Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2229: Wang family, scared silly

The long-lasting memories, which were almost obscure, flashed across my mind.

"Li Yang?!"

"Yes! It's me! It really is you! Li Ye!"

A group of people around are dumbfounded, what the **** is this? Recognition meeting?

The Li family was even more dizzy. They respected the gods and knew this young man?

But no matter how you look at it, you don't feel coordinated. One is nearly forty, and the other looks less than twenty. If they are distant relatives, they are also uncles and nephews, right?

However, Li Ye's surname was Li, which made many people in the Li family look at him slightly to eliminate a lot of hostility, but it was still more doubtful.

As for the members of the Wang family and the masters invited by the Wang family, their expressions have become particularly ugly.

"Tsk tusk tusk, this is such a touching scene, the young man can't bear to interrupt, but uncle, don't you think that we should solve the problem of our two families first, and then stage your family drama?"

Wang Cong smiled coldly, and everyone in the Wang family behind him also laughed.

Even if the Li family suddenly came out of an Innate King Rank, Li Yang, the strongest person, was seriously injured and could not do anything. The black robe elders on their side are comparable to Li Yang's strength, and they are definitely not comparable to the Inborn King Rank kid. of.

However, everyone else in the Li family became nervous about his cold and hot ridicule. Only Li Yang, the **** in the minds of everyone in the Li family, changed the frown and became calm and calm.

Because he knows that today the Li family is worry-free!

"Li Yang, to be honest, I really didn't recognize you."

"But I recognized you. You have hardly changed from that year."

The conversation between the two left a group of people confused, especially the people of the Li family, who guessed that Li Ye was a junior of a distant branch of the Li family, and even heard him calling their master's name directly and some people were quite dissatisfied and showed anger. .

But after listening, how come it feels wrong?

The two looked like they were peers, and even their master was in front of the young man, still revealing a hint of flattery?

Are you blind?

"No change? You have changed a lot."

Li Yang and Li Ye remembered that among the many juniors in the Li family back then, a rather inconspicuous person was also one of the few people in the Li family who had not bullied him much. It's just that Li Yang was inconspicuous in the Li family, and he was not very popular with the family. However, his talent was a middle-class capital, but because he was not very high, he did not get strong support from the family.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, I would meet again, which is a kind of fate.

"The family asked you to come to Wuzhou City?"

When the Li family withdrew from Wuzhou City, after so many years, it was obvious that he also planned to come back again. Li Ye knew what happened in it almost without guessing. It is nothing more than that the Li family wants to return to Wuzhou City, so that Li Yang's line will return to Wuzhou City first, and while standing firm, it can be considered in advance.

It just made him feel strange that Li Yang's line is not very prosperous.

"Roughly the same."

Sure enough, a wry smile appeared on Li Yang's face.

It's just that they are so reminiscent of the past, but they make Wang Cong over there furious!

"Li Yang! Shameless! The young master has given you one last chance, since you don't know how to promote! Today I will let the whole Wuzhou City know that your Li family got out of Wuzhou City in the first place, and now it is equally impossible to gain a foothold in Wuzhou City!"

Naturally, many things have happened in Wuzhou City in the past ten years.

The Wang family is naturally one of them.

Li Ye still had an impression of the Wang family back then, but he couldn't compare with the Li family at all. Unexpectedly, after ten years, it is indeed so arrogant now, even beyond the Li family and the other two big families.

Many of the masters of the Wang family grinned and did it again, but before they started, they suddenly felt some kind of terrifying coercion. All of them instantly softened their knees and fell to their knees, and their foreheads were sweaty and their faces were as follows. Very pale, with horror.

Including the black robe old man, for the first time in his life, his face revealed a kind of horror!

That's a side that can only be shown when facing a terrifying existence that you can't surpass for a lifetime.

"Wuzhou City, it has become interesting. The Wang Family? I remember that the Wang Family was only a third-rate family. When did they become the master of Wuzhou City?"

Although Li Ye was injured, it was too easy to deal with some worldly people.

It was just a look, everyone in the Wang family couldn't move, even the black-robed elders of the innate realm.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

The members of the Wang family were horrified and could not even speak, while the members of the Li family did not react. Only a few people with a wink looked at Li Ye, a young man they had never seen through. People.

If someone really knows all this, who made the scene of everyone in the Wang family kneeling on the ground is Li Yang alone.

Wang Cong flushed, but compared to his anger, his inner fear almost made his pants soaked. The terrible power he had never felt before almost made him look black.

"Get out of here! Who dares to come home again..."

Suddenly, Li Ye stretched out his hand, and the black-robed old man couldn't help himself, and he reached Li Ye's hand with horror on his face.

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath!

Including the Li family!

That's the Innate King Order!

However, at the next moment, they knew that they were horrified too early!

The black-robed old man made a real crackling sound all over his body, instantly like a mangy dog ​​without bones, being thrown in front of the Wang family by Li Ye.

In the eyes of the dignified worldly people, the incomparably powerful master of the innate king rank, but now they don't even have the qualifications to resist, and they are directly abandoned!

The black-robed old man also did not stare at him, his eyes widened, causing Wang Cong and the Wang Clan to feel a strong chill in his heart.


With a bang, everyone in the Wang family felt as if they were being pushed by a huge force, and they were directly shaken out of the Li family compound.

At this moment, they scared them even more, and they all looked at Wang Cong.

"Master, we..."

"Go back first!"

Wang Cong's face turned pale, and everyone in the Wang family hurriedly left.

In the Li family, the atmosphere became a little weird at this time.

After all, everything that happened just now cannot be digested in a short time.

In their eyes, the usual majestic master, with a smile on his face, directly gave the main seat to the young man, and their eyes were straightened by this scene.

"Master, what are you?"

Li Yang's wife was hesitant to speak, not only him, but the entire Li family, but they all looked curious.

What is this young man?

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