Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2264: Stand alone

The Heavenly Dream Sage has been falling asleep since he borrowed the technique of life, and perhaps he was also awakened by the blue jade gate floating in the void at this time.

"The fairy gate? What is that?"

Obviously, the Heavenly Sword Emperor knew what that thing was, but he didn't explain it in detail, as if he had some concerns.

And now, even the Heavenly Dream Sage has been awakened, and it can be seen that this blue jade gate definitely has a lot of background.

The fairy gate? From this name, you can hear that this thing is not as simple as ordinary imperial weapons or even imperial soldiers, and it may even be traced back to a very distant age.

"Why does this thing appear here? Impossible!"

There was an incomparable surprise in the voice of the Heavenly Dream Saint, and even a hint of terror!

Scared? A saint, would actually show this kind of emotion?

The saint is a more terrifying existence than the great emperor. Not to mention the Primordial Primordial Era, which is hardly recorded in many documents, but in the ancient times, the saint is definitely an invincible figure standing on the pinnacle of this world.

Such a strong person is terrified! What is it that can make a saint be like this?

At this time, the cyan jade gate has expanded a lot from the beginning, and at the same time, many people can't resist the attraction of the cyan jade gate, and they fly over involuntarily, and even the screams are too late, and they are full of flesh and blood , All turned into that cyan flame, and was sucked in by the cyan jade door.

With the blood and spirits of those strong men, the cyan Yumen became bigger! Even from the beginning, the brilliance was like jade, and some ancient and terrifying lines gradually appeared, which seemed like array lines, but they were more complicated and more terrifying than any known in the world.

"Dao Wen!"

Suddenly, the Heavenly Dream Sage sighed slightly. Obviously, she knew that the lines on the cyan jade gate were terrifying, even if it was just a glance, it was as if the whole spirit was attracted to the past.

"Dao Wen?"

Li Ye seemed to hear the origin of the aisle pattern from somewhere, and soon his expression became extremely shocked! Because he remembered the rumors about Dao Wen!

"The Dao pattern contains the will of Dao law, and even the legend is the incarnation of the way of the heavens and all things. The three thousand avenues, the way of all things, the Dao pattern is the origin of the Dao law, and whenever there is a Dao pattern, it means that you have been transcended. The six reincarnations, even the law of heaven cannot easily interfere with them!"

Regarding the legend of Dao Wen, Li Ye was naturally in the inheritance space. Once he saw a one-word explanation in an ancient book, it was very obscure and very simple, but it can be clearly seen that any Dao Wen appears means Whether that thing, humans, or other species, they have detached themselves from the shackles of heaven, and truly jumped out of reincarnation, not invisible! Because Dao Wen itself is a kind of will of Dao!

what does this mean?

Even if Li Ye was such an open-minded person, his heart twitched fiercely!

This blue jade gate is actually a terrifying fetish beyond reincarnation! Even the way of heaven must be avoided!

"Emperor Qingyan Wu, where did he get this kind of thing?"

This is definitely not something that Emperor Wu can touch, and even the emperor is not qualified!

Didn't you see the Heavenly Dream Saints with a trace of fear? Why does this kind of thing appear in the Xinghai area? The weakest place in the lower nine domains?

In a short time, at least hundreds of people turned into cyan flames and were swallowed by the cyan Yumen!

"Little guy, get out of here. Once the fairy gate comes out, it will definitely be a **** storm. Not to mention you, even if you are a hundred times stronger than you, it is like that in front of the fairy gate. Weak, take advantage of its half-sealed state, and leave as soon as possible! When it absorbs more spirits and blood and completely opens the seal, the entire lower nine realms and even the upper three realms will usher in a catastrophe!"

A saint, with such a cautious and serious tone, Li Ye couldn't help but move.

But the Great Emperor Tianjian used a hasty voice at this time, "Boy, hurry up! The Dream Demon Grass on you! Can't wait any longer!"

The Heavenly Meng Sage was taken aback. She naturally knew that Li Ye was hiding a remnant soul. Hearing the words of Emperor Tianjian, she immediately became annoyed, "You are harming him!"

"Hurt him? No, this emperor is helping him! Immortal Demon Gate does not necessarily appear once in hundreds of thousands of years! If he misses this opportunity, he will regret it! Moreover, others can't do it, but he can!"

"Too risky!"

"If you don't take risks, how can you make the great road?"

Who should listen to when the two are holding their own words?

"Little guy, listen to this saint, don't try to get involved in the fairy gate, even if this thing was seen by the saint back then, you will have to take a detour! How many invincible existences die of hatred on this, even those The terrifying powerhouse who can compete with the sun and the moon, dare not say that they can control things!"

"Boy, this is your biggest opportunity! If you can succeed, rescuing your parents will not be so difficult! Think about it yourself!"

Originally, Li Ye was more inclined to the suggestion of the Heavenly Dream Saint. This blue jade gate was too weird, but when the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor said so, he made a decision.

"Meng Yaocao? How to do it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the Heavenly Dream Sage sighed and stopped talking, but finally said, "I hope you will not regret it! Maybe this is also a fateful reincarnation, he was like this back then, and now you... "

Li Ye didn't hear the following sentence, and the Heavenly Dream Sage seemed to have deliberately suppressed the conversation between the two hearts.

"Use the sky fire in your body to burn the Dream Demon Grass!"

Burning Dream Demon Grass?

Li Ye shook his whole body. No one can say exactly what the Dream Demon Grass came from, but at least one thing is enough to make anyone, regardless of their cultivation level, fall into a deep sleep or fall into endless inability. The illusion that he got rid of, eventually the soul was completely swallowed in.

Time waits for no one. At this time, it is not only the four big families and those strong sects, but even many disciples of Shen Danzong are brutally brutally attacked by the blue jade sect.

"Everyone, work together to suppress! Otherwise no one will want to leave here today."

The white emperor gave a deep drink, but he knew a little bit about the origin of the blue jade gate, although he didn't know much, but he also knew that it was impossible to suppress it by himself, and even step into the footsteps of the Qingyanwu emperor.

Mei Huang, Yao Huang and Huo Huang naturally didn't need to say much, Jian Chen also hesitated and nodded.

However, on the other side, the ghost emperor yelled, "White emperor, you ask for your own blessings, the emperor doesn't want to get this thing!"

After finishing speaking, he directly tore the void and wanted to leave.

But he just wanted to step into the void, but he didn't expect the blue jade gate to bloom suddenly!

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