Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2231: There is a backstage

Li San became Li Ye’s registered disciple. Without mentioning that Li Ye is still the old patriarch of the Li family, he is directed at Li Ye’s terrifying strength and Li San’s now innate king rank, and no one mentions him and Er. Miss identity is not worthy of this brain-dead topic.

Li Yang was naturally happy to see such a great son-in-law.

Li Ye couldn't climb high, but the son-in-law of Li San is now more and more satisfied.

As for Li Yang's injury, it made Li Ye take a few more glances. With his innate triple realm cultivation base, those who can hurt him are naturally not very weak.

But for him, just one healing pill will solve the problem.

And this caused Li Yang and others to exclaim again and again, for a moment, even Li Yang treated Li Ye Jing as a god.

Although Li Ye and Jiangnan Dao are now people from two worlds, after all, this is the beginning of his contact with Yunteng Continent, and he still has feelings. In addition, his injury was not healed, so he naturally stayed for a while.

He almost didn't remember anything about the Wang family.

For Li Ye, it was just an episode, but it was different for Wang Cong and other Wangs who fled back embarrassedly.

The whole Wuzhou city is about to come.

I don't know where the wind came from, the news that the Wang family was deflated in the Li family, and even the invited masters of the Innate King Order died in the Li family spread like wildfire.

Wang Family.

The atmosphere of the entire Wang family was extremely suppressed, and the people were afraid to make any mistakes, and the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

In the past few years, when has the Wang family suffered such a loss?

Especially after Miss Wang's became the concubine of the Young Master of the Demon Hall.

"Go to the Demon Hall! Tell the young lady that there is a master in the Li family! You need a strong person from the Demon Hall to deal with it."

The Patriarch of the Wang Family, an inconspicuous patriarch of a small family back then, is now a tycoon who dominates Wuzhou City.

He looked at his son with a sharp expression, "Are you sure, that person's name is Li Ye?"

"Father, that's right! That's what Li Yang calls him!"

Wang Cong didn't understand how his father could be so serious, and he was afraid and hated in his heart.

"Li Ye? Is he back?"

Unlike others, he knew a lot of secrets that people in the secular world didn't know because of the Devil's Hall. Then he shook his head, "It's a lot of worry, if it is really that person, how could he return to Jiangnan Road."

For seven full days, Li Ye didn't leave the room with an inch.

Including anyone, not close.

This time, he was injured the worst in history, and even Wangcai and Ao Tian were seriously injured.

Inside the room, Li Ye opened his eyes and exhaled a dark brown turbid air from his mouth, and his whole person looked a little more bloody.

"At this rate, within three days, it should be able to recover to about 50%."

It is easy to recover from physical injuries, but it is not that simple to heal the souls. Fortunately, he has a lot of ghost grass, and he has refined a lot of conceiving pills, which has an excellent effect on the restoration of the soul.

But even so, he dare not careless!

Every time he was healed, he tried his best to suppress the breath without leaking. He didn't know whether the Beihuang and others had already left. If he didn't leave, this little place on Jiangnan Road was just a breathing room for Emperor Wu, and he could appear in front of him.

Because of this, his healing speed is so slow, otherwise he would be able to recover from his original full retreat.

"The current me, as long as it is not for the presence of the king and the strong, I can handle it."

Feeling it, Li Ye nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, he can leave quietly now and return to the Shen Danzong, as long as he is careful, he won't be discovered at all.

But before leaving, he felt that it was necessary to meet with Li Yang, and he also considered whether to go back to the Li family's house and see what the Li family is now.

However, as soon as he left the house, he saw Li San anxiously waiting for him, and there was an unnatural paleness on his face.

"Li San? What happened?"

Seeing him like this, Li Ye knew that something happened while he was in retreat for healing.

Sure enough, Li Sanwan was overjoyed and then said the matter briefly.

During his period of retreat, Wuzhou City was really not peaceful!

Wang Family, got a helper!

Regarding the incident last time, the Wang family did not give up, but gotten worse!

"You and Li Yang are not rivals for the people the Wang family found?"

What makes Li Ye strange is that Li Yang itself is in the third stage of innate realm, and Li San is also in the first stage of innate stage. The two innate realm powerhouses are definitely quite powerful masters in the secular world. With the addition of the elemental spirit weapon he gave them, even if they couldn't even exert one percent of their power, as long as they weren't strong in the innate late stage, they wouldn't be able to beat them.

"Master, my disciple is incompetent. My father-in-law and I were entangled by the masters from the Wang family. They captured the wife and the young lady. They also said that if the Li family was unwilling to surrender within three days, they would come and kill everyone in the Li family! Missy went to beg them in person!"

After listening to Li Sanyi's expression of grief and indignation, Li Ye felt a little curious.

That time he killed the black-robed old man to give the Wang family a deterrent and avoid a lot of trouble. But he didn't expect that, just like that, Wang Jiaran would dare to do it? Is this finding the strong they think can fight him?

"Who is the Wang family backstage?"

It is naturally impossible for a royal family to be so bold. Being able to rise in just ten years, Li Ye suddenly guessed that there was someone behind the Wang family.

Li Sanyi was surprised, "Master, do you know?"


"Devil's Palace, Miss Wang's is the young master's concubine, so the Wang's family has relied on the Demon's Palace to show off her power over the years, and no one dares to provoke her.

"What is the Demon Hall?"

Li Ye soon learned that several new sects had emerged during the years when he left Jiangnan Dao. Among them, the Demon Sect Palace is one of them. In terms of strength, it is definitely not much weaker than the nine major sects of the year, the eighth grade sect.

"So that's it, there is an Eight-Rank sect behind it."

In this secular world, the eight-rank sect is like a god, and ordinary people naturally dare not resist.

Is it just the eighth-grade sect? Li Ye smiled.

Although his injury is not completely healed, let alone the eighth-rank sect, even the sixth-rank sect he does not take it seriously!

Sure enough, Li Yang was also injured, and the injury was heavier than Li San.

Seeing Li Ye leaving the customs, Li Yang wanted to say something, but Li Ye took the lead, "Don't worry, I will bring your daughter and wife back."

In a short sentence, it seemed to have a kind of magical power that calmed Li Yang's originally anxious heart.

Wuzhou City, Wang Family.

Several people in weird dresses, all revealing evil spirits, were having fun in the Wang family, and everyone in the Wang family was accompanied by smiling faces.

The maidservants of the Wang family were being held in their arms by them, but they did not dare to resist.

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