Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2274: Sword Palace

Wulaofeng, whether there are any mountains in total, no one knows when Wulaofeng stood in this world, but every disciple of Shendanzong knows that any mountain on Wulaofeng is invincible in the world. Emperor Wu's palace cave mansion.

Of course, today's Wulao Peak, because of the departure of Emperor Qing Emperor Dan, one of the peaks was directly vacant.

And this vacant mountain peak is now in the Shen Danzong, belonging to a very delicate place.

Ye Yun and the Heavenly Phoenix sage climbed this mountain at this time. The palace that originally belonged to the Qing emperor Danshang had long been removed, and replaced by a sword palace, which looked like a peerless one from a distance. The sword, the terrifying sword intent, makes all the people who climb the mountain immersive, as if standing in front of their own eyes, like a peerless swordsman.

"Sword Palace!"

On the lofty palace, when they saw the plaque made of purple gold, no one could help but take a deep breath.

Regarding the changes here, Yi Yun knew well, or in other words, it was the result of the tacit consent of the four Martial Emperors of Shen Danzong.

However, Qing Lang, who had just left the customs, had a stunned expression. He looked at the completely strange Sword Palace in front of him, and almost couldn't believe his eyes!

"Sword Palace? How could it be the Sword Palace? Isn't this the Qing Palace of Lord Qing Emperor Dan Shang?!"

Seeing the completely strange palace, Qing Lang couldn't help but speak out.

Many disciples of Shen Danzong who came with a few people twitched their mouths slightly after hearing the words. Qing Lang did not participate in the shocking battle outside Shen Danzong. It is either a retreat or a war of fear. , It doesn't matter now.

But obviously, he didn't know about several major events that happened in Shen Danzong in recent years.

Suddenly, a core disciple explained slightly, "Brother Qing Lang, Emperor Qing has left the sect and has taken refuge in the Yun family. Now he is the Hakka Emperor Wu of the Yun family!"


Qing Lang's eyes widened, and he even forgot that he was chasing the Heavenly Phoenix Saint. If it hadn't been for his constant concentration over the years, he almost screamed!

Emperor Wu ran away? Also took refuge in the Yun family, the rival of Shen Danzong?

What happened to the outside world after he was in retreat for several years?

"Then what is going on with this sword palace?"

Although he inherited from the line of the White Emperor, Qing Lang actually has a strong relationship with the line of the Qing Emperor of Danshang. Most of the other disciples knew this well, and seeing him like this was a normal reaction.

"Brother Qing Lang's great-grandfather is rumored to have been out of the same door with the Qing emperor Danshang, and the friendship is very deep. If the White Emperor hadn't come forward in person, Senior Brother Qing Lang would probably worship the Danshang Qing emperor."

"Hey, it's fortunate that he didn't worship Danshang and Qinghuangmen, otherwise there would be no face to stand here now!"

Although many disciples were afraid of Ching Lang’s identity and strength, the Qing emperor Dan Shang left at the most critical time of the Shen Dan Sect and joined the camp of his rival, the Yun family. In turn, the other Shen Dan Zong made many of them regarded him as an idol. The disciples of the gods are all spurned.

Although they lowered their voices, Qing Lang's ears were so superb. Upon hearing this, his face suddenly turned black!

It's just that under the eyes of everyone, he is naturally not good at seizures and snorted.

"Hmph, there must be something hidden behind the Qing Emperor Danshang's departure. I believe that sooner or later the Emperor Danshang Qing will return! Who is it, so daring, that he built a palace here! It's so arrogant and he claims to be a sword. The palace!"

This sound seemed to be venting, and it seemed to be intentional. The sound came from far and directly into the palace.

The other disciples of Shen Danzong looked weird.

Who is in the Sword Palace, and now the entire Shen Danzong, who doesn't know? That is to say, people like Qing Lang who have just come out of retreat will realize afterwards.

Even Yeoyun had a weird expression, but he was thinking about the same door as Qing Lang, and he carefully reminded him, lowering his voice, "Brother, now this Sword Palace is refined by Master Sword Emperor, don't offend!"

Sword Emperor, now the entire Xinghai area, that is, one person has this name.

Sword Emperor, Ye Wuming! Although it is rumored that the sword emperor Ye Wuming wants to rebuild Tianwaitian and restore the glory of the Wannian sect, he has already left the Shendanzong, but the Shendanzong is still here and built a sword palace with a simple purpose, that is, he wants to win over the sword king. And his disciples!

There is a double emperor, even if there are not many disciples of Tianwaitian now, but for a double emperor, who would dare to look down upon the entire Star Sea?

Not to mention, there is another even more terrifying, the imperial emperor almost killed the enchanting evildoer!

When the time comes, a sect with three emperors will be enough to compete with a four-tier sect like Shen Danzong!

"Sword Emperor? What Sword Emperor?"

Only Emperor Wu can be called emperor! Even the emperor of a huge power in the secular world is not eligible!

However, the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess wrinkled her eyebrows. Obviously, she didn't have any good feelings for Qing Lang, a follower suitor, and even a little disgusted. After seeing the Sword Palace, she suddenly revealed a slight surprise, and quickly walked towards the front of the Sword Palace.

"Who? Stop!"

Outside the Sword Palace, a majestic voice came, and at the same time a gentle force prevented the Saint Heavenly Phoenix from approaching.

Qing Lang, who had been very cold towards the Sword Palace, saw that the person he admired was blocked, and suddenly the center of his eyes flashed and he snorted!

The half-emperor aura rolled out, turned into an angry sea dragon, an eternal beast, and hit the Sword Palace!

With this terrible aura, even Yi Yun's complexion changed slightly, and the other disciples of Shen Danzong were even more shocked.

"Brother Qing Lang is worthy of being the first genius of the sect. If Emperor Wu does not come out, he is already invincible!"

Some disciples couldn't help but marvel, and even today's Qing Lang is slightly self-satisfied, and now he is even confident that, except for a few elders and elders Yuyun, the entire Shen Danzong, he is not afraid of anyone!

"Where's the sword palace, dare to be wild in the Shendan Sect!"

Although the Saintess of Heavenly Phoenix is ​​not a disciple of the Shen Danzong, Qing Lang will not waste the opportunity to show off in front of her beautiful woman. With a big hand, the majestic and terrifying palm print is directly pressed towards the Sword Palace!

"Brother! No!"

As soon as Qing Lang moved his hands, Ye Yun cried out that it was broken! Although Ye Wuming is not present in the Sword Palace, and it is still unknown whether Jianchen still retains it, the Sword Palace’s status in Shendanzong is very special now, just like the country of China, let alone a disciple, even an elder or even Bai The emperor and other four martial emperors came, and they didn't dare to enter without consent easily!

Qing Lang's move is undoubtedly a big taboo!


Outside the Sword Palace, a light golden light curtain appeared directly, which instantly shattered Qing Lang's palm prints, and at the same time a terrifying force rushed into Qing Lang's body, and instantly shook his whole person out!

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