Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2230: Receive a named disciple

What is Li Ye's background? Li Yang is actually not quite clear.

He looked at Li Ye with his eyes, as if asking.

But Li Ye smiled slightly and didn't have much air. He looked at Li Yang's wife and smiled, "Sister-in-law, don't have to be so restrained. Li Yang and I are both members of the Li family. According to seniority, he is still my cousin."

The Li family? Cousin?

Ghosts believe!

The Li family rolled their eyes.

However, Li Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Li Ye, what cousin, I don't dare to compare with you. Moreover, you are a direct descendant of the standard clan, completely different from my branch."

As he said, Li Yang's expression changed, he looked at everyone in the Li family, his voice revealed a hint of majesty, "I have come to meet the old patriarch!"


what's the situation?

The old patriarch?

The Li family's 10,000 heads of grass and mud horses galloped past, and Li Ye himself felt almost falling off the chair.

"Old patriarch?" Li Ye was stunned.

"Old Patriarch!!!" everyone in the Li family exclaimed!

Seeing that both sides were so surprised, Li Yang slapped his forehead, "Yes, I almost forgot Li Ye, you don't know yet."

"what happened?"

"In fact, didn't you go to the Heavenly Sword Sect back then? Later the elders discussed and let you become the patriarch directly, and then the elders will manage the family for you. But you never came back. Now the elders have chosen a new patriarch , But they said that if you are willing to come back, you will still be the head of the Li family."

Old... old patriarch? With this explanation, is he really the old patriarch? This is not to mention himself, the expressions of the Li family are strange enough.

Among them, Li Yang's wife heard the words, her eyes lit up, "Sky Sword Sect? It turns out that the old patriarch is practicing in Sky Sword Sect!"

The name of the Heavenly Sword Sect is naturally known to everyone in Jiangnan Road, but now it is one of the top sects in Jiangnan Road!

The other members of the Li family also suddenly realized! It's no wonder that you didn't put the king's people in your eyes just now, and aimed at the old patriarch who was a member of the Heavenly Sword Sect, let alone the king's family, even if it was the backstage of the king's family, you don't have to be afraid.

Li Ye didn't explain, after all, there is still a world outside Jiangnan Road, and even the entire Jiangnan Road is just a drop in the ocean on the Yunteng Continent. It doesn't help ordinary people know it.

The so-called happiness of the ignorant is actually the truth.

After explaining it all at once, both sides were relieved.

Naturally, Li Ye said briefly about his current situation with reservations. After all, his experience has exceeded the understanding of mortals.

In Li Yang's mouth, he knew a lot about the Li family.

Today's Li family can be considered to have recovered some vitality, especially the medicine and exercises he left behind, so that the Li family has now given birth to several innate realm powerhouses!

Li Yang is one of them.

The reason why Li Yang returned to Wuzhou City was because he could hold the scene.

It's just that the current situation in Wuzhou City has exceeded the expectations of the Li family.

However, Li Ye was not interested in knowing the details. Perhaps it is standing too high, but for these things, there is no sense of urgency and excitement.

Since Li Ye's identity was personally confirmed by the great master Li Yang, the rest of the Li family naturally had no doubts.

Moreover, the name of a Heavenly Sword Sect made a group of people nervous. After all, Li Ye was with them before, but he was not treated much, and even stayed in the firewood room.

At the same time, Li San's identity also rises with the tide.

Someone with responsiveness secretly released the second lady, and the grandma of the Li family didn't mean to stop it. Although she is a womanly family, she is not stupid.

Regarding the matter of Li San and the second young lady, Li Ye didn't even have to mention it personally. Li Yang learned from the people below.

Before the change, he would definitely not agree that his daughter was with a servant. But now Li San's identity is different, and coupled with the strength of the Innate King Rank that has just been shown, he is a good match for his daughter.

"Li San."

Although Li Ye is no longer needed to come forward, considering some future issues, Li Ye hesitated and called Li San over.

Li Yang and the others also looked curious, and the second lady was standing behind her mother, with awe and curious eyes, constantly looking at this young man who seemed not much older than her.


Li San really respected Li Ye.

"Would you like to be my disciple? Of course, it's just a registered disciple, and I won't stay here for a long time, just put a name on it."

Named disciple? Although it was only a registered disciple, he was also a disciple! Let alone Li San, if Li Ye let out the wind, the whole Jiangnan Road would be crazy about it!

This is a king! And he is about to set foot on the king of Wu Huang! For Jiangnan Road, that is God!

With this opening, Li San was startled, and a group of Li family were also dumbfounded!

Afterwards, even Li Yang looked envious. After all, although he didn't know what Li Ye's cultivation base is now, he was already looking up to him by easily killing the black robe old man.

"Li San, why don't you agree?"

Li Yang yelled at the stunned Li San, and Li San also reacted, and he was overjoyed, and stepped forward to pay his teacher's salute.

Regarding these, Li Ye didn't care. He had already given Li San the practice technique, but he thought of something. In the space ring that hadn't been used for a long time, he turned out a long sword.

"This is regarded as an apprenticeship ceremony, letting blood drop to recognize the Lord."

Everyone looked curious, and after Li Sandi’s blood recognized the Lord, all of them instantly felt the sword in Li San’s hand, as if a dragon and phoenix sounded, and a powerful sword intent came out, almost making the whole The halls are all scattered.

"Good sword!"

Li Yang couldn't help but exclaimed, even a little envious.

All fools saw that this sword was extraordinary, but Li Ye didn't feel anything. But looking at Li Yang's envious expression, he smiled and threw a sword at him.

Anyway, these were just refining by him casually, and they hadn't been turned over in the space ring for many years.

Li Yang was overjoyed and couldn't put it down. It made his wife a little jealous.

"If you tell them, these are just the most **** on me, I don't know what their expressions are."

Those two swords were both original spirit weapons. Although they were **** to him, let alone the innate realm, even the strong in the Earth Profound Realm would be greedy. The meta-spirit tool corresponds to the powerhouse of the world-passing realm!

It's just that the worst in him is this level, so he has no choice.

He didn't know that just because of his temporary interest, the Li family had two more treasures of the town and clan, and even many years later, the legends of today are circulating.

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