Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2268: From horror to adoration

up to you?

The meaning of Jian Chen's words is too deep. For a while, the elders of the Shen Danzong all have different expressions.

Today's Li Ye, to Shen Danzong, is no longer a simple ordinary talented junior genius.

Just kidding, have you ever seen a junior who can force Emperor Wu to run away, or even force him to surrender?

What's more, Li Ye is alone!

Count the people around Li Ye.

Temujin, a terrifying genius of ancient blood, is directly a follower! A compelling Shen Danzong, many core disciples, A Fei, whose true disciples evaded the battle and dare not accept the challenge, is also an entourage!

Plus the two people standing behind Li Ye now!

Sword Emperor Ye Wuming! There is also the sword morning of the emperor Wu, who has just been promoted to the emperor, one man and the emperor, hurting the Northern Emperor, the Dugu Emperor and the Eagle Emperor, who have become famous for not knowing how many years!

Even if he is an idiot, he dare not look at Li Ye with the look of ordinary juniors at this moment.

The White Emperor suddenly discovered that his decision was not wrong!

A pair of eyes, one after another, all fell on Li Ye.

Even Bai Huang and others are slightly hot!

Li Ye now is too difficult to treat simply. Even the White Emperor did not dare to put pressure on Li Ye as a predecessor. Instead, he directly used an equal tone and said, "Li Ye, the disaster of the sect today, you are the first contributor, as long as you speak , The emperor can promise you any request!"

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of the upper and lower disciples of Shen Danzong changed drastically!

Any request! And the White Emperor personally promised!

This honor has never been enjoyed by Elder Yuyun for so many years of hard work!

But the White Emperor's promise, even the Fire Emperor and Yao Emperor on one side nodded slightly and smiled, "Indeed, today Li Ye deserves his first merit."

The Emperor Huo even laughed and said, "According to the emperor, Li Ye's current strength is a bit wronged even if he is directly an elder. Why not give Li Ye the position of Emperor Qing directly?"

If the White Emperor’s promise made everyone almost fainted, then when the Fire Emperor’s words came out, even the elder Yuyun and the others were almost blacked out, almost unable to believe their ears.

Replace Dan Shang Qing Emperor's position?

Not to mention that Li Ye should be equal to several Wuhuang emperors? Above the entire Shen Danzong, even the elders have to bow down when they see him?

Let alone disciples, many elders have their mouths open. They wanted to speak out against it, but suddenly they felt that there was no reason to object.

How to object?

An unborn emperor who almost slaughtered the emperor Wu, a demon who was a backer with two emperors standing behind him, indeed has this qualification!

And everyone knew that Li Ye had won an emperor pill in the secret realm. As long as he wanted to, he could attack the Emperor Wu at any time. It was only a matter of time.

Yao Huang smiled without saying a word, and obviously didn't object to it. He usually had a bad relationship with Huo Huang, but now he nodded rare.

Not to mention Mei Huang, Li Ye is well developed, for her there is only good and no harm. She is not a small belly chicken intestine like the Emperor Dan Shang Qing, she can't see others better.

Several Wu Huang acquiesced, this time, even if a few elders were dissatisfied, they did not dare to speak out against it.

And the point is, they also noticed that Bai Huang and others were deliberately wooing Li Ye! Don't say objection, if people say yes or not, it is still unknown!

Sure enough, Li Ye showed a slight hesitation. He was not greedy, but knew that he could not stay in the Shen Danzong, Heavenly Sword Sect for a long time, Tianwaitian plus the Shen Danzong in front of him, it was just his way of martial arts. Of passing.

"This, isn't it good?"

Seeing Li Ye embarrassed, although some of the disciples were jealous, no one dared to speak.

"Li Ye, you don't need to refuse. With the strength you just demonstrated, you have reached the same level as the Emperor Wu, and with your talent, it is only a matter of time before you become the Emperor."

Bai Huang smiled slightly, just as some people guessed, he was wooing Li Ye! Today's Li Ye is no longer the shelter of Shen Danzong, but the object that Shen Danzong needs to win!

Yunteng Continent is very realistic. Many strong people can't stay in some weak schools, and the white emperor has a vicious eye. He saw that Li Ye must not be in the pool in the future, and one day he will fly! Rather than sticking it eagerly when the time comes, it is better to lay a solid foundation in advance to build a good relationship while Li Ye has not yet taken off.

This sale is a good deal no matter how you look at it. No harm to Shen Danzong.

"This, it's still wrong. After all, the disciple is not Emperor Wu. It would be gossip to directly replace Dan Shang Qing Emperor's original position."

After all, Li Ye refused. He knew very well that there is no free lunch in the world.

Although Li Ye refused to disappoint the Bai Huang and the others, Li Ye's disciple sentence also made them feel relieved. At least Li Ye admitted that he was a disciple of the Shen Danzong. Although he did not achieve the best goal, he was still considered as a disciple. Fortunately in misfortune.

"Well, since you are unwilling, you can't force it. But from now on, you can directly use any of the Shen Danzong exercises and magic weapons, without me waiting to know. In addition, you will become the elder of the sect from today. Don't refuse, after all, many true disciples are also elders."

In this way, Li Ye was really not good at rejecting it, so he could only nod his head as an agreement.

As for the upper and lower Shendanzong, although this time the death and injury were heavy, it has not yet hurt the roots. Most of the elders and core disciples of the true disciples have survived. This is also thanks to Jian Chen's timely appearance, otherwise at least half of the people would die in the hands of the Northern Emperor.

Regarding the change of Li Ye's identity, the entire Shen Danzong had no objections.

That battle shocked everyone! Even the most proud of the five bodies admired Li Ye!

Kill the emperor before you become an emperor! Although Li Ye hadn't been as defying and as simple as the devil back then, it was almost infinitely close!

Even many disciples have regarded Li Ye as an existence comparable to the Bai Huang and others, and worshipped! Some elders also acquiesced, after all, as long as Li Ye agrees, he can justifiably get this honor!

Some disciples even regarded Li Ye as an idol. After changing the awkward position of Li Ye in the Shendanzong before, he became the object of worship by countless disciples overnight. Perhaps this was something that many people had never thought of before.

Regarding this, Li Ye smiled bitterly. Although he was a little surprised at first, he was relieved soon, or that his mind shifted to another place.

Cyan Yumen! For some reason, when he touched the blue jade gate, he would have an illusion of deja vu.

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