Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2261: He is a disciple of the Sword Emperor!

"Who are you!"

The Northern Emperor's face was livid, and for so many years, he had not recognized Jian Chen's identity. ¥℉Vertex Novel,

But if you think about it carefully, even though Jian Chen was one of the best super geniuses in Tianwaitian before, with the decline of Tianwaitian, let alone Emperor Wu, even though he was not well-known in the Xinghai Region.

Now he broke through the realm of Emperor Wu, and he was born, making the Northern Emperor and others shocked and angry!

"Your Excellency, do you want to intervene in my affairs with Shen Danzong?"

One sword hurt the Northern Emperor, and Emperor Dugu and Emperor Qingyan Wu were also jealous. After all, their strength was not better than that of the Northern Emperor, and they did not dare to take action easily.

"The life and death of Shen Danzong has nothing to do with me, but from here, I can't go beyond the thunder pond!"

The Northern Emperor and others are overbearing?

Jian Chen is more domineering than them!

Even the group of people from the Shen Danzong who had been saved just now were stunned.

what's the situation?

Here is the Shen Danzong, how it sounds like it has become someone else's territory.

But Elder Yuyun and others are not stupid. After this terrifying powerhouse appeared just now, Li Ye called the other big brother. It was obvious that the two sides knew each other, and the relationship was extraordinary!

"Junior Brother Li Ye, who is this?"

"My big brother, Jian Chen!"

From seeing Jian Chen appearing and successfully breaking through to become Emperor Wu, Li Ye knew that today's things had turned for the better.

Seeing the suspicious expressions of the Shendanzong people, they immediately relieved their hearts, but the Shendanzong people did not relax. Even if this person and Li Ye know each other, but that sentence, Shen Danzong's life and death has nothing to do with him, but it makes people hold their hearts and it is difficult to let go.

"Your Excellency is so loud! Did you think that you can really do whatever you want?"

Although the Northern Emperor was wounded with a sword, he did not damage his bones, and his face became cold.

On one side, Emperor Dugu and Emperor Qingyan Wu looked at each other. Although they were afraid of Jian Chen's horrible sword intent just now, there was no reason for the three of them to deal with one person, and they would still be afraid.

Without any answer, the sword behind Jian Chen came out of its sheath!


Like a dragon chant, the three Beihuang roars burst out almost simultaneously!

There was another bloodstain on the Northern Emperor, and Dugu Emperor directly broke his arm! Qingyan Wuhuang was the least injured among the three, but he was disheveled!

One move forced the three martial emperors back!

Lian Li Ye was surprised at Jianchen's strength improvement after retreat.

Of course, Li Ye was relieved when he felt the trace of Dao Fa will contained in the sword just now!

Compared with the Emperor Bei Huang and others who rely on Emperor Pill to break through, Jian Chen is also only a lower emperor now, but his strength is almost crushed, plus that touch of Dao Fa will!

fast! Lightning speed! This is the Dao Fa will that Jian Chen understood! Three thousand avenues, even the simplest one, are equally terrifying!

At this moment, the Beihuang trio were a little frightened!

They are not stupid, the terrifying powerhouse in front of them just such a trick, let them feel an unprecedented fear.

"Tao! That was the way of speed just now?!"

Qingyan Martial Emperor looked ugly. Although they were Martial Emperors, almost all Martial Emperors in the Xinghai Region relied on the Emperor Pill uploaded by their ancestors to break through. Although they show off in front of ordinary people, they only know that they are nothing in front of the real martial emperor of the three realms!

The people of Shen Danzong were also silly.

"Elder, who is this senior? Actually, one person fights three Martial Emperors alone?"

A disciple finally couldn't help asking, but Elder Sun and others couldn't answer at all.

Some people even took a breath, "I thought Senior Brother Li Ye was the most enchanting genius in the world. I didn't expect that there would be a mountain high!"

"Can't say that!" Suddenly a long tiger lowered his face. "Li Ye almost killed the Emperor Wu before he became Emperor Wu. After all, the Lord Wu Emperor is in the same realm as the Emperor Wu Emperor. Both Not comparable!"

Although they were indeed taken aback by Jian Chen's terrifying strength, compared to Li Ye's leapfrog challenge that looked like the sky and earth between Emperor Wuhuang, in the same realm, one enemy three is actually not that much. prominent.

Of course, this is also compared with Li Ye. If you change other people, when will there be one person playing against three people and not letting go, and the three martial emperors dare not do anything?

The appearance of Jian Chen suddenly changed the situation of the whole scene.

The Beihuang trio didn't dare to take action, and Jian Chen was too lazy to take it. As long as the Beihuang trio were not close to the mountain where Ye Wuming was located, he had no intention of taking action.

The people of Shendanzong looked at each other, but there is no doubt that this situation is happy to see for Shendanzong.

But the four major families and other sects are not happy!

But they dare not!

Even the Northern Emperor, Qingyan Martial Emperor, and Dugu Emperor have all suffered. Do they go up and look for death?

In the depths of the void, the white emperor had been paying attention to the Shen Danzong with a trace of divine consciousness, and at this moment, he was relieved!

"Shen Danzong, when was there an additional Martial Emperor?"

"Is it the emperor pill I got last time in the secret realm?!"

Ghost Emperor and others are shocked! The reason why they dared to attack Shen Danzong was because of Dan Shang Qing Emperor's surrender, which made Shen Danzong's peak combat power worse than before, but now such a terrible enemy suddenly appeared, but it was beyond their expectations.

"Impossible! Even if it is a breakthrough that swallows the emperor pill, there is no such strength! That just now is clearly the power of Dao! Daofa will! Otherwise, the Northern Emperor will not be able to catch it!"

In this way, the confrontation between them and the White Emperor Meihuang had no effect. Since the two sides were unwilling to be desperate, it would be a waste of time to continue the fight.

In the void, the terrible power generated by nearly ten Martial Emperors obscured the sky.

But all eyes fell on Jian Chen alone.

Emperor Qingyan Wuming's eyes condensed, as if thinking of something, a trace of horror appeared on his face, and he blurted out, "Jian Chen! You are Ye Wuming's disciple!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone else was shocked!

Ye Wuming, in fact, in Xinghai Territory today is already recognized as a powerful person at the same level as them, even in their hearts they are no longer willing to provoke Ye Wuming, which is different from their own breakthrough, and become the first terrible emperor in a thousand years. enemy.

Looking now, even one of Ye Wuming's disciples has become Emperor Wu?

"He is the disciple of Sword Emperor Ye Wuming?"

Jian Huang! Ye Wuming! Hearing this name, Qingyan Wuhuang and Yinghuang both showed a strange look. They thought that when they encircled and suppressed the outer sky, the three of them joined forces to severely inflict Ye Wuming, who had just broken through the unstable realm, and still vividly remember it. Now, even the disciples of others are Become an emperor!

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