Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2232: The purpose of the royal family

Demon Temple!

Decades ago, the Demon Sword Palace was just a small sect.

Today, it seems to have become a powerful sect that can fight against the nine major sects back then.

With this line, the Wang family will become the only family in Wuzhou City to dominate Wuzhou City after the disintegration of the three major families in just a few years.

It's just that the Wang Clan bowed like a dog in front of the Demon Hall.

"It's really a waste of a desolate family, this little thing, I will bother a few of our brothers and sisters to go!"

In the Wang family, it was just a few disciples who had come from afar from the Demon Hall. Although they were only in the generation of disciples, the members of the Wang family did not dare to take a breath.

Except for a few people from the Wang Family Patriarch, they have to laugh with them.

"Old stuff, don’t think that your daughter has become the plaything of the Young Sovereign, and you can call a few of our brothers at will. Today, we are all tired, and thought it was a big deal. The two pre-innate realm wastes will let you The Wang family can't deal with it."

"Haha, brother, don't say that. The weapons in the hands of the two are pretty good. If it weren't for this time the elders told us to go out and keep a low profile, I would just grab it."

"Yes, those two people are a little bit **** in their cultivation, but the things in my hands are top-grade. If I can get them, I can directly challenge the true disciples when I go back. Then, haha!"

The disciples of the Demon Palace laughed loudly, and at the same time they were rude to some of the maidservants of the Wang family. If it weren't for the Wang Family Patriarch to arrange all the female dependents first, he might not know if anything would happen.

The Wang family also bite the bullet, and the people in the Demon Hall didn't blink, it was not something they could provoke.

At the beginning, the young lady of the Wang family was also regarded by the young master of the Demon Hall. If Gu Quan had not committed herself to marry, the Wang family would have disappeared from Wuzhou City.

To say that the head of the royal family is cruel, even the daughter can betrayed for the family.

The king's family was all trembling, just begging the ancestors of the Demon Hall not to make outrageous things.

The Patriarch Wang, gritted his teeth, was about to leave, not wanting to see such a ridiculous scene before him, but was suddenly called out.

"Old stuff, what are you doing in such a hurry? I heard that you recently hired a concubine? You look beautiful and beautiful. Why don't you call them out and let them take a look."


On one side, Wang Cong directly squeezed the armrest of the seat, but saw his father shook his head at him.

Although the Patriarch Wang is also aggrieved in his heart, he is also a ruthless person!

After hesitating, he nodded directly to the next person, "Go and let the fourth lady come out and meet some distinguished guests."

"Master, you!"

The man who was there was also in the Wang family for a lifetime, and both generations served the Wang family. They were very loyal. After hearing this, they looked shocked and even incredulous!

Fools see the purpose of these people!

"Don't hurry up?! I've delayed the interest of a few adults from the previous sect, and interrupt your dog legs!"

The Patriarch Wang's face was black and he shouted angrily, and then the man was helpless and turned and left.

On the other side, several people in the Demon Hall laughed triumphantly, showing a **** expression on their faces.

Soon, a beautiful woman who was less than twenty-eight years old was brought in with a panic expression on her face. As soon as she appeared, the disciples of the Demon Temple sneered, and she trembled and faced the Wang family with fear. Patriarch saluted.

"Hui'er, you should accompany a few Master Shangzong, don't neglect!"

The last three words emphasized.

Afterwards, the Wang Family Patriarch reluctantly pulled out a smile, "Several adults, Dogzi and I will not bother you to have fun."

"Go go, where is so much nonsense!"

Pulling his son away, the faces of the two fathers and sons of the Wang family were filled with a suppressed flame.

"Father! Fourth aunt she..."

"Shut up! For the development of the family, any price is worth it! I can even sacrifice your sister, a mere woman, what a mess!"

Wang Cong opened his mouth. Although he was arrogant and domineering in Wuzhou City, at least his conscience had not been completely wiped out. But it didn't matter in the end, and soon, their father and son heard the voice of **** and the woman screaming desperately.

"Go, go to the dungeon and see the two people in the Li family."

Patriarch Wang's face is black, and it is cruel to be able to do his job! After all, he is also a man, but some things are really nothing compared to his ambition.

In the dungeon of the Wang family, the mother and daughter of the Li family were locked together at this time, and the two women were chained. After all, the two were also cultivators, and ordinary ropes couldn't tie them.

Seeing Wang's father and son come to the dungeon together, the two mother and daughter looked at them coldly, without saying anything.

"Brother and sister, why bother? Brother Li Yang and I are old acquaintances, and the old man doesn't want to have things developed to this point."

"Bah! Isn't it for that thing, why be so hypocritical? Before I went to propose marriage and wanted to marry my daughter, it was just that you wanted to take the opportunity to approach my Li family! Now that things are revealed, don't be so pretentious."

Patriarch Wang’s face changed, and then he showed a sullen expression, "Since I have said it, it’s okay to hand over things, depending on the relationship between the two families in the past, I will let you go! Otherwise, the people of the Demon Hall, you too I’ve seen it, and what their temperament is must have been heard by your mother and daughter! If I give them their mother and daughter now, do you know the consequences?"

When I heard the Demon Hall, the Li family's mother and daughter were all pale!

The notoriety of the Devil's Hall is like thunder! What's more, the people in the Demon Hall didn't blink at the Li family's murder.

"Dare you! Instead of being humiliated, I would rather bite my tongue and kill myself!"

"Hahaha! Brother and sister, are you willing to die, what about your daughter? And I heard that my niece has just found Ruyi Langjun now, and it's a shame that I was so dying at a young age."

After finishing speaking, the Wang Family Patriarch's old face showed a vicious look, "Brother sister, you also rarely use suicide to scare the old man, even if you die, do you think you can really avoid the humiliation?"

"You! Shameless!"

"Think about it!"

Wang's father and son smiled coldly and left the dungeon directly.

However, when they came out of the dungeon, they felt that the atmosphere of the entire Wang family seemed a little wrong.

"What's the matter? Why is it so quiet?"

There are many princes in the family, not to mention the few disciples in the Devil's Palace are still having fun and will be so quiet?

"Father, let me see."

Wang Cong frowned. Although the injury was not healed, it did not hinder him. It was just that he disappeared as soon as he left, making Wang's Patriarch's complexion greatly changed.

The entire Wang family, quietly, is like a ghost town!

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