Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2266: Collect the blue jade gate

"It's over?"

Many people were frightened, and hundreds of people were swallowed by the blue jade gate, and two Wuhuang successively fell! It is definitely the only time in the entire Xinghai region in a thousand years!

Hundreds of people were swallowed, including hundreds of masters from the four major families, and some other experts in the sect. Anyone here has a cultivation base that is at least above the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and many of them are kings and even half-emperors!

Together with Emperor Qingyan Wu and the Southern Emperor who died before, such a loss was enough to shake the entire star sea area.

Of course, at this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the blue jade gate.

"What the **** is that?!"

"It's terrible! Even the Emperor Wu can swallow it, so there is such a terrible thing in the world?"

The origin of the cyan Yumen, let alone ordinary people, even the White Emperor and others, don't know much. Even they had only learned something from some rumors, and it was the first time they actually saw it.

The ghost emperor escaped from the dead, and there was still the majesty of being a martial emperor, his face was pale and weak.

Now he, let alone the white emperor and others who are also Wu emperor, can threaten his life even if he is a powerful king.

The cyan Yumen stopped moving, and Li Ye was also relieved.

At that moment, he really touched his throat with a heart.

Everyone could see the horror of the blue jade gate, if it hadn't stopped, and there were so many people present, no one would have the confidence to escape alive!

Didn't you see that even the ghost king tore the void and wanted to leave, but was caught by the cyan Yumen?

"Should be okay?"

Although the cyan Yumen stopped moving, no one dared to approach it. The picture of Wuhuang Qingyan and hundreds of powerful men just swallowed directly, enough to calm everyone.

Only Li Ye stepped forward and touched it slightly, and immediately felt an unspeakable force through his body.

"Curious feeling! Immortal Demon Gate, is this really the place to become immortal and demon?"

Looking at the cyan jade gate in front of him, or, at this time, it was more like a huge ancient city gate, Li Ye couldn't help showing curiosity.

"Don't try to explore, this thing shouldn't exist in this world! It's best to find a way to seal it, and seal it directly."

The voice of the Heavenly Meng Sage sounded again, but this time it seemed more surprised than just now, perhaps because he was surprised that Li Ye could calm the blue jade gate, but still revealed a tone of exhortation.

"The fairy gate, what is it?"

This question is not only for him, but for everyone.

However, the Heavenly Dream Saint did not answer, instead he let out a long sigh, and fell silent without any other answer.

As for Emperor Tianjian, he seemed to be a little excited, "Boy, take away the fairy gate! Temporarily you can't open it or use it, but sooner or later, you will find out how correct today's choice is!"

Take away the cyan Yumen?

But how to take it away?

Just thinking about it, suddenly the cyan jade gate trembled, and then it shrank in an instant, turning into a piece of jade talisman the size of the palm of the hand. It looked like a reduced version of the huge cyan jade gate. The green vines that circled up to the top turned into carved lines around the blue jade gate at this time.

He clicked, the thing fell into Li Ye's hand, and it felt a little cool to the touch. It faintly made Li Ye feel a warm current, as if even the injury on his body had improved a lot.

"What is this! There is actually a powerful life force coming out of it?"

Holding it in his hand, Li Ye could even feel a pure life force, revealed from it, passed into his body, nourished and rested his whole body, the feeling even made people want to groan. sound.

"The emperor said that this thing is a great opportunity, even beyond your imagination!"

Regardless of the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor or the Heavenly Dream Sage, Li Ye also feels helpless when he says three points, but intentionally hangs his appetite, as if some powerful beings like to play this kind of trick, and they don’t know it’s theirs. Evil taste, or he couldn't understand why they did it before reaching their height.

Hesitating slightly, Li Ye didn't put the blue jade gate into the inheritance space. After all, this thing was so weird that Li Ye didn't dare to do it. The inheritance space carries too many secrets for him! In addition, Heavenly Dream Saint and Yulianxiang had not fully awakened yet, he didn't want to cause too much trouble.

Throwing into the space that had not been used for a long time, Li Ye took back his mind, but suddenly realized that he had become the focus of everyone's eyes.

"Li Ye, it was..."

As Li Ye's current master in name, Mei Huang finally couldn't help but ask.

Not to mention other people, including the Eagle Emperor and others who were already aggressive and wanted to directly attack the Shen Danzong through Li Ye, their expressions were uncertain at this moment.

Especially the Northern Emperor, the Yun Family and the Shen Danzong have always been rivals. Originally, they wanted to use this to directly destroy the Shen Danzong, but they didn't expect it to happen.

The so-called opponents who are not afraid of gods are afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

Emperor Qingyan Wu not only took his own life into it, but even completely destroyed the entire Yun Family plan!

Among them, the ghost emperor is regarded as the most miserable. The Dharma body exploded, and the soul soul infant is also weak, no longer the power of the emperor, and even now he, if he cannot find a body that can be robbed, in the long run, the soul infant will be more It became weaker and weaker, and eventually caused the realm to fall or even to be annihilated!

Li Ye knew what Meihuang and the others wanted to ask, and he could even feel the uncertain look of Beihuang and the others.

They, in the blue jade gate in the hands of Ji and Li Ye, were afraid of blooming again as before.

But to leave, obviously also a little unwilling!

It's not only that the plan failed, but more that ordinary people don't know it, but when they saw the blue jade gate, as the emperor, they instinctively felt a kind of greed and yearning, which was beyond their control. One of his instincts is like a moth to a fire!

But the death of Emperor Qingyan Wu and those hundreds of strong men also made them afraid to do it.

Li Ye didn't care about them, his eyes fell on the ghost emperor Yuanying not far away. At this time, when the ghost emperor was in absolute weakness, it was easy to kill him!

Feeling Li Ye's gaze, the ghost emperor trembled! There was still the original arrogance there, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes! He also knows that now he is like a prey in everyone's eyes! Not to mention Li Ye, even he suspected that the Beihuang and others would turn around and directly attack him!

"Give you a chance! Be with me! Or, die!"

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