Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2237: The Northern Emperor is dead

Daofa will!

Li Ye has some surprises! Although it was just some branding, he knew that if he could penetrate all of them, he would have mastered several more powerful Dao Fa wills. "The Apex Novel,

Moreover, I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The more Dao Dharma will he has mastered, it has played a role in promoting the three Dao Dharma wills he has understood. Have a further insight.

Only now, the underground palace and his party, in less than a day, made him feel.

"If the Northern Emperor appears now and he is the only one, I have at least 60% chance of winning to fight him head-on!"

That is absolute confidence!

Before becoming an emperor, cut the emperor first!

Maybe he is not as enchanting as the devil a thousand years ago, but he is him! Even if he is not as good as the Demon Lord back then, but he believes that one day, not only will there be a legend that belongs to the Demon Lord, but also a legend that belongs to him!

"Did the Demon Lord also enter the underground palace back then?"

Suddenly, such a terrible thought burst into his mind.

Then he shook his head and laughed at himself as a whimsical.

He discovered that the underground palace was purely accidental. If it weren't for being chased by the Northern Emperor and others, severely wounded and unconscious in Wuzhou City, if it weren't for the underground palace map that Li Yang didn't know where he got from, it attracted the demon hall and the king's prying eyes, if not...

Are these coincidences too coincidental?

There is also the Promise Palace!

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor has fallen for at least ten thousand years, is the Promise Palace still the Promise Palace where the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor is located?

Li Yang's family, with the cultivation techniques and pills left by Li Ye, as long as they don't leave the Jiangnan Road, they will be able to pass on them for thousands of years.

As for their choices in the future, it is naturally beyond Li Ye's control.

Only for Li San and Li Feng'er, Li Ye left a transmission talisman to warn them that if one day, when their cultivation reaches the world-passing level, they can take this talisman to leave Jiangnan Road and go to a wider world. .

At that time, whether it was ten years or a hundred years, it all depended on their abilities.

When leaving Wuzhou City, Li Ye glanced back subconsciously.

However, it was this eye that caused his pupils to shrink slightly.

The entire Wuzhou City looked ordinary and unremarkable, but it seemed to have a certain will completely shrouded in it. Even Li Ye swept through with his spiritual knowledge, and the entire Wuzhou City was hazy, as if he bounced his spiritual knowledge away.

"So that's the case, the Northern Emperor didn't find me because of this reason!"

There must be some secret in Wuzhou City.

The underground palace of the Primordial Era, the mysterious will, and the character that gave birth to his father Li Kainian.

Even Li Ye himself wondered whether the demon king a thousand years ago also walked out of Wuzhou City?

"It seems that I have to ask Master when I go back, the devil's origin is."

It turned into a escape light. Although his injury was now healed, Li Ye didn't dare to sway.

He was not afraid of a Northern Emperor or a single Ghost Emperor, but if several Martial Emperors joined forces to kill him at the same time, he would still run away in embarrassment.

But the strange thing is that when he left Jiangnan Road, he didn't encounter any obstacles! Not to mention the pursuit of the Northern Emperor and others, even the people of the major sects have gone clean!

Could it be that after finding him, he gave up all?

Void Gate! The only channel connecting Jiangnan Road and Xinghai Region! Of course, if it was Emperor Wu, it would be possible to rip through the void and cross the sky directly, but Li Ye could not do it for the time being.

Therefore, he must pass through the gate of the void to return to the city of God Pill.

"Uncle Master!"

Outside the door of the void, a person suddenly appeared, and his face was full of surprise when he saw Li Ye.

"Are you a disciple of Shen Danzong?"

Seeing the other party, Li Ye was also a little strange. The aura that only an alchemist carried on the other party could not be faked. Almost most of the disciples of the Shendan Sect, more or less, carried this kind of aura.

"Uncle Shi, I'm under the elder Yuyun, and I have seen Uncle Shi!"

Disciple of Elder Yuyun? According to seniority, I really want to call Li Ye Yisheng Master Uncle. Although the opponent's cultivation base is also strong to the realm of the king, but it is obvious that the seniority is there.

And now with Li Ye's strength, not to mention the king, half the emperor would just cut it! When Emperor Wu came, it was really hard to say which one would win or lose.

"Uncle Master! You can be regarded as showing up, the elders and Lord White Emperor are all going crazy!"

Li Ye disappeared for ten days and a half month. The key is that Li Ye did not leave his life jade soul lamp in Shen Danzong. No one knew whether he was alive or dead.

From this Shen Danzong disciple, Li Ye also knew what happened outside during the time he was seriously injured and unconscious in Wuzhou City.

After listening to it, his expression was particularly shocked.

Northern Emperor, dead!

After Li Ye heard this news, he almost didn't think he had a problem with his ears.

"The Northern Emperor is dead? What's the matter?"

That's Emperor Wu! Who has the ability to kill a martial emperor?

But obviously, no one can answer this question!

At the same time, another major event made Li Ye stunned after hearing it! But when I think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

Shen Danzong flashed as he went all the way, and Li Ye barely stayed for a moment.

The atmosphere of the entire Shen Danzong was depressed, and even many of the disciples' faces were full of anger, or the confusion in hesitation.

As soon as Li Ye appeared in Shen Danzong, he heard two voices ringing in his ears one after another.

"Li Ye, come directly to Lord Danfeng."

The main alpine peak, that is the most sacred place of the Shen Danzong, even the elders are not qualified to enter and leave at will. Only a few Wuhuang emperors can enter.

The voice came from the White Emperor, and Li Ye even heard the exhaustion in the White Emperor's voice.

The other voice was Mei Huang, apparently both of them were on the main alpine peak.

Main Danfeng, Dan Temple.

This is also the first time Li Ye has stepped into it. The entire Pill Temple is unexpectedly simple, and the White Emperor, Mei Huang and others have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Li Ye appear, Mei Huang took the lead in relief and a smile.

The same was true for the White Emperor. Although the Medicine Emperor and Fire Emperor on one side did not have much friendship with Li Ye, they nodded slightly.

They naturally knew something happened in Jiangnan Province.

The five emperors of Shendanzong are the only one missing!

Dan Shang Qing Emperor!

From the eyes of the four emperors, he saw a kind of distress, especially the fire emperor, who breathed fire in his eyes.

"Several adults!"

"You knew already?"

"Well, a disciple under Brother Yuyun has already informed."

One of the five emperors of Shen Danzong Danshang Qing Emperor! Betrayed the Shen Danzong! More importantly, after rebelling against Shen Danzong, he was drawn to the past by the Yun Family!

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