Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2240: rumor

One month, Jiuji Palace!

"Do you want to know the Nine Extremes Palace?"

Regarding the origin of the Nine Extremes Palace, Li Ye asked Emperor Tianjian, but unexpectedly, Emperor Tianjian did not know. Obviously, the Nine Extremes Palace definitely appeared after the fall of Emperor Tianjian.

In this way, the only person who could ask was Ye Wuming.

"The disciple wants to know."

Ye Wuming was not surprised by Li Ye's intention, or rather, he had already expected it.

Of course, Li Ye smiled when he saw Ye Wuming's appearance.

In just a few short days, Ye Wuming's little life was going well. He hugged him left and right, even he felt envious.

Seeing the smile in Li Ye's eyes, Ye Wuming couldn't help but flushed his face and hummed, "Being a teacher..."

"Master, I understand."

Understand your sister!

The expression on Li Ye's face that everyone is a man, I understand, made Ye Wuming's embarrassed old face flushed.

However, the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice is different from that of the normal teacher and apprentice, and this kind of joke doesn't hurt.

After the joke, it's back to the topic.

"I don’t know much about the Nine Extremes Palace, but one thing is that if people from the Lower Nine Realms want to go to the Upper Three Realms, the only way is through the Nine Extremes Palace!"

Go to the Upper Three Realms!

Li Ye's eyes narrowed!

Perhaps for others, the Upper Three Realms are out of reach, but he is different! Today's Lower Nine Regions, at least Xinghai Region, does not have too many challenges for him. The most powerful person in the Lower Nine Regions he encountered was nothing but Wu Huang.

The key is still the most trash Martial Emperor in the words of Emperor Tianjian!

The lower emperor!

Continuing to stay here does not actually help much to improve his cultivation.

In the Upper Three Realms, he is bound to go! Not for cultivation! It's for justice!

The Ye Family separated his parents back then! Let him be an orphan since he was young! Even if Aunt Yun is dead or alive, he must have a result!

"Nine Extremes Palace, where is the Upper Three Realms?"

"No, the Nine Extremes Palace, it's just a name! Or to put it another way, that is the place where the lower nine realms must pass to the upper three realms."

Must pass?

Regarding the distinction between the upper three realms and the lower nine realms of Yunteng Continent, Li Ye still does not have a specific concept. The only thing he knows is that Yunteng Continent, in the Primordial Era, was once affected by a disaster called the Twilight of the Gods. The fight was fragmented.

Since then, the upper three realms and the lower nine realms have emerged.

"Yes, what you said is correct. In the ancient times, at least in some of the ancient books handed down, the Yunteng Continent was originally a complete piece, but it was later shattered to form the upper three realms and the lower nine realms. We are in Xinghai region is one of the lower nine regions."

Many ancient secrets have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

"Between the Lower Nine Realms and the Upper Three Realms, there is a dangerous zone that cannot be crossed. Even if the Emperor Wu wants to go through it forcibly, it will be a life of nine deaths.


Emperor Wu will die forever?

Seeing Li Ye's astonishment, Ye Wuming smiled, "What the teacher said is not the lower emperors you know, but the emperor who truly breaks through the limits of the heavens and understands the will of the Dao!"

How far is the difference between the Emperor Wu who broke through with the emperor pill and the Emperor who broke through with his own talent? It can be seen from the fact that Ye Wuming just broke through, and his realm is still unstable.

"What is the Nine Extremes Palace?"

"The so-called nine-pole palace is actually a test set up by the upper three realms in the lower nine realms. Only those who meet the conditions are eligible to enter the upper three realms. Otherwise, unless they can forcibly cross between the upper three realms and the lower nine realms. The Sea of ​​Death, otherwise no one can go to the Upper Three Realms."

The sea of ​​death! It is possible to make Emperor Wu fall, and from this point we can see the degree of danger.

"Not even you, Master?"

"Haha! Although being a teacher in this star sea area, he is now considered the number one person, but in the eyes of the people of the upper three realms, it is nothing at all. As for the sea of ​​death, being a teacher wants to try it, but it is a pity that it has not yet been Rebuilding, so we can only give up this plan for the time being."

From Ye Wuming's mouth, Li Ye knew that the so-called Jiuji Palace was actually an experience!

In other words, it is a selection!

A selection of the Upper Three Realms for the Lower Nine Realms!

Only those who meet the requirements can be allowed to enter the upper three realms, otherwise, they can only stay in the lower nine realms all their lives.

Upper Three Realms, what does that mean?

Fools know that, compared to the lower nine realms, the upper three realms are simply fairyland! The concentration of Guangguangtiandi's spiritual energy is far beyond the level that many sects of the Lower Nine Regions are now based on spiritual veins.

"The Nine-Pole Palace is opened once in a hundred years, and this time it happens to be the arrival of the century."

Ye Wuming supported Li Ye to go for a break, and even if he didn't have any concerns, he would also go!

Before leaving, Li Ye's heart suddenly moved, thinking of several questions that Xinghai Secret Realm encountered when returning to Jiangnan Road this time.

"Master, you also came from Jiangnan Road back then?"

"What you want to ask is the Demon Lord."

Ye Wuming nodded directly about his disciple's understanding, "The teacher knows what you want to ask, the devil is indeed a person from Jiangnan Dao, at least when the teacher knows him."


"Master, do you know who the Demon Lord is?"

Jiangnan Road may be small in the eyes of Emperor Wu, but there is also a huge continent tens of thousands of miles away!

Ye Wuming's expression was a bit weird, but after a long time, he let out a long sigh.

"Wuzhou City."



Li Ye didn't leave the customs for a whole month.

This time on the trip to the secret realm, his cultivation realm has not improved, but his strength has risen to a point that cannot be measured by realm.

At least, he is confident that he is invincible in the face of those Martial Emperors in the Lower Nine Regions.

But since learning about the conditions for the entry of the Upper Three Realms and the existence of the Nine Extremes Palace, it has brought him new impetus!

Under the Nine Regions, perhaps he is not yet invincible, standing at the top! But it is also infinitely close.

But if it is true as Ye Wuming said, even Emperor Wu is just an inconspicuous little person in the Upper Three Realms, then he has a long way to go in the future!

For a month, the surface of the entire star sea area was calm and calm, as if everyone had forgotten what had happened before.

But behind the scenes, the dark tide is raging.

Four big families! The Northern Emperor has fallen!

Shocked the entire Star Sea!

Shen Dan Zong Dan Shang Qing emperor left, all sects were moved!

However, how the Northern Emperor fell, no one knows, even if the four big families went crazy looking for the murderer, they still made no progress.

But there is a saying!

The ancestor of the four great families, Emperor Bei Huang, was the most enchanting genius who died in the entire Xinghai Region today, the disciple of the Shen Danzong, Li Yezhi!

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