Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2271: Rebuild the sky

"Nine Extremes Palace."

After leaving the customs, Ye Wuming met Li Ye alone.

Upon learning the news of the birth of the Nine Extremes Palace, Ye Wuming showed a slight expression of indescribable expression on his face.

"Master, to enter the Upper Three Realms, do you really have to rely on the Nine Extremes Palace?"

Although I inquired about the origins of the Nine Extremes Palace, even a four-tier sect such as Shen Danzong had unclear words. I didn't know if I didn't know much, or there were some things I couldn't say.

Since I couldn't find out, it actually aroused Li Ye's curiosity.

"It is not true. It is said that in the Primordial Era, the Yunteng Continent was not divided into three realms and nine regions, but a complete continent, but what happened afterwards was unquestioned. The only thing we know is that it has been divided into three realms and nine regions. It is in one of the lower nine domains."

Ye Wuming sighed slightly and said again, “If you want to cross the lower nine realms and go to the upper three realms, you can only cross the sea of ​​death that divides the three realms and the nine realms. It’s just that in ten thousand years, I’ve never heard of anyone successfully breaking through. Pass, reach the upper three realms."

"The Sea of ​​Death?"

"The sea of ​​death is rumored to be the land of death formed by the Yunteng Continent since the ancient times broke down. Even as a teacher, you don’t have much confidence to get through. So if the Nine Extremes Palace is born, if you want to go to the Upper Three Realms , It is indeed an opportunity."

Upon hearing this, Li Ye knew what Ye Wuming meant, and apparently supported him in going to the Nine Extremes Palace to challenge him.

Although he was even more curious about what the Sea of ​​Death was, in his mind, Heavenly Sword Great’s warning rang out, "You stupid boy, going to the Sea of ​​Death is just adding an undead. Don’t mention it. It's you, Emperor Wu wants to wade through the sea of ​​death is a life of nine deaths."

Even the Great Emperor of Heaven Sword warned like this, which shows how terrifying the sea of ​​death is.

Although there is a lot of rumors from the outside world, it is still some time before the nine-pole palace is actually born.

But at this moment, the entire star sea area shook again because of a news.

"I heard that the ancient sect that was destroyed before Tianwaitian has been restored!"

Tianwaitian rebuilt the sect, and the news spread across the entire star sea instantly like a hurricane. Anyone who heard the news couldn't help showing surprise.

"It was actually restored. Could it be that Shen Danzong was behind it?"

"At the beginning, Tianwaitian was destroyed by the Tianyangzong and several fifth-grade sects. I didn’t expect that after a long time, someone would stand up and rebuild the sect. On the other hand, the big sects that attacked Tianwaitian, Tianyangzong is now Fragmented!"

Countless people were amazed, but no one dared to jump out to stop it.

The reason is very simple. Even some ancient sects and giants chose silence.

Even before, some of the three religions and nine currents, who occupied the power of the Tianzong Gate in the outer world, all fled in a hurry after hearing this news. Where would they dare to stay there and do it?

"Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, I didn't expect the aura of Tianwaitian to be exhausted."

"It can only be said that Tianwaitian is very lucky, and there have been a few people who are against the sky."

"Yeah, a sword emperor Ye Wuming, if it hadn't been too late for him to break through, Heaven and Heaven would not have fallen, but now he heard that another disciple also broke through and became the supreme martial emperor, a double emperor! Few forces in the Xinghai Region have such a background!"

A martial emperor can create a huge five-grade sect and establish a sect.

Now, sitting on the two martial emperors, the reconstruction of Tianwaitian has become an unstoppable trend.

Even Tingtianmen, Ghosts, Shuiyunting and other powerful forces, as soon as they heard the news, either chose to remain silent and unclear, or send people to send gifts to show their friendship.

All this is because Ye Wuming and Jian Chen are now both Emperors.

A double emperor is enough to make Tian Waitian stand above the many forces in the Star Sea at once, and the seniority is completely able to compete with the four-tier sect, Ting Tian sect and other giants!

Countless pairs of eyes are watching.

Especially, after Shen Danzong first expressed his willingness to befriend Tianwaitian forever, the entire Star Sea Region was in an uproar!

Although this kind of promise is nothing more than a dead letter, for thousands of years, the weak and the strong eat, it is really like the day when the sky has fallen, no one can guarantee whether the so-called eternal friendship will work, but at least now, with the support of Shen Danzong, everything has been A foregone conclusion.

"Shen Danzong, actually took the initiative to show good!"

"Four-rank sect shows good wishes to a fifth-rank sect, this is the first time in ten thousand years!"

"With the backing of Shen Danzong, Tian Waitian seems to be trying to rejuvenate. Although it may not restore the glory of ten thousand years ago, at least it is enough to stand firm!"

Some people are a little puzzled about Shen Danzong's attitude.

But those who know some of these insiders are not surprised.

Shuiyun Ting, one of the ten major sects in the Xinghai Region, has always been low-key.

An elegant middle-aged man stood proudly in the air, full of fairy bones, and after hearing the words, he smiled slightly, "The White Emperor is a good idea, but today's Tianwaitian is worth it."

Some powerful sects in the Xinghai Region also reacted differently after receiving the news.

But there is no doubt that they understand why Shen Danzong made this choice!

Sword Emperor Ye Wuming? Sword Emperor disciple is also Jian Chen as Wu Emperor?

There may be this reason, but the bigger reason is another person!

An unparalleled evildoer, a peerless evildoer who chased that terrifying man a thousand years ago!

Just when the outside world couldn't get back to God because of the shocking news, there were visitors outside the Shendanzong.

Saintess of Tianxiang Pavilion, come here in person!

After learning the news, the entire Shen Danzong was shocked and inexplicably surprised.

"Sage of Heavenly Phoenix? Why is she here?"

Some disciples are even more eager, but the Heavenly Phoenix Saint is the fairy in the dreams of countless young talents in the Xinghai Region, longing and out of reach. Of course, some well-informed people knew that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had a close relationship with someone with a special status in the sect.

Is there any secrets behind this visit?

The descendants of the Fourth Grade Sect visited the gate in person, even if it was the Shen Danzong, he did not dare to underestimate it at will.

Elder Yuyun directly welcomed people into the city of God Pill with the highest standard of treatment, and the Emperor Mei appeared personally! After all, regardless of the identity of the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess as an ancient blood genius, or the identity of the future pavilion master of Tianxiang Pavilion, it was enough for Meihuang to come forward in person.

Of course, more importantly, Mei Huang knew very well that the relationship between the Heavenly Phoenix Saint and someone was extraordinary.

"Why is she here?"

Li Ye, who received the news, was even more surprised. (www..)

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