Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2246: Sword Madness and Madness

The lunatic of the Dongxing family!

From this title, it can be seen that the strong man who shot right now is definitely not an ordinary person.

Sure enough, many people's faces changed when they shot.

"The peak king! But this terrible aura is not even much weaker than that of the northern courtyard just now! The lunatic of the Dongxing family has a well-deserved reputation!"

"I heard that this person was so talented when he was young, and he was almost kicked out of the house by the Dongxing family. However, he accidentally entered an ancient cave house outside. Although it was badly damaged, he obtained a long-lost copy of the magic technique. It is a pity that he It is not the way to practice this kind of exercise, it is impossible to cultivate to the realm of transformation, otherwise it is only a matter of time to step into the half-emperor, and it is even expected to hit the realm of Wuhuang!

"Emperor Wu is too far away. How many people have succeeded in Xinghai Territory over the years? Cultivating to this point is actually the end of the road of martial arts. Although you can't become an emperor, who can be an enemy under the emperor?"

Not to mention, many peak kings and even half-emperor powerhouses saw the lunatics of the Dongxing family, their expressions became especially jealous.

Obviously, the lunatic of the Dongxing family is not well-known, and many people have even suffered from him.

This pestle carries a powerful force, let alone a person, even if it is a dragon, it may have its skin and flesh spattered.

However, suddenly, an astonishing sword intent appeared in the air, and it collided fiercely with that Jiang Mo pestle.

The entire void seemed to have been broken through a huge hole, and a golden magic pestle was bounced high and fell into the hands of the lunatic of the Dong Xing family.

"Who?! Dare to spoil your grandfather's good deeds!"

With a loud shout, everyone saw an expressionless young man directly holding a sword, with amazing sword intent all over his body, as if the whole person was transformed into a peerless sword, and no one dared to stop his edge.

"Li Ye, this person, give it to me!"


He was taciturn, just a few words at this time, but revealed his crazy fighting spirit.

Strong when it comes to strength, for Wu Chi, meeting a strong opponent is not a trouble, but an opportunity.

"What a mad boy, let your grandpa smash out your heavenly spirit cover with one blow, and take your soul back with you to torture and torture!"

Everyone could see that at this time the sword-holding young man had just stepped into the king, and he had no chance of winning against a peak king, and even this was a strong man who had to be careful with even a half emperor.

But Li Ye nodded. He knew the depth of A Fei. Since he actively asked to play, he naturally had his reasons.

Even Temujin was a little eager to try. Seeing that A Fei took the lead, he couldn't help showing disappointment.


Shen Danzong is too familiar with A Fei, and A Fei is not a disciple of Shen Danzong, and they are not qualified to stop him.

But the rest of the people showed an interesting look when they saw someone who had the courage to challenge the lunatic Dongxing family.

"Guess, how many tricks can this kid stick to?"

"How many tricks? It's good if he can insist on three tricks! The lunatic of the Dongxing family, ten years ago, he once chased a half-emperor who had no way to go into the earth, and finally the half-emperor disappeared. After avoiding his pursuit, there was just a kid who had just shot the bullet, and he was looking for death."

"I heard that this person is also the person next to Li Ye, his strength is not weak, but he did go up to die."

To die? Li Yewenzhi sneered coldly.

Is it going to die? Everyone soon saw it.

The lunatic of the Dongxing family is indeed extremely violent, and the golden descending magic pestle in his hand is like Mount Tai, terrifying! Even the thick-skinned Demon King was killed by a single blow under him!

However, everyone did not expect that the young man directly fought against the Dong Xing lunatic!

The sword intent in the void is vertical and horizontal, and the sword aura is like the most terrifying war spear in the world. Even if the lunatic of the Dongxing family sees it, he can't help but show emotion and dare not easily collide with it.

Almost the two of them took the hard line, but compared to the lunatic of the Dongxing family, A Fei was even more crazy!

"Damn, this kid is the real lunatic!"

In just a few moves, both sides are covered in blood!

A Fei's whole body was crumpled up and down, but his sword intent became stronger and stronger in his eyes, and even in the end, his whole body turned into a peerless sword.

On the other hand, the lunatic of the Dongxing family was bloody, and he did not know how much sword energy he had endured. The golden descending magic pestle in his hand was also a quasi-imperial weapon. At this time, there was a dead end, even on it crisscrossed. A lot of sword marks!

Both lose!

No one guessed that it was the result!

The two silhouettes separated abruptly, and one of them was violently knocked out, almost breaking through several peaks before stopping his body.

On the other side, the lunatic of the Dong Xing family was like a blood man, his body was shaky. If it hadn't been for an old man of the Dong Xing family, he would go forward and hold it in a hurry, he might even fall directly from the void.


There was a sound of inhalation, who would have thought that a young Jian Xiu who suddenly appeared would actually force the Dong Xing lunatic into such embarrassment?

The faces of the four major families are not very good-looking. At the Shen Danzong side, many elders also looked at A Fei who was crumbling and re-climbing with surprised eyes, and those eyes were hot!

A Fei's performance definitely made many people recognize this taciturn young man again!

"This son is definitely not under the top geniuses of the famous Star Sea Region! Why hasn't anyone mentioned it before?"

Although there have long been people in the Shen Danzong that A Fei challenged talented disciples everywhere, but some elders did not take it seriously. Even if some core disciples or even true disciples lost, they still thought that those people were willing to keep their hands for Li Ye's sake, and it was a bit of face.

But now, they found that they were all wrong!

"This kid is a piece of uncut jade!"

Elder Sun couldn't help sighing, you know, one of his best martial arts is kendo! But not only him, but several elders showed scorching eyes!

Two consecutive battles have not taken advantage of it, leaving the four big families with sullen expressions.

They want to use their power to suppress others, but Shen Danzong is after all Shen Danzong, let alone a person standing up beside Li Ye, it is so amazing!

Originally they only knew that there was an ancient bloodline around Li Ye, but now they suddenly realized that what they knew was only the tip of the iceberg!

Beiyuankui's expression was gloomy, and Shen Danzong's attitude was so tough, which was obviously what he expected.

His gaze fell on Li Ye, and the terrifying half-emperor's coercion rose wildly.

"Beiyuankui, do you want to do it yourself?!"

Everyone inhaled!

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