Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2285: I'll beat you up, don't be afraid

In a short time, the black hole formed by the collapse of the void almost swallowed everything around it frantically!

Including Xun Su himself, involuntarily trying to **** in.

This made him show a touch of horror. For countless years, even if he was Emperor Wu, he was confident that he could be entangled. However, the young man in front of him was clearly inferior to him, but it made him feel that he was facing the Emperor Wu. At that time, I have never had a deep fear!

With a roar, the terrifying power accumulated over the years turned into a huge whirlpool in an instant. From the void, a terrifying palm appeared, which instantly shattered the black hole that had been swallowed crazily and collapsed.


When the black hole erupted, the entire Shen Danzong seemed to have experienced a strong earthquake. Numerous palaces shook, the earth cracked, and even many mountain peaks seemed to collapse. The entire sky was directly stabbed out of a huge hole!

"what happened?"

"Is the disaster end? What's the matter?"

"Did the enemy invade?"

For a time, Shen Danzong, whether it was a disciple or an elder, were all alarmed! It's just that when they saw the terrifying one of the main peaks of Wulao Peak, like a huge hole in the sky, they all opened their mouths in shock!

What kind of terrible existence is it that can pierce the sky into such a terrible hole?

Many people with strong cultivation bases are heading towards Wu Lao Peak. After all, this is the most sacred place of Shen Danzong, and there should be no accidents.

Of course, this terrible riot also alarmed the Yaohuang and others on the other main peaks.

Almost instantly, several terrifying wills appeared in the depths of the void, but when they saw what had happened, they all looked stunned.

Especially Mei Huang, "Why did they come out?"

Yaohuang and Huohuang are even full of confusion. Among them, Huohuang is very hot, and immediately asked, "These two people are so powerful, although they have not yet entered the Martial Emperor, they are already close!"

Neither he nor Yao Huang knew Xun Shu and Qi Lan, but Mei Huang seemed to know one or two, with a strange look.

"In the Sword Palace! It's Nazi Li Ye! Good boy, I really don't have 4∵4∵4∵4∵ a day, so be peaceful! But these two people actually dare to be wild on my Shendanzong site, so bold! "

The fire emperor snorted, and just wanted to make a move, but was blocked by a voice.

I didn't know when, the White Emperor also appeared.

Seeing that it was him, Mei Huang was all thoughtful, no more. But Huo Huang and Yao Huang became curious, and it was obvious that the White Emperor knew the two of them.

"White Emperor, do you know these two people?"

"He is my two disciples, but you don't recognize them."

Disciple of the White Emperor!

Both the Fire Emperor and Yao Emperor were shocked, even if they didn't know how many years the White Emperor had lived. All I know is that when they were all ignorant and ignorant teenagers, the White Emperor was like this, and when they were all martial emperors for thousands of years, the White Emperor was still like this.

"Your disciple? Why have we never seen it?"

Yao Huang also looked surprised. Among the four of them, he was second only to the White Emperor in the time to live, but he had never seen these two.

"Because they have sealed themselves up a long time ago, they will wake up only once in a thousand years."


Yaohuang and Huohuang were shocked after hearing this!

In this world, no one can be eternal, even if they are precious martial emperors, their life span is almost equivalent to eternal life, but they will eventually run out! Not to mention under the emperor Wu, even if it is a half emperor, it will survive for thousands of years!

Once the lifespan is exhausted, the cultivation realm cannot break through to the next realm, which means sitting and waiting for death!

But some people, in order to live longer, do not hesitate to seal themselves in the gap of time. Although they may not live forever, they can be delayed like suspended animation for a long time!

It's just that most people don't dare to do that at all! Because even Emperor Wu didn't dare to let himself be in the gap of time for a long time easily, if there was any accident, it would definitely be the end of the soul flying away and never going beyond life.

Although the White Emperor did not explain too much, the two had guessed something.

Obviously, the two people who appeared outside the Sword Palace are much older than the two of them in terms of age! Just because it has been in the time gap for a long time, it still looks like a middle-aged person.

The only Meihuang who knew the origins of the two men turned dark. She was also one of the disciples of the White Emperor back then, and naturally knew the identity of the two. Even she felt that it shouldn't be her in the first place, but one of them, was qualified to obtain the emperor pill that exploded ghosts!


The two figures separated, Li Ye stepped on pieces of the void one after another, and even at the last moment, even the Sword Palace was shaken by him.

But on the other side, Xunshu is even worse!

Although it prevented the black hole from forming, it spewed out a mouthful of blood, which was shaken away from a distance, colliding with several peaks before stopping the body.

His face was full of horror!

He naturally knows how strong he is, which is not good, even if Emperor Wu comes, he can't stop him! It's hard to kill him!

But a generation has caused him such a big loss!

Qi Lan was even more surprised. Xunshu was even more powerful than him. He couldn't even resist it, making him suddenly feel that this time they came out, it was worth it!

"The guy is very strong, Xunshu, do you want me to help you?"

"Fart, I can solve it alone! Don't make a move!"

A figure appeared in the sky, and there was an extra sword in Li Ye's hand, bursting into starlight, as if nine stars in the sky gathered in his hand at that moment.

"You two go together! Let me go, beat you up, and relieve my second brother."

A sword shook at the two of them, instantly making Xun Shu's complexion cold, and even Qi Lan frowned slightly.

Although they took the initiative to provoke this time, their identity was meant to be a big bully, but they didn't care about those false names, but now if the two really join forces to deal with the same generation, their faces cannot be put down.

Unfortunately, Li Ye didn't give them any chance!

One sword! Stars!

The terrible sword intent turned into stars in the sky, and the stars fell!

This sword slashed out like a slaughter god! The terrifying killing intent is roaring, even the gods can slash in front of them with a single sword!

This department, whether it is Xun Shu or Qi Lan, has to force a team! Because both of them discovered that if they were alone, they couldn't stop the power of this sword at all!

But even if they joined forces, the two of them spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time, and they were both knocked out with a sigh.

This scene was seen by almost the entire Shen Danzong! In the void, Yao Huang and Huo Huang were stunned! Mei Huang smiled bitterly, while Bai Huang shook his head slightly.

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