the Sword Palace, Ye Wuming and Jian Chen are not there, and Bai Jingyun, as the second senior of everyone, is naturally responsible for the safety of the entire Sword Palace at this time. It's just that he was a little surprised. The Sword Palace is now in the Shen Danzong. Who is it that can avoid the Shen Danzong and come here to provoke?

¥%¥%¥%¥%, yes, that’s a provocation!

Outside the Sword Palace, two consecutive attempts failed to break through the Sword Palace's defensive formation, which made both Xun Shu and Qi Lan quite surprised.

"Interesting, although it has not reached the level of the imperial weapon, it is infinitely close. It should be the sword emperor who is rumored to refine it himself."

For this result, although the two were surprised, they did not have much concern.

The two of them, even within the Shen Danzong, few people knew them. In terms of seniority, they were even older than the current Yaohuang Huohuang! It's just that in order to live to the present, using a certain secret method to dust oneself, it is rare to wake up once.


A figure appeared outside the Sword Palace. When Bai Jingyun saw the two outsiders, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised! When he reached the realm of his cultivation, many times, he could intuitively feel the approximate cultivation strength of the person in front of him. But the two people in front of him made him feel like he had touched an abyss, without bottoming out.

His eyes narrowed slightly, Bai Jingyun knew that this time was not as simple as last time, and the two people in front of him were not easy to deal with.

"Huh? Half-Emperor Realm? Interesting."

When Bai Jingyun appeared, Xun Shu's face suddenly put a touch of deep meaning on his face, grinning, no nonsense, just shot!

There were no moves, just a wave of hands, it turned into a terrible roar, and the sky seemed to be overshadowed at that moment!

Bai Jingyun's pupils shrank instantly, ignoring other things, and the three Taoist rhymes were perfectly integrated with a low growl, and they also collided with it.


With just one move, Bai Jingyun was shaken back, spouting a mouthful of blood, and obviously suffered a slight injury.

On the other hand, Xun Shu didn't move, but he also showed a touch of surprise on his face, "Three Dao Yun, it's talented and savvy."

He said this as if the elders taught the juniors, but Bai Jingyun didn't dare to be careless, because just now, he was already doing his best, but looking at the other party, it was obvious that he was just casually shooting, not serious at all.

The fact is just as he thought, Xun Shu's cultivation skills are unfathomable. Just now, he did it at will.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking my Sword Palace?!"

Wei Wei held the qi and blood churning in his chest, Bai Jingyun asked in a deep voice, at the same time slightly strange in his heart, the two in front of him looked terrifyingly powerful, and he could not resist. How can such a strong person bypass the masters of Shen Danzong and come here?

If it is the powerhouse of Shen Danzong, why didn't you see the two in the previous battle?

When he asked this, he saw that both of them showed a weird smile.

One of them just started and asked, "Are you Li Ye?"

Before Bai Jingyun could answer, another person who had just started his hand slightly slightly said, "The strength is really good, no wonder it can make the junior disciple suffer, but just this is far from enough, Meihuang's vision is still so bad."

The two talked to themselves, but Bai Jingyun felt a lot of questions.

From the conversation between the other two, I can hear the relationship between them and Shen Danzong, but now Shen Danzong and Jianhuanggong can be said to be honeymoon period, why would they indulge in provocation?

"Do they want to trouble Junior Brother?"

Bai Jingyun did not deny that, at least until he figured out the situation, he would not let these two unfathomable strangers see Li Ye!

Thinking of this, Bai Jingyun's face changed, and a look of vigilance and warfare appeared on his face, "What is the matter with the two coming here?"

"It's easy, I will beat you up!"

Xun Su laughed loudly and didn't talk nonsense. He stepped forward and just started his hands. The terrifying edge couldn't even bear this world, tearing every inch, and beginning to collapse step by step!

"Take my three moves, and the previous grievances will be wiped out!"

There was a loud laughter from the void, there was no too strong hostility, but Bai Jingyun did not dare to look at it! The other party was clearly prepared, but no matter what he did, in front of the other party, he was as weak as an ant in front of a giant!

A touch of sword light rising into the sky wanted to tear this piece of cage apart, but when it touched it, it instantly turned into a sky full of light and shadow.

The strength gap between the two is too big!

They were both under Emperor Wu, but it was clear that Xun Shu and Qi Lan, who came to the Sword Palace, were only one step away, which was equivalent to stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu.

With just one move, Bai Jingyun couldn't hold it back, Dao Yun's law broke every inch, and the terrible backlash rushed directly towards him, causing him to spout a big mouthful of blood in an instant, crashing outside the Sword Palace!

And this is just the first move!

How to deal with the next two moves?

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