Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2263: Bitter fruit

In the void, with the blood spurting from Qingyan Wuhuang's mouth, Wuhuang's invincible golden body was also crumbling.

Before becoming an emperor, fight the emperor first!

Even the Beihuang and others did not dare to treat Li Ye as the others who looked like ants to them.

Such a demon, only a generation of demon kings a thousand years ago can dominate. In this era, no one can do this step.

The terrible killing intent turned into an endless will of Dao Fa, Qingyan Wuhuang roared, no longer caring about face issues, from him, a burning jade talisman stood in front of him.

"Green Flame Jade Talisman!"

Seeing this jade talisman, the eyes of Bei Huang and others flashed a hint of shock!

"Unexpectedly, he really got this jade talisman!"

"At the beginning, a certain powerhouse in the Upper Three Realms was left in the Star Sea. There has been no news. I did not expect to be obtained by Qingyan Wuhuang!"

Obviously, this inconspicuous piece of cyan jade talisman obviously has a great background, as can be seen from the eyes of the Beihuang and others.

As soon as the jade talisman appeared, the entire sky seemed to burn, and the cyan flame could not even control the way of flame controlled by Li Ye, as if it had its own soul in that flame!

"Sub! Get that jade talisman!"

Suddenly, the voice of Emperor Tianjian rang in his mind, with a hint of urgency and surprise in his tone.

"Do you know this jade symbol?"

"More than knowing! Get the hand first, and the emperor will explain to you in detail later!"

It is natural that the things that the Great Emperor Heavenly Sword desperately want to obtain cannot be just ordinary imperial weapons. After all, in the eyes of Emperor Heavenly Sword Emperor, unless it is an emperor soldier, ordinary imperial weapons are simply rubbish.

Qingyan Wuhuang was also forced to the Jedi by Li Ye, the dignified martial emperor, was pursued and killed by a generation, and as a last resort, he exposed a hole card he had hidden for so many years!

As soon as the jade talisman came out, everyone felt a strong threat, including Jian Chen, in front of which jade talisman, it was like straddling an insurmountable gully, as if once touched, it would be forever.

"This is... Skyfire?!"

Suddenly, the flames falling all over the sky were touched by one of the powerful kings. He didn't even scream for an instant. The whole ∨⌒∨⌒∨⌒∨⌒, the individual's soul was directly turned into blue smoke, and the soul was scattered!

At this time, but the other people were scared to death, where would you dare to approach?

Don't ordinary people, the Northern Emperor and others are also extremely jealous! Because although they didn't know the true origin of this jade charm, they were fortunate enough to have seen a scene where the jade charm gave off its power. It was that time that let them know the existence of this thing.

"Qing Yan! You can't be crazy! This thing is beyond your control!"

Qianhuang's complexion changed drastically, without even thinking about it, he turned around and left!

What a joke, how many creatures this thing swallowed, including Emperor Wu, couldn't escape! He hasn't awakened yet, but once awakened, he would be too late to leave.

Qianhuang fled in despair. Although Beihuang and others were angry, they understood why he was like this.

"Let everyone enter the Pill Hall!"

The White Emperor sighed in a deep voice. Suddenly, Elder Yuyun, Elder Sun and others immediately came back to their senses, and took the remaining disciples and elders directly into the pill hall that even elders had no right to enter.

The whole alchemy palace, as if faintly circulated with a hint of brilliance, was obviously different from other palaces.

As soon as the jade talisman came out, everyone retreated, but the Beihuang and others were a little unwilling.

Especially the people of the four major families, the Southern Emperor has fallen! The natal soul lamp of the Northern Emperor staying at the Beiyuan home was also off! It is equal to that the decline of the four major families is a foregone conclusion. Since they are unable to return to heaven, the people of the four major families are the most crazy at this moment!


I don't know what the reason is. The strong men of the four big families are all in a state of madness, and many people even start to burn their blood. The degree of madness makes even the Northern Emperor and the others shocked.

However, at the next moment, their whole body burning state exceeded their imagination, and the weak one even turned into ashes, the whole person turned into a ball of flame, floating towards the blue jade talisman in the void.

Even if it is a strong king, it will not last long, the whole person is burned to death, and attracted by the blue jade charm.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of powerful people from the four major families turned into flames, surrounded by the cyan jade charms, and entered them one by one.

Such a chilling scene made everyone feel chills involuntarily.

The Beihuang and others finally confirmed that the cyan jade talisman in front of them was really the thing that year.

"Qing Yan! Stop him!"

The expression of the Northern Emperor rarely revealed a hint of horror, even the White Emperor!

However, when they looked at Emperor Qingyan Wu, their expressions sank!

"He's finished!"

There was a tremor in the voice of Emperor Eagle! Sure enough, taking a closer look, with the appearance of the cyan jade symbol, Qingyan Wuhuang's body is slowly fading. Although no one has noticed just now, it is already looming at this moment.

Suddenly, from the center of Qingyan Wuhuang's eyebrows, a golden light escaped. It was a baby who seemed to be about two years old with a panic on his face and wanted to escape.

"Wu Huang Yuanying!"

However, before he could escape successfully, the cyan jade talisman burst into light all over his body. What followed was a desperate scream from the Qingyan Wuhuang. The Yuan Ying burned, and in the blink of an eye, he was swallowed by the cyan jade talisman. Went in.

"What the **** is this?"

Even the Emperor Wu was swallowed in, and the escape was unsuccessful. In addition to the scene where the Emperor was fleeing, the fool knew that the cyan jade talisman in front of him was definitely not as simple as an imperial weapon. After the bitter fruit was swallowed, the Northern Emperor had a trace of fear on his face.

Not only him, but the ghost emperor and the eagle emperor were also shocked.

"Sure enough, it's true that even Emperor Wu can swallow this thing!"

Li Ye's expression is the strangest right now. The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor asked him to get the blue jade amulet, but after seeing the four powerful families almost wiped out and the Qingyan Wuhuang also swallowed up, didn't he come forward to seek death?

"Old ghost, you are crazy, can you take this thing?"

"Yes! As long as you follow this emperor's law!"

A terrible thing that even Emperor Wu feared, but the Emperor Tianjian seemed to have long understood what it was, "Dream Demon Grass on you!"

Dream Demon Grass?

Li Ye was taken aback, didn't this thing remain silent after awakening the Heavenly Dream Saint?

Before I could think about it, in just such a short moment, many people were swallowed by the cyan jade talisman. After swallowing a lot of people, the cyan jade talisman was actually a big circle, and even looked like a cyan jade talisman. Yumen!

"This is! Fairy Demon Gate?!" A voice of astonishment sounded in Li Ye's mind at this time.

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