Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2269: Xinghai domain, chaos

A catastrophe that swept across the entire Shen Danzong, now can be regarded as turned over.

But the entire star sea area is not so peaceful!

"The Southern Emperor has fallen!"

"The last two Wuhuang ancestors of the four major families have fallen one after another!"

The entire star sea is shaking!

The four major families have been passed down for thousands of years, and have had their peaks and decays! But no matter what, before the Northern Emperor and Southern Emperor were seated, the four big families were as stable as Mount Tai, firmly occupying the position of one of the top ten giants in the Xinghai Region.

But suddenly it's different!

The biggest backers and reliances of the four families, the Northern Emperor and Southern Emperor have fallen! Among them, the Southern Emperor was attacked and killed by a disciple of Shen Danzong in full view! Even the emperor pill was taken away!

The entire Xinghai region was in an uproar! In addition, the four big families came out for revenge, and at least 60% of the masters died before the Shendanzong Mountain Gate. All of a sudden, their vitality was greatly injured. In a short time, the four big families that were once behemoths became countless. The fat sheep peeping in the eyes of the forces!

The four major families were all lifeless. In just one day, many of the industries belonging to the four major families were occupied by unknown persons. Who dares to change the previous four big families? Even if someone dares, with the temperament of the four big families, they will go straight to the door! Destroy everyone!

But now, the four big families are almost huddled in their ancestral land, and they dare not come out at all. They watch a lot of sites and properties that are occupied by others.

Of course, there were other sects that besieged Shen Danzong at that time, but they were not as miserable as the four major families.

Among them, the Tianyang Sect was also one of them. As soon as the news of the fall of Qingyan Wuhuang emperor came out, almost the entire Tianyang Sect fell apart in a blink of an eye. Before the enemy could hit the door, the Tianyang Sect was strife and split overnight. There are several factions, and there are constant disputes.

The once powerful Tianyang Sect instantly fell into the ranks of the third-rate sects, even those sects that were trembling in front of the Tianyang Sect, dare to jump out at this moment to dig a piece of meat!

At the same time, the ghost door has changed tremendously.

Although the ghost emperor has not fallen, but he has submitted to Li Ye! Although many people were dubious after the news came out, another martial emperor who had been silent for countless years soon appeared in the ghost gate. He was even higher than the ghost emperor. He directly called the ghost emperor of the new generation of ghost emperor and rules the whole ghost. door!

The Dugu Family, Eagle Gate, and other forces that had feuded Li Ye or Shen Danzong before, now all have their tails in their hands.

The battle of Shen Danzong had too much influence!

Two martial emperors fell, one martial emperor was half-handed and was subdued, and hundreds of masters died tragically.

For thousands of years, there has never been such a scene of corpses all over the country.

"too frightening!"

Some people who survived even spread everything that happened at that time, and soon changed their taste.

"Shen Danzong, you can't mess with it now!"

"Yeah, the Yun family is deliberate, and even the four major families and Tianyang Sect have caught up, but they have failed miserably! It seems that the future Xinghai Region will completely change the pattern! Respect the Shen Danzong!"

"It's hard to say that the Yun Family is still there. As long as he is still there, Shen Danzong will be very difficult to challenge, but after this battle, the Yun Family can no longer suppress the rise of Shen Danzong!"

"Suppress? The Shen Danzong may decide whether to find the Yun family to settle the account! Now, although the Shen Danzong has left for a Dan Shang Qing emperor, there has been a peerless evildoer who will kill the emperor before he becomes an emperor. This is so terrible before he becomes an emperor. , Once you become an emperor?"

Today, the entire Star Sea area is full of rumors about Li Yewei becoming the emperor and cutting the emperor first. Although not many people believe it, word of mouth coupled with the silence of the Yun Family and other forces has made more and more people doubtful.

Such an enchanting evildoer, who can compare to that person a thousand years ago?

Who knows what will happen after a few years, ten years from now?

"It's difficult? Not to talk about the Yun family, there are still four Wu Huang, and now the Danshang Qing emperor has also become the guest of the Yun family, the Wu Huang peak level, Shen Danzong can't compare."

"Not comparable? Didn't it mean that the sword emperor in the rumors was in the Shen Danzong? And the sword emperor was the master of the enchanting Li Ye! In addition, the first disciples of the sword emperor are now in the realm of the emperor, which is equivalent to saying that they The three masters and apprentices are equivalent to three martial emperors, not to say that Shen Danzong is even more terrifying than before? It is equivalent to seven martial emperors! The entire Star Sea Region, except for the Yun family, no one can match!"

Many people took a sigh of relief. Some sects, especially those who were originally close to Shen Danzong, were a little surprised, but they were more worried about the conflicts with Shen Danzong.

"But isn't the sword emperor rumored to be one of the exterminated ancient sect Tianwaitian seven elders? It is impossible to join the Shendanzong? It will eventually rebuild Tianwaitian, and then Shendanzong can't refuse it?"

"Indeed, but the Shen Danzong has Li Ye as an evil evildoer. In the future, the Shen Danzong and Tian Waitian will have a good relationship. The two will form an alliance, even if they can't shake the status of the Yun Family, at least, it also threatens the Yun Family!"

For a time, opinions were divergent, and Li Ye became the most talked about among the population.

At the same time, Sword Emperor Ye Wuming and Jian Chen both became well-known figures in Xinghai Region. No way, the two martial emperors are not famous.

There was no movement in the Yun family, as if it had died down.

This is true even for the Yun family, and even more so for several other schools!

When everyone saw it, there were even more speculations.

Even with that, Tianxiang Pavilion has also changed!

"Pavilion Master!"

Tianxiang Pavilion, Fairy Island.

Dressed in palace attire, Emperor Zhen, who looked like the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, naturally got the news, and because of this, she directly summoned the other three martial emperors of Tianxiang Pavilion.

In addition to Emperor Zhen, the other three martial emperors, two of whom are silver-haired old women, are still above Emperor Zhen in terms of seniority, and can be regarded as the generation of Emperor Zhen.

The other one, who seems to be in his thirties and less than forty years, still has the charm, but his eyebrows are three points similar to Emperor Zhen. He is the master of the Tianxiang Pavilion of the previous generation, the master of Emperor Zhen.

Tianxiang Pavilion can stand with Shen Danzong and Yun Family because of the four people present.

"The old lady has already heard what happened to Shen Danzong."

The first to speak was one of the two silver-haired old women. Her pair of looking old-eyed and dim-eyed eyes faintly revealed a hint of sharpness, "Pavilion Master does not need to worry, the old woman has already understood the matter, what does the Pavilion Master offer? , You can tell."

"Uncle Shi, the emperor wants to let Feng'er go to the Shendanzong on behalf of me."

Emperor Zhen made this decision after careful consideration, but the three people in front of him were all slightly surprised.

"Pavilion Master really decided?"

Emperor Zhen smiled bitterly. It was obvious that she had also experienced fierce ideological struggle, but she nodded.

"In that case, I hope that the decision of the pavilion master is correct." A long sigh, after all, this choice has too much influence on Tianxiang Pavilion.

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