Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2234: Lord of the Demon Temple

The Demon Temple is located in a mountain range not far from Wuzhou City.

Here, it used to be the place of Jiuhua Sect, but now the Jiuhua Sect has disappeared from Jiangnan Road, and it is replaced by the Demon Hall.

Compared with the fairy clouds of the Jiuhua School in the past, the Demon Shaman Temple in front of you was like a ghostly hell.

"Smoke and miasma."

A figure appeared in front of the gate of the Demon Evil Palace, looking at the spirit veins of the former Jiuhua Sect but doing so, frowning involuntarily.


There was a low shout from the Demon Shaman Temple, and the two radiances rose into the sky, and when I looked at the breath, I knew that he was a strong person in the innate realm, and he was not weak, at least with a mid-innate cultivation base.

It's a pity that they can't see anyone at all, they just feel a wind blowing by them, and their faces are full of shock.

"Notify the sect, there are enemies!"

One of them yelled, but before the people in the Demon Hall could react, Li Ye was already standing in the hall of the Demon Hall.

This was once the Jiuhuazong Hall, where the elders discussed matters.

It's a pity that what is in front of me is a **** scenery, ************, mixed with the depressed cry of some women.

Demon Temple! Wicked way!

Seeing all this in front of him, Li Ye's face was expressionless.

The powerful divine consciousness instantly swept across the entire Demon Sword Hall sect, and then his face became slightly ugly.

Although he had known the origins of the Demon Hall from the souls of the three Demon Hall disciples before he came, he still looked pale when he saw it.


Finally, someone discovered Li Ye, an uninvited guest, and shouted in shock.

At the same time, bells rang in the entire Demon Hall, which was a warning that represented the arrival of the enemy.

"Those who want your lives!"

Li Ye is not bloodthirsty, but now he has a strong desire to kill! All over the body, the killing intent almost turned into substance!

In an instant, as soon as the voice fell, all the voices in the entire hall disappeared. Almost all the people in the Demon Hall had their eyes widened, but they fell stupefied.

There is no trauma, but a closer look will reveal that there is no trace of breath on them! Even the soul no longer exists!

At least hundreds of powerful people in the Demon Hall died silently.

For these people, those with weak cultivation bases also have innate realms, and strong ones even have a few masters in the earth spirit realm.

So many people died all of a sudden, completely alarming the strong in Demon Hall.

In the blink of an eye, several people with amazing brilliance all over their bodies appeared in the hall. When they saw the lifeless doormen on the ground, all their faces were very ugly.

"Who thief, dare to kill the people of my Demon Hall!"

One of the old men was wrinkled, and his face was red with silver hair. At first glance, he knew that he had practiced some kind of evil remedial technique.

Moreover, the aura of this old man is quite strong, even making Li Ye a little surprised.

"Peak of the Earth Profound Realm?"

The old man was shocked when he was told that he had cultivated himself! At this time, he was looking at Li Ye, his eyes flickering.

Li Ye looked at the others, and found that the weakest cultivation base in the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm, the strongest person, was actually half a step through the sky!

The few people in front of them are comparable to or even surpassing the Jiuhua Sect at the peak of the year!

But what surprised Li Ye the most was that a middle-aged man appeared in the hall silently with no expression on his face, but after he appeared, the previous strong demon halls suddenly trembled, Salute this person.

"Greetingly welcome the Lord!"

Lord of the Demon Hall!

Actually has the cultivation base of the Venerable Realm!

This was indeed beyond Li Ye's expectation. How could he not expect that there would be such a master in Jiangnan Road?

Had it not been for the fact that he had spent a few days healing his wounds before, and came forward rashly, he might not know what would happen today.

As everyone knows, while Li Ye was surprised, the Lord of the Demon Hall was not as calm on the surface, and there was a hint of horror in his heart!

Li Ye saw through his cultivation, but he couldn't see through the details of the young man in front of him!

This made him surprised and suspicious, "What is the origin of this son? How can such a person be born in a barren land like Jiangnan Road? Is it also from..."

The Lord of the Demon Hall's heart moved, but on the surface there was a deep voice, "Your Excellency broke into my Demon Hall and killed the people under my sect. What a mighty prestige."


If it weren't for worrying about revealing his aura and attracting Beihuang and others, Li Ye wouldn't talk nonsense with them at all!

Forget the others, he can smash it with one finger. But the Lord of the Demon Hall, there was some trouble.

However, it is a bit troublesome.

A golden body appeared in front of the evil spirit hall and the others. Before they could react, the entire body of the evil spirit hall except the master burst almost instantly, and those who died could no longer die.


The Lord of the Demon Hall was panicked. Just about to leave, he realized that he had been pinched by someone's neck. He wanted to resist, but suddenly heard a voice ringing in his ear.

"You're not from Jiangnan Province, let's just say, who are you?"

Li Ye is very curious. It is impossible for Jiangnan Dao to suddenly emerge such a strong man in the past few years after he left. The only explanation is that this person came from outside!

Facing Li Ye's eyes, the Hallmaster of the Demon Shaman Palace lost consciousness in an instant, and all the secrets were unfolded before Li Ye's eyes.

After a while, he threw the Hallmaster of the Demon Shaman Temple who was foaming almost as if he had no bones on the ground, but Li Ye's expression became extraordinarily weird.

The lord of the Demon Evil Palace is indeed not from Jiangnan Dao. Although the subordinates he recruited are some evil masters from Jiangnan Dao, and even the former powerful men of Jiuhuazong who have fallen, he is indeed from outside. .

Obviously, the Lord of the Demon Hall is just a little guy, at least in his organization, it's a cannon fodder!

"Wuji Palace! Old ghost, have you ever heard of it?"

After all, what Li Ye understood was only the Star Sea Territory. Naturally, he had never heard of the name of this sect.

But the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor fell into silence, making Li Ye suddenly realize that he should have accidentally touched something beyond his imagination.

"Old ghost?"

With a long sigh, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor obviously fell into memory, "Unexpectedly, after so many years, I will hear this name again."

"you know?"

This time, it was Li Ye's turn to be surprised! However, if you think about it carefully, it is normal to know that the emperor-level powerhouse, even the people of the upper three realms back then.

"The emperor naturally knows, because this Promise Palace was created by the emperor himself!"


Promise Palace? Was it created by Emperor Heavenly Sword himself?

That said, and not behind this Demon Hall...

"It seems that the emperor's guess is correct. The underground palace under Wuzhou City does have some secrets. Boy, even the emperor is very curious and wants to go in and take a look."

The purpose of the Demon Temple is also the Underground Palace of Wuzhou City! Even the Wang Family was led by the Demon Hall!

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