Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2262: War Green Flame Emperor

Ye Wuming's disciple?

Everyone took a breath, especially on the side of Shen Danzong. Although the disciples below generally don't know much about it, they have heard about Li Ye's origins at the first level of elders and true disciples.

"Ye Wuming? Isn't that the rumored master of Li Ye's previous sect?"

"It seems to be such a person! But that day, Outer Heaven even had a fifth-grade sect's status. How could a Martial Emperor be born? No! It was two!"

Two emperors!

Don't be a downfall sect, even in the entire Star Sea region, there are only a handful of sects with two Martial Emperors!

The people of Shendan Sect were shocked, but the expressions of the four major families and the people of Tianyang Sect were extremely ugly!

Don't mention them, even the Northern Emperor and the others are all looking uncertain at the moment!

One Jian Chen, almost suppressed the three of them Wu Huang dare not make a move, if there is another Ye Wuming!

Qingyan Wuhuang and Yinghuang knew in their hearts that Ye Wuming had just made a breakthrough, and they could escape with the three of them. Now that several years have passed, no one knows how Ye Wuming's cultivation is?

Even if the cultivation base does not move, the realm is already stable!

"Jian Chen! Even if you are now Emperor Wu, do you really think that you can stop us with your own strength?!"

The Emperor Qian didn't know what was at stake, and his tone sank, even a little aggressive! In his opinion, Jian Chen is just a new Martial Emperor, no matter how strong he is, he cannot be too defying.

It's just that the Beihuang people are almost ashen-faced! They suffered a loss in Jianchen's hands just now, and what the Emperor said was not a secret taunting of their weak strength?

"I don't need to stop, but anyone who wants to cross the boundary has asked about the sword in my hand!"


Once the peerless sword intent appeared, no one dared to step forward.

"He is alone, you and I work together, can't you solve him?"

Qian Huang yelled, and Bei Huang and others were also interested.

Then the White Emperor's side, but it will not be as they intended. At this time, because of Jian Chen's appearance, the two sides are facing each other, and no one dares to take the initiative.

Especially the Northern Emperors, the jealous and Jian Chen alone, their weird appearance-1-1-1-1, became a stalemate stage.

Taking advantage of the stalemate between the two sides, Li Ye quickly swallowed a few pills, and after stabilizing the injury, his eyes began to search among the people of Shen Danzong.

Smoky! Since he suddenly appeared, killed the Southern Emperor Yuanying and snatched the emperor pill, he had never appeared.

Everyone was attracted by the conflict between the two sides, but only forgot this key figure.

Unfortunately, the black smoke is not among the people, as if the world has evaporated! Or they would have escaped long ago.

"Junior Brother, Master asked me to convey that the debts back then should now be recovered some interest."

Jian Chen glanced at Li Ye with a pointed gaze, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, knowing that Li Ye could understand the meaning inside.

The debt of the year?

Li Ye suddenly understood!

It's not that Jian Chen doesn't want to do it, but wants to leave this opportunity to Li Ye!

"Jian Chen! What do you mean by this!"

The expressions of Emperor Qingyanwu and Emperor Eagle both changed, and the expressions of the other Emperor Duguhuang were ugly.

Both Jian Chen and Li Ye were born in Tianwaitian, and they all had a share when they destroyed Tianwaitian! In particular, Emperor Ying and Emperor Qingyan Wuming injured Ye Wuming, and forced Ye Wuming to take Li Ye down the entire sect and escape.

Now, these debts are the time to recover.

"What do you mean?"

Jian Chen smiled coldly, his gaze turned into a terrifying sword intent, and he looked at Emperor Qingyan and Emperor Ying, the gaze even made the two Emperors chill.

The Northern Emperor and the others naturally knew what had happened back then, but Jian Chen almost suppressed the three of them right now. With the addition of Shen Danzong's White Emperor, the two sides had actually maintained a fragile balance, and no one dared to take the initiative.

At this time, there is obviously one person who is the only person to break this balance.

Li Ye took a step, even if his injury was not healed, but this step seemed to make him integrate with the surrounding world. The terrifying world rolled out, turned into a towering mountain, and pressed against the Qingyan Emperor Wu. past!

"Emperor Qingyan Wu!"

This angry shout went straight into the Qingyan Martial Emperor's soul, and even the terrible spiritual impact was unavoidable, and it rolled out like a sharp knife piercing the Qingyan Martial Emperor's forehead.

No one thought that Li Ye would take the initiative at this time! Everyone thought that with the emergence of Jian Chen, a crusade against Shen Danzong by the four major families and other sects would come to an end without a problem. When the two sides stopped, Li Ye moved!

"Yijian! Stars!"

Different from Jian Chen's peerless sword intent, which is as fast as lightning, even time has changed, Li Ye's sword is majestic, like a nine-day Milky Way back down, countless stars turned into that devastating sword light!

Even the gods can only fall to the altar with this sword!

"court death!"

What a character Qingyan Wuhuang, his eyes were cold, and the terrifying emperor's mighty mighty power all over his body. At the same time, the cyan flames billowed out and turned into a sky of fire, wanting to completely swallow Li Ye in.

Then the sea of ​​fire is a terrible threat to others, even the Northern Emperor and others dare not touch it easily, but for Li Ye, the endless sea of ​​fire not only did not harm him, but turned into a more violent sword for him. The power of destruction!

"Stars! Destroy!"

Qingyan Wuhuang erupted with a roar, but everyone saw that the magnificent Wuhuang, but under this sword, the Wuhuang law body appeared cracks, and blood spurted out of his mouth!

The Beihuang and others were shocked, just about to take a shot, and then the terrifying sword intent directly enveloped them.

"Jian Chen!"

At this time, the Beihuang and others would not dare to act rashly, who else besides Jian Chen?

The Beihuang and the others were pale and did not dare to mess around. After all, they were even more afraid of death when they reached their state! After all, they have been aloof for a long time, and even they themselves regard themselves as gods and dominate the common people. Since he is a god, he is more greedy for the feeling of invincibility.

dead? It is definitely not what they are after.

Bai Huang and Mei Huang looked at each other. Although they had known that Ye Wuming had already stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, Jian Chen had never considered it!

"Ye Wuming is really terrifying. In addition to Li Ye, his disciple actually has such a successor!"

The White Emperor was a little envious. Although he and Meihuang are now Li Ye's masters in name, they know that this is only the surface.

As Wu Huang, they actually don't have much pursuit, but they are more concerned about cultivating descendants.

Regardless of whether it is Li Ye or Jianchen, it is extremely rare for such a disciple to get one person, and to get two at the same time, Bai Huang and Mei Huang have to be both envious and jealous.

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