Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2270: The birth of the Jiuji Temple

The dark tide surging across the entire Star Sea Region, and a battle in front of Shen Danzong Mountain's gate was enough to deter many ambitious people in a short time.

Even the Yun family, known as the first family of Xinghai, is silent now, and other sects will not jump up and down at this knot.

The point is that another huge storm sweeping the entire Star Sea is about to arrive.

"The Nine Extremes Palace is about to open!"

I don't know where the sound appeared, but it soon spread throughout the star sea area.

Jiuji Palace!

This name may not have been heard by ordinary little sects, even if it has been heard, it is impossible to be qualified to contact it. However, all sects that have reached the fifth rank or higher, or some ancient inheritance of the family's hidden Sejongmen, are deeply moved after hearing the three characters of the Nine Extremes Palace!

Even if it is the Yun family!

"The Nine Extremes Palace is out and the Three Realms open. It's time again."

I don't know how many hidden old monsters, or some strong men who have lived for a long time, wake up from the dark depths after hearing this.

"The last time the Nine-Jiji Palace appeared, how many geniuses turned into a pile of loess, and how many tyrannical generations died with hatred. I don't know what will happen this time?"

"Nine Extremes Palace, the road to the sky! It's just that on this road to the sky, how many people can reach the end? Instead of turning into the bones of the road to the sky."

Nine Extremes Palace, anyone who knows the existence of Nine Extremes Palace knows one thing!

Yunteng Continent, the Three Realms and Nine Regions, what they are now in is just the Star Sea Region in the Lower Nine Regions! If you want to lead to the upper three realms, even the Emperor Wu doesn't have the confidence to cross the realm!

But as soon as the Nine Extremes Palace came out, the gate of the Upper Three Realms opened. Only at this time, the talents of the Lower Nine Realms could hope to pass to the legendary Upper Three Realms, which was as unattainable as a fairyland.

It is precisely because the Nine Extremes Palace is about to be born, everyone's attention is diverted from Shen Danzong and from Li Ye.

After all, no matter how enchanting Li Ye was, Shen Danzong became famous in the first battle, and even Jian Chen, in the Nine Extremes Palace, became insignificant in front of the hope of entering the upper three realms.

Upper Three Realms! Even Emperor Wu, longing for it! What's more, the juniors below?

"It is rumored that in the upper three realms, heaven and earth are so full of aura, like a fairyland!"

"It's not just a fairyland. It is rumored that anyone in the upper three realms can slaughter any of the lower nine realms. It is invincible! All kinds of magic weapons, peerless exercises, and fairy mountains are everywhere! There is the holy land that cultivators dream of Only when you get there, you will have the opportunity to touch the Supreme Avenue, and it is no longer a dream to even set foot on the realm of Martial Emperor!"

"I heard from the elders of the sect that in the Upper Three Realms, Emperor Wu is not the most powerful existence, and there is a great emperor above the Emperor! There are even more terrifying existences that I can hardly imagine."

The entire Xinghai area fell into a frenzy because of the news of the birth of the Nine Extremes Palace.

Shen Danzong.

Since that battle, Shen Danzong has gradually recovered from the top and bottom, and many collapsed palaces have once again risen from the ground.

The news of the birth of the Nine Extremes Palace naturally also spread to Shen Danzong.

"Sure enough, the Nine Extremes Palace is going to be born recently."

"Counting days, it's the same, but this time, I don't know who can succeed."

As soon as the Qing emperor left on Dan, now in the Shen Danzong, the White Emperor is naturally still respected, but Mei Huang faintly has the momentum to sit on an equal footing with the White Emperor, directly overwhelming the Fire Emperor and Yao Emperor.

Everyone knows what this is because of this, but even the White Emperor chose the default in this regard.

"Emperor Mei, this time the sect is still the same as last time. Choose a few suitable disciples to try. Don't force it."

Every time the Nine-Julus Palace is born, the major sects will allow some younger disciples to go there, regardless of success or failure, at least not that sect will be willing to give up this opportunity.

"Choose from true disciples and you and me personal disciples."

Mei Huang nodded, and then looked slightly weird.

Seeing her like this, the White Emperor naturally understood what she was thinking, and shook his head slightly, "Tell Li Ye the news, we don't need to worry about the others."

Today's Li Ye has a very special status in the Shen Danzong.

Mei Huang's disciple, Zongmen elder, can almost sit on the same level as the four Wu Huangs.

In the entire Shendanzong's thousands of years of history, perhaps no one has achieved such an honor. Li Ye can be said to be the first person in the Shendanzong history.

But no one will disagree or even oppose this decision, because that battle has already proved everything.

In just half a month, with the fame of World War I, the entire Xinghai region knew Li Ye's name.

Before becoming an emperor, behead the emperor first! Although the emperor was not completely slashed, the forced ghost emperor to submit has already been secretly publicized. Although most people sneered, but with the amazing changes in the ghost door, it seems to make many people more and more curious.

"Nine Extremes Palace?"

Naturally, Li Ye got the news. He obviously didn't know much about the Nine Extremes Palace.

Even Jian Chen, who has now become Emperor Wu, doesn't know much.

Ye Wuming was still in retreat, and Li Ye naturally found the person in the Shendanzong who had a better relationship with him, and asked about the Nine-Ji Palace.

"You don't know yet?"

"I won't ask you if I know it. What's the situation in this nine-pole palace?"

The look of surprise on Eryun's face disappeared, and he didn't sell it. Instead, he told what he knew, "Actually, I just heard from Master not long ago."

From Er Yun's mouth, Li Ye slightly understood that the so-called Nine-Zodiac Palace is the day when the gates of the upper three realms and the lower nine regions are opened once in a hundred years. Once opened, it is not only on the Star Sea region, but the lower nine regions. The other eight domains will also be opened.

"So, as soon as the Nine Extremes Palace is born, people from the Lower Nine Realms can go to the Upper Three Realms?"

In the Upper Three Realms, Li Ye's eyes flashed, that was his unavoidable fate!

"Go?" Eryun smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, "Li Ye, there are only a few people who are truly qualified to go to the Upper Three Realms. Although the Nine Extremes Palace is born, everyone can go, but they really enter the Upper Three Realms through the Nine Extremes Palace. Yes, there won't be too many people every time."

There is one sentence that Yiyun did not say, that is, there have been several births of the Nine Extremes Palace in the Xinghai Region, but no one has successfully made it to the Upper Three Realms! This is an unspeakable shame!

It is called the weakest domain of the Nine Domains for this reason.

A few days later, Ye Wuming left the customs!

Judging from the face, although this retreat was not ideal, it was not bad either. Coupled with the ruddy faces of the two masters, even Li Ye couldn't help but speculate maliciously. What exactly did this so-called retreat to the outside world do? (www..)

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