Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2247: North Star

Who is Beiyuanchang? There are definitely not many people worthy of his own hands in the entire Xinghai Region.

Not to mention, personally deal with a junior!


With a hint of warning in the voice of Elder Yuyun, his figure also straddled in front of Beiyuanqian.

"Yuyun! You couldn't stop me back then, and now you are no match for me! Today I only have one purpose, don't you want to intervene?"

Obviously, the two have known each other for many years and have fought more than once. However, it can be seen from the voices of the two that Elder Yuyun is not the opponent of the other party.

At this moment, many people in Shen Danzong took a sigh of relief!

Elder Yuyun has a high prestige in the Shendan Sect, and his posture can be said to be the first person under the Emperor Wu!

No one knows the specific strength of Elder Yuyun, but one or two can be seen from the respect of the other elders.

"Bei Yuanqiu, in your capacity, is it too shameful to shoot at a junior?"


A burst of rampant laughter came from Beiyuanqian's mouth.

After he finished laughing, his expression became extremely cold, and his eyes squinted, "Face? My generation of geniuses from the North Courtyard family, the ancestors of the North Courtyard family are all dead in vain, face, is it important?"

Everyone fell silent.

Even if the four major families, even if Tianyang Sect Dugu's family and others came, they just borrowed an excuse. But Bei Yuanqian's slightly sad and angry words caused many people to convulse their hearts.

"The four big families have fallen."

There was a sigh in the void, no one could hear it, or it was impossible to hear it except for a few.

But I have to admit that the four major families are indeed in decline!

The powerful family that once had four Wuhuang ancestors is now only one left! Although barely maintaining the face of the four big families, there are already countless pairs of eyes in the back, staring at the four big families!

The powerful family that used to be like tigers and hungry wolves is now extremely weak and has become a dish that can be served in the eyes of others.

"The Beiyuan family, this is to take this opportunity to build up its prestige, and it's also a ruin."

"At this time, there are capable people in the four major families, but Shen Danzong is not a good bone to chew, if there is no other person behind this..."

Countless pairs of eyes, not only staring at the Shen Danzong, but also at the four major families, staring at the Tianyang Sect, Dugu Family, Laodang Mountain and so on!

Elder Yuyun said nothing, but his expression told everyone his decision.

Shen Danzong was absolutely impossible to sacrifice Li Ye when the enemy came.


Without any fancy, it represents the two most powerful people under the four major families and Shen Danzong Wuhuang, and their will, rules, and Taoist rhymes have all collided together.

Half emperor!

The cultivation of both sides has almost reached the limit under Wu Huang.

What they lack is the last trace of understanding! Or chance.

In the Xinghai Region, this is actually the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Who of you, can Elder Yuyun win?"

"Definitely win! The four big families have always been inferior to my Shen Danzong, let alone now! Even if the Danshang Qing emperor is gone, our Shen Danzong will still have four Wuhuang adults sitting in town. What else does his four big families have? Except Nanting The ancestor of the family is still there, and the ancestors of the other three families have all fallen!"

Shen Danzong was all holding a breath.

But looking at the four major families, there is also a flame hidden in their hearts!

They need to use this battle to get the four big families out of desperation! This is a battle that neither side can afford to lose!

"Elder Yuyun is not an opponent."

Suddenly, Li Ye sighed softly and shook his head slightly.

This sound was very soft, but it was still heard by several elder disciples of Shen Danzong.

Suddenly, the elders' expressions condensed, and their expressions were a bit unsightly but still didn't say anything. But some Shen Danzong disciples are not so well-trained.

Suddenly, one of the disciples of the Shen Danzong suddenly became angry, "Li Ye! What do you mean by this? Elder Yuyun is good enough to you! Since you came to our Shen Danzong, they are all biased towards you. Now you actually curse that Elder Yun can't beat that Northern courtyard?"

"Yeah! Yeah! Elder Yuyun hasn't done anything for some talents himself, and now some people are still talking cool words, which is really chilling!"

After all, there are still people who can’t treat Li Ye as the same family. In addition to today’s incident, the four major families and other sects also used Li Ye’s excuse to hit the door. It is impossible to say that no one in Shen Danzong has any complaints. of.

Now that Li Ye said this, he immediately ignited the long-standing dissatisfaction in some people's hearts.

If it weren't for the current enemy, there would have been disciples who would have jumped out to find Li Ye to settle accounts.

Li Ye ignored their glaring glances.

He naturally didn't want Elder Yuyun to lose, but there is no doubt that Beiyuankui's strength is indeed better than Elder Yuyun, but this gap is invisible to ordinary people.

On the side of Shen Danzong, only a few elders with very senior qualifications had serious faces, because they had also seen this battle, and Elder Yuyun was not optimistic.

"The North Star!"

While the two sides were in a stalemate, Beiyuankui's face revealed a ray of killing intent!

In an instant, a white star in the void exudes amazing heat, as if to evaporate the entire land, it is impossible for a mortal to survive even for a breath in front of it!

"not good!"

Elder Sun exclaimed, the expressions of the several elders of Shen Danzong changed drastically!

"The North Star of the North Yard! The North Yard has actually penetrated!"

Not only on the side of Shen Danzong, almost everyone, who followed all this, was shocked!

Elder Yuyun himself also felt an unprecedented death crisis, and he made a low drink, and the water curtains turned into a nine-day Milky Way, trying to block the impact of the terrifying white stars.

One fire, one water, this is a collision between two extreme forces.

The nine-day Milky Way became dry in an instant, like a sun and star, nothing can stop its path!

"Yuyun! Today is your death date!"

No one thought that Beiyuankui's killing intention was so strong! At this time, the idiots could see that the victory and defeat had been divided between the two sides, but it was clear that Beiyuanqiu had no intention of stopping!

Elder Yuyun's body was burning up and down. It was not an ordinary flame, but a kind of soul flame that started in the body.

"It is rumored that the North Pole Star of the North Court can directly burn the opponent's soul!"

I don't know who shouted in exclamation, but it also made people know the terrible part of this secret technique of Beiyuan Family! Beiyuankui has actually penetrated!

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