Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2236: Palace of Terror

With the seven-eight-eighth cultivation base that Li Ye has recovered now, it took a lot of time to come all the way to the entrance of the underground palace.

On the way, even several times, he felt a few terrifying breaths.

The aura was so powerful that even made him feel terrified! You know, even Emperor Wu can't make Li Ye change color like this!

What made him breathe a sigh of relief was that the few faint breaths seemed to be asleep, so he didn't notice other lives breaking in.

At the foot of the empty space, suddenly a large area of ​​underground space almost invisible at a glance appeared in the line of sight.

"here is!"

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Ye's expression changed.

The underground palace in front of you is not so much an underground palace as it is an underground world!

But this was not what surprised him the most. What surprised him the most was that this underground world was like a huge tomb!

Correct! It's the grave!

There are countless tombstones erected there, hundreds of thousands at a glance, there is no way to count them!

At the same time, with Li Ye's intrusion, it seemed that a certain organ formation was triggered, and endless gusts of wind could be felt. Even with Li Ye's current cultivation base, he could not help but tremble.

That kind of coldness that directly invaded his bone marrow and soul, Li Ye's face was extremely pale, with no trace of blood.

"Not good! These yin winds are eating the blood in my body!"

Eat blood! A person's physical strength is related to life and even life span! Even if Li Ye's whole body blood energy far surpasses people in the same realm, the blood blood and the true dragon blood are themselves vigorous races, but even so, Li Ye can't resist it in this yin wind. At the current speed of eating, If he can't hold on for a quarter of an hour, he will become a corpse!

It’s just that they’re all here. If you leave without doing anything, isn’t it too bad?

After gritting his teeth, at least Li Ye wanted to know the origin of the entire underground palace! Why are there so many terrible tombstones here?

The nearest tombstone almost made Li Ye exhaust all his vitality! Especially the closer you are to the tombstone, the faster you will be eaten!

Even at the end, Li Ye couldn't help but swallow a few pill that strengthened his vitality before he reluctantly walked to one of the tombstones.

The whole tombstone is more than three feet tall and unpretentious, much shabby compared to the tombs of some big families in the secular world.

But just such an unpretentious tombstone made Li Ye feel a terrifying will like heaven!


It seemed that at that moment, he saw a figure standing upright, whose terrifying aura Li Ye could not even judge what realm it was! At least, Emperor Wu was as small as an ant in front of that person!

"Di Lin!"

On the tombstone, there are only these two sonorous and powerful characters. Although the font is not any kind of characters Li Ye knows at all, when he saw those two characters, he seemed to have these two characters in his mind. word.

Sad and desolate, no regrets!

He felt the will in those two words!


When Li Ye woke up again, he found that he was no longer in the underground palace, but returned to the ground, beside the dry well in the backyard of the Li family's old house.

"Old ghost, just now..."

That is beyond what Li Ye can understand, a tombstone, just a tombstone can have such a terrifying will?

The Great Emperor Tianjian fell into silence for a long time without any sound.

After Li Ye asked several times, he finally got a response.

"Boy, the underground palace may be..."

"What is it?"

"The emperor can't make a rash judgment, but the emperor once heard a rumor that at the end of the ancient times, a huge change occurred. After that, a huge fault appeared in the entire Yunteng continent. Several people know what happened, but there are a few more credible rumors."

"What rumors?"

"After the ancient times, the disappearance of the gods and the extinction of the vast majority of the ten thousand races were all related to that secret. And no one knew what that secret was. It was only because of that secret that even the gods were involved, countless The strong fell, even the gods, several of them completely disappeared."

Even the gods disappear?

"The emperor doesn't know the details, but there is a rumor that somewhere in the Yunteng Continent, there is a place where all the strong men and even gods who fell under that secret back then are buried!"


Li Ye's brain exploded!

A strong man in the ancient times, even a god?

Combined with the huge tomb formed by the endless tombstones in the underground palace just now, and the yin wind that almost made him inaccessible!

hiss! Couldn't help taking a breath, did he accidentally discover that it only exists in the land of legend?

But the words of Emperor Tianjian directly made Li Ye tremble again.

"Boy, just the tombstone you just came into contact with, if the emperor didn't make a mistake, the master of the tombstone was at least a saint before his life!

At least a saint?

The saint, that is even more terrifying than the emperor, and there is no saint in this world today, it is unknown!

He ran into a tombstone of a saint?

The point is, that is just the outermost among the countless tombstones! All fools can see that the more tombstones inside, the more terrifying existences will be buried!

"Could it be that there really is where the gods' dusk is?"

Emperor Tianjian's light sigh made Li Ye couldn't help but move.

The Twilight of the Gods, if it is true, it is indeed very appropriate!

Even the saints are only qualified to be buried in the outermost periphery, and only the dusk of the gods can describe it appropriately.

With curiosity, Li Ye wanted to find out more, but what surprised him was that the entire underground palace disappeared after the original road!

Even under the dry well, there is no road!

"Map of the Underground Palace!"

Turning out the map of the underground palace, Li Ye was stunned to see that the map of the underground palace decayed directly and slowly, as if time had been frozen there before, but now it was finally released and turned into dust.

The road disappeared. The map of the underground palace is also rotten.

It is equivalent to saying that Li Ye could not enter the underground palace again.

"Don't worry about it. If there is really the rumored Twilight of the Gods, there must be a secret of existence. You have the honor to enter once, it is already a huge opportunity, and you can't force it again."

Indeed, Li Ye found that although he had lost a lot of blood, he seemed to be in the dark. After he touched the tombstone, his mind was vaguely filled with countless terrible wills. Those wills seemed to be imprinted. Got his mind.

Daofa will!

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