Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2273: Admirer of the saint

The arrival of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint can be said to make many young disciples of Shen Danzong feel excited.

Especially some core disciples and even true disciples, unlike ordinary disciples, they are also the best among the four-tier sect, they are more confident.

Among them, there are many geniuses who have reached the realm of the king, wanting to see the saintly grace.

However, when they saw who was accompanying the saint, all of them looked like frosted eggplants, one by one withered.

"It's Brother Yeun under the seat of Lord Mei Huang!"

"I heard that Brother Yeyun is now at the pinnacle state of the king, and he could cultivate to this state before he was a hundred years old. Shen Danzong is one of the few in history!"

"No wonder Master Meihuang can be accepted as a direct disciple, it can't be compared."

The original Yiyun was a true disciple in the sect, but compared with other true disciples, the advantage was not big. But now it's completely different. As a disciple of Emperor Wu, even if the elders have to be courteous, the ordinary disciple is half a head short in front of him.

Some people who saw the little ambition of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint were also daunted.

No way, Ye Yun is now in the Shen Danzong, it can be described as smooth sailing, if not because of the existence of Li Ye, she is definitely the hot chief disciple of the entire Shen Danzong today.

Some people retreat when they know the difficulties, but others rise up.

"Junior Brother, I haven't seen you for many days, my cultivation level has improved!"

A voice sounded, and only a young man with a smile was seen, his body surrounded by three-color light, his five-color breath was constantly vomiting, and the appearance of a powerful aura made many people who were watching from a distance couldn't help taking a breath.

"Isn't that Senior Brother Qing Lang under the seat of the White Emperor? He has left?"

Qing Lang!

Seeing the seemingly casual young man blocking the way, Yeoyun's expression changed slightly.

Although there are not many disciples of Emperor Wu in the entire Shen Danzong, there are still so few. In addition to a few years old patriarchs, all day long retreat, the younger generation, in addition to the black smoke Xunyu before, there are also a few people in the Shendanzong, known as the most likely to become the next Martial Emperor Candidates.

Qing Lang is one of them!

"Brother is out?"

In the previous battle, many people in the Shendanzong did not participate, because many people were in retreat. Unless the sect was broken and destroyed, they would not easily leave.

Among them, Qing Lang, as a direct disciple of the White Emperor, was also practicing in retreat before.

Not long ago, it had just left customs.

Seeing Qing Lang's almost undisguised aura blooming, Ye Yun's expression changed slightly.

"Sanhua gathers the five spirits, brother Qing Lang is already the king of great perfection! It can be called a half-emperor!"

Many disciples slightly exclaimed that, compared to the disciples of Yoryun's generation, Qing Lang was actually much older, but he was still counted in the same generation.

"Brother Qing Lang, he was the only genius in the entire sect who had broken through the fourteenth floor of the Tower of Trial before he was forty years old. If he hadn't always wanted to hit a higher realm, he could even be the same as Yun Jiayun. Thousand days compete for the name of the first youngest in Xinghai!"

Seeing Qing Lang, many disciples of the Shen Danzong showed a strange look.

"Just left." Nodding slightly, Qing Lang's gaze fell on the Heavenly Phoenix sage on one side, and she couldn't help revealing a stunning color. Although the cover was quick, it was still seen through.

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart. Seeing the change in Qing Lang's expression, Ye Yun knew what he was thinking.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

Any genius is aloof and conceited.

In the Shen Danzong, Qing Lang has always had the title of the first person in the younger generation, and even the Bai Huang did not hesitate to come out in person and recruit him as a direct disciple.

Normal women would naturally not be in his eyes, but Heavenly Phoenix Saintess was different.

"Who is this?"

Asking knowingly!

Many people whispered secretly in their hearts, but unfortunately no one dared to show it.

Not to mention ordinary disciples, even core disciples or even true disciples, can only shrink their heads in front of Qing Lang.

"Brother, this is the Heavenly Phoenix Saint from Tianxiang Pavilion."

Although he knew that Qing Lang was asking about it knowingly, Ye Yun still started to explain.

However, Qing Lang's gaze completely ignored him, and a gentle smile appeared on his face, like a spring breeze, elegant and extraordinary, even at this moment, like a turbid son, polite, attracting both Shen Danzong and not young disciples. Obsessed.

Qing Lang's eyes lit up, although he had guessed before, after all, he did not know what happened during this period. For the past five years, he has been in retreat and has just ended.

At this moment, the smile on his face became even brighter!

"It turned out to be Junior Sister Tianfeng."

When she opened her mouth, she was the younger sister. Many people couldn't help but get goose bumps when they heard it, and Yeon Yun smiled embarrassingly, because Heavenly Phoenix Saint was looking at him with a very subtle look.

"Brother, the Heavenly Phoenix sage is here this time for the main event and Tianxiang Pavilion."

Subtext, if you want to pick up girls, you have to look at the atmosphere. Is it time for you to pick up girls?

He wanted to let Qing Lang retreat in the face of difficulties, but Qing Lang seemed to have never heard it at all. He was more enthusiastic than before, and even waved to You Yun, "Master, cultivation is not easy, don't miss the great time, Tianfeng Senior sister and brother will entertain you on your behalf, so go back."

When Yeoyun heard it, she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly heard the Heavenly Phoenix saint speaking coldly.

"Sorry, please get away."

There was a hint of chill in his voice that made people thousands of miles away, even if Qing Lang had already cultivated to the state of transformation, he couldn't help but shudder all over.

"Sister Tianfeng, brother..."

"Step aside!"

Compared to just now, it is clear that the voice of Saint Heavenly Phoenix is ​​even more chilly at this time! Especially a dazzling ray of will in his eyes made Qing Lang couldn’t help backing back again and again. At that moment, he even felt that he was not facing a peerless beauty who was charming and charming, but a terrifying head. Incomparable wild beast!

When he reacted, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had already left, and Eryun smiled bitterly.

The temper of Heavenly Phoenix Saintess was clear to the entire Star Sea area, except for Li Ye, almost no one had ever seen her smile at anyone.

As for Qing Lang, his complexion is ashen! He gritted his teeth, as if not giving up, and chased him up.

The other disciples looked at each other face to face.

"Where are the directions for Saint Tianfeng and Brother Yeyun?"

"That's right there! It seems that the rumors are true! But Senior Brother Qing Lang has also gone, it seems that something big is going to happen!"

A disciple who reacted quickly trembled, as if thinking of something, suddenly exclaimed!

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