Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2265: Green Man Lock Door

The cyan Yumen changed so suddenly that no one had expected it, but the cyan light that bloomed at that moment directly caused the ghost king to scream!

"Do not!"

The sky-shaking roar came from the ghost emperor’s mouth, the dignified emperor and strong man is like a weak female stream who is locked by a strong man, waiting for the ****, her whole body trembled, and her face was full of fear !

The void crack that had just been torn open directly bounced him out and involuntarily flew towards the blue jade gate.

Everyone who watched this scene had chills in their hearts!

"Ghost Emperor!"

The Eagle Emperor on one side shouted, although he didn't have a deep friendship with the Ghost Emperor, but at this time he was also a rare hand to slash, the terrifying emperor's might and mighty, rolling out!

Only under this cut, the blue light was not cut off, and even the Eagle Emperor was shaken by the huge counter shock force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth!


Everyone couldn't help taking a breath!

This scene is even more shocking than just before Li Yewei became the emperor and Jian Chen singled out three martial emperors!


Suddenly, the whole body of the ghost emperor exploded directly and turned into an endless emperor, even the sun, moon, and starry sky would be overshadowed by it!

Blast the body!

The Eagle Emperor and the others couldn't help but twitch their hearts! They naturally know what the battering body is!

Emperor Wu's body was not as simple as an ordinary body, it was their countless years of refining, even more important than the imperial weapon! Unless it is forced to do nothing, no Martial Emperor is willing to lose his Law Bodies!

"The Emperor Wu's Dharma Body! It's even more terrifying than the imperial weapon! The Emperor Wu can refine multiple imperial artifacts in one body, but the Emperor Wu's Dharma body only has one for life!"

The white emperor moved slightly, but he knew that the ghost emperor's trick was definitely a draw from the bottom of the pan, and it could even be said to be his only opportunity.

Sure enough, the ghost emperor's law body exploded, and the power that burst out instantly could even tear the world apart! A hundred li can be turned into ruins!

A flash of light disappeared, and a closer look revealed that it was a baby about two years old! It is the Yuan Ying who escaped from the ghost emperor!

After the Southern Emperor, even the ghost emperor ended up like this, but at this time the ghost emperor did not have any anger at all, only endless panic. As soon as Yuan Ying appeared, he would flee away!

But suddenly, a cyan light appeared from the void, instantly surrounding the Ghost Emperor Yuanying!

"No! The emperor doesn't want to die! The emperor's great cause is not achieved, the emperor still has..."

The ghost emperor’s Yuan Ying uttered a scream and desperate cry, but no one could save him, because the cyan light was like the hand of death, directly dragging him towards the cyan jade gate.

Once you get close to the cyan Yumen, everyone has seen it just now!

Even the existence of Emperor Qingyan Wu was instantly annihilated and completely swallowed. Naturally, the ghost emperor with only Yuan Ying left could not be spared.

Today, it is destined to be a day that everyone will never forget in their lifetime.

There are even several people who have survived today. Thousands of years later, they will not be able to forget what they saw today. Perhaps for them, it was an existence beyond the limits of their imagination.

Just when the Ghost Emperor Yuanying was about to be swallowed by the blue jade gate, suddenly a person appeared in the void!

Who would dare to approach the blue jade gate at this time?

Even Emperor Wu dared not, because getting close is dead!

"Li Ye!"

Mei Huang screamed in surprise, unbelievable!

Everyone else looked dumbfounded!

The figure in the void is not Li Ye, who is it?

"Little Junior Brother! Are you crazy?! Leave!"

Jian Chen couldn't help shouting angrily, and he was about to shoot with the sword, but was stopped by the emperor on one side, "You are going to die! No one can survive in front of that thing! Neither Emperor Wu!"

In such a short moment, Li Ye appeared between the cyan Yumen and Ghost Emperor Yuanying, and was directly shrouded by the cyan light.

An involuntary urge as if to jump into the blue jade gate made Li Ye tremble all over.

It was an impulse derived from instinct, and it had nothing to do with rationality, like a moth to a fire! Knowing that it is death, I must rush over.

"The fairy gate!"

Li Ye finally understood why the Heavenly Dream Sage prevented him from approaching, and finally understood why the emperors changed their colors when this thing appeared, for fear of avoiding it!

That is a call, the temptation of nightmares!

At that moment, he seemed to see two vague figures, so kind, so let him rush to it desperately! Who are they? But everything was not so important, and his eyes became red involuntarily.

At the same time, in that blue jade gate, there seemed to be an unspeakable aura of heaven and earth, and any cave in the Xinghai region seemed like a smelly ditch, where it was like a fairyland! All kinds of heaven and earth are overwhelming!

Fairy demon!

"Boy! Stick to your heart! Don't be fooled by the fairy gate!"

The Emperor Tianjian shouted angrily, but it was of no avail! Perhaps both Li Ye and Emperor Tianjian despised the horror of the blue jade gate.

Suddenly, a clear current flowed out of Li Ye's body instantly, directly causing Li Ye to be clever, and all the psychedelic disappeared in an instant, and even the cyan light that enveloped him was retreated, temporarily not daring to approach. .


No one can hear this sound, but it's like nine days of thunder, the heavens roar!

The cyan Yumen bloomed all over, reacting more violently than the killing of the ghost emperor just now!

However, the cyan light couldn't get close at all, as if some kind of power beyond the six reincarnations was guarding it.

With such a moment of clarity, Li Ye immediately burned all over!

The sky and mine cremated into a fire lotus, and there was a green grass on it!

Under the thunder and fire, the green grass not only was not burned into green smoke, but it bloomed more and more, and even seemed to be infused with vitality, blooming and fruiting in an instant, directly turning into a sky full of green vines, covering the sky. Cover the sun!

The cyan Yumen was instantly surrounded by those vines, circle after circle like tree vines, and finally formed a peculiar weird shape.

The cyan jade door was still there, but it was locked by the cyan vines, and only the middle door remained, as if there was a gap, but it was firmly fixed by the vines and could not be opened.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Tianjian was finally relieved, "It's done!"

The cyan light disappeared, and although the ghost emperor Yuanying was wilted a lot, it seemed to have doubled. From the state of a two-year-old baby to about one year old, he obviously suffered a heavy loss, but at least his life was saved.

Everyone was stunned and didn't recover, but there was no doubt that it could almost swallow everyone just now, including the terrifying cyan Yumen of Emperor Wu. At this moment, there was no movement.

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