Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2235: Go to the underground palace

The evil spirit palace is just an episode. ∈♀Vertex Novel,

The only thing that surprised Li Ye was that the Lord of the Demon Hall was actually a young man from the Upper Three Realms.

Said it was Xiao, but he was a character in the Lower Nine Domains. The key is that in this Jiangnan Road, it is absolutely invincible.

It's a pity, rather unlucky, I met Li Ye.

In the Promise Palace, Li Ye silently remembered this name in his heart. Obviously, the sect of the Upper Three Realms would actually care so much about this remote and wild land, and even sent someone to investigate it. It is indeed worthy of understanding.

The point is that this Promise Palace was created by Emperor Tianjian.

"Old ghost, how many sects of Promise Palace count?"

Li Ye asked very little about the past of Emperor Tianjian. After all, no one has a past, let alone a powerhouse like Emperor Tianjian. Just why, as the great emperor of the upper three realms, would fall into the lower nine realms?

"Three products."

The Heavenly Sword Emperor didn't conceal it, and answered very readily.

"The third grade sect?" Although Li Ye had already guessed something, he took a breath.

Shen Danzong, Yun Family is considered to be great? The overlord-level sect family of Xinghai Region! That is only the fourth product.

The mysterious Xinghai Mansion, but the rumors are only at the level of the third grade sect.

"In the Upper Three Realms, the strongest is the Yipin Zongmen?"

Li Ye was very curious, as far as Xia Jiuyu was concerned, he had already figured out a lot of things. Even if the Xinghai Region is the weakest place in the lower nine regions, even if the other eight regions are strong, they cannot be too strong.

On the contrary, it was the Upper Three Realms. Li Ye had a feeling that after he stepped into the Martial Emperor, it was time to leave the Lower Nine Realms and go to the Upper Three Realms, so he had to understand clearly in advance.

"Boy, practice hard. The Upper Three Realms are no better than the Lower Nine Realms. There are as many geniuses as dogs. Like the so-called geniuses of the Lower Nine Realms, they have reached the Upper Three Realms, and they are everywhere. Although you are not bad now, you have reached the Upper Three Realms. It's just the middle and upper capital. Only when your strength reaches a certain stage, you are eligible to get in touch with what you should know."

Obviously, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor did not want to say more, but in the end he said something more, "The level of the Shen Dan Sect you are in is everywhere in the upper three realms, but it is the weakest sect!"

Returning from the Demon Hall, who would have thought that in less than a day, a dignified Demon Hall would be kicked.

Naturally, Li Ye didn't slaughter the whole house. Except for a few leading powerhouses in the Demon Hall, most of the others had been abolished by him or punished, and then let go.

Back to Wuzhou City, the Li Family Residence.

"Map of the underground palace?"

The Li family’s mother and daughter had been released long ago, and seeing Li Ye back at this time, the Li Yang family was naturally grateful. But when Li Ye asked about the underground palace, he obviously seemed a little surprised.

"Yes, the Wang Family, or the purpose of the Demon Hall, is actually the map."

"It's because of that thing!"

Li Yang felt incredible, but soon he took out a tattered scroll like parchment.

It just seems to be a long time ago, and it has already been damaged for most of it. It can barely be seen as a map and a topographic map of the underground palace.

"Sure enough, there is an underground palace!"

Others couldn't see the origin of this sheepskin scroll, but he could tell at a glance that it was made by someone using some kind of monster fur, and it was even protected by several layers of formations.

Even so, it's still broken like this now, showing how long this underground palace map has existed.

"This is Voldemort's fur."

The voice of Emperor Tianjian rang in his mind, obviously recognizing the source of the parchment.

"Voldemort? Isn't that rumored to be extinct?"

Upon hearing this, Li Ye was a little surprised.

Voldemort, the era that really appeared was the oldest of the Primordial Ancients. After that, almost no one had seen it. Even in the early days of the ancient times, there were very few rumors.

In this way, the origin of this parchment is more intriguing.

Voldemort's fur production, not to mention that the source of this thing dates back to the ancient times?

That was the oldest known era, the gods have not disappeared, the heroes have risen together, and the strong are the horrible representatives of flying away.

"Boy, it seems that it has a lot to do with the underground palace. No matter what, you will find the opportunity to go in and have a look, maybe, you will be surprised."

Nodded, a underground palace that was probably left over from the Primordial Primordial Era, even if it was only of historical value, was enough for many powerful sects and strong men to take action. And idiots know that this underground palace has existed for such a long time, and the single herb and one thing in it may be equivalent to the imperial weapon or even the emperor soldier in the eyes of everyone today!

In case something is left behind by the great power of the ancient times, once it is obtained, ordinary people simply cannot imagine it.

The map of the underground palace was naturally obtained by Li Ye, and Li Yang's family had no opinion. They are not fools either, even the Wang Family is interested, even the Demon Hall is interested in this, and staying on them will undoubtedly lead to flames.

On the contrary, Li Ye was a little bit sorry. He hesitated, but it took two days to help Li Yang and his wife dredge the meridians. Although they could not be as exaggerated as Li San's qualitative leap, it also made the two men with ordinary talents. People, in the future, at least until they reach the realm of the sky, they will be unimpeded!

On the contrary, it was Li Yang's daughter, Li Feng'er, who counted as Li Ye's young niece, Li Ye took a moment to think.

It's just that Li Ye didn't have any exercises suitable for women's cultivation, so Shui Linglong finally came forward and let Li Feng'er worship her as a named disciple.

For Shui Linglong, Li Jiaxia was almost shocked! Even Li Yang's wife and Li Feng'er, who were well-known in Wuzhou City, were stunned.

"Master, is this your wife?"

Li San opened his mouth wide. He thought that the second lady was as beautiful as a fairy, and the mother-in-law was even more charming. He didn't expect a woman to appear beside Li Ye, just like a real fairy.

Madam? Li Ye smiled in his heart, he liked this title.

He gave Li San a satisfied look, neither admitted nor refused. Shui Linglong couldn't help but give someone a blank look, knowing that he was careful about someone. It's just that smart people don't always go to shame men and be smart.

Wuzhou City, Underground Palace.

No one knows that there is an ancient underground palace that has existed for tens of thousands of years in the underground of Wuzhou City.

Even before Wuzhou City appeared, it existed here.

With the map of the underground palace, it is not difficult for Li Ye to find the entrance of the underground palace. To his surprise, the entrance of the underground palace is actually under the dry well in the backyard of the old house of the Li family!

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