Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2203: Killing Qingtian

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Sure enough, Qingtian's eyes in the north courtyard revealed a deep resentment! He is the most talented person in the four major families for thousands of years. He has always been the leader of the four families. He is known as the person who is most likely to become the Emperor of Wu after a thousand years!

Now, he also knows that his future is over! All this is obviously caused by Li Ye!

"Li Ye! My North Courtyard Qingtian and the four big families don't share the sky with you!"

Just like the roar of the soul, it is a pity that just after the roar, his eyes have turned from extreme resentment to despair and panic!

Because Li Ye didn't mean to talk nonsense with him, the terrifying sword intent once again made a crazy shot under his body shape!

"He is going to kill Qingtian in the North Courtyard!"

No one thought that Li Ye was so crazy!

He actually wanted to take advantage of the assassin when Qingtian in the north courtyard was at its weakest right now!

Everyone can see that the North Campus Qingtian is over! Even now, even the weakest Duoqu group can squeeze him to death with one hand!

But no one really does that! After all, he is Qingtian in the North Campus! People from the four big families!

In case of leaving the secret realm, under the anger of the four big families, the consequences are unpredictable!

A power with two Wuhuang ancestors, once angry, it is by no means ordinary people can imagine.

Qingtian himself in the north courtyard shrank slightly. He didn't expect that Li Ye would dare to kill him. He relied on his status as a descendant of the four major families and didn't believe anyone would dare to kill him! Because once killed, you will face endless revenge from the four big families! For anyone, it is not that choice.

It is a pity that everyone read Li Ye wrong, or they never saw Li Ye thoroughly.

Dare to kill?

Li Ye sneered in his heart! If they dare to kill him, why can't he kill people in reverse? As for the consequences!

He has long been at odds with the four big families! Even an idiot would not believe that the four big families would have no response in this secret world! That being the case, it is better to start first! Directly abolish one of the most talented descendants of the four major families.

This scene exceeded everyone's expectations!

Including Heavenly Phoenix Saint!

The checks and balances between the major sects, rarely will really kill!

But Li Ye would not worry so much! Moreover, these people in front of him had never considered the checks and balances between the sects and had any mercy on him!

"A murderer will always be killed!"

The imperial weapon can stop Li Ye once, but not the second time!

"Li Ye! Do you dare to kill me!!!"

In the void, there was a roar from the North Courtyard Qingtian that was extremely frightened and angry.

Unfortunately, Li Ye's sword will never stop!

The roar stopped in shock, and the whole scene was quiet to the strange point.

Qingtian in the North Courtyard! died!

The leading figure of the generation of the four great families, one of the top evildoers in the Star Sea Region, Qingtian, is dead! Died in Li Ye's hands.

Even Yun Qiantian couldn't help taking a breath!

That's the four big families! Even their Yun family is so powerful, they dare not say that such a decision can be made so easily!

Killing a north courtyard Qingtian is a small matter, but the consequences that follow, absolutely no one can ignore.

In the void, a looming light flashed by.


When everyone saw it, their complexion changed!

Although Qingtian in the north courtyard was dead, the soul escaped.

But at the moment when the North Courtyard Qingtian Divine Soul wanted to escape, I don't know when a three-headed demon wolf suddenly jumped out of the side and swallowed it directly.

"Do not!!!!"

Divine Soul wailed, not even the pride of the past, begging for mercy, "Li Ye! Don't kill me! I can promise you any request!"

In the face of death, no matter how great pride and self-esteem is, it seems so small.

Qingtian in the north courtyard, his self-esteem and pride were completely shattered!

He is just a poor worm, a soul that can throw away all self-esteem in order to survive.

It was the foodie Wangcai who swallowed the Qingtian Divine Soul of the North Courtyard in one bite. At this moment, he was looking at Li Ye pitifully, and it was too difficult for him to spit out such a delicious food.

"Li Ye! Leave me a way out, and I swear I will never be an enemy of you again! Even I will go back and tell the patriarch and them that fighting with the Shen Danzong and you will turn into a jade silk! From now on, you and me will be good for generations! Never violate! "

From Wangcai's mouth, Qingtian's begging for mercy came from the North Courtyard, with a hint of flattery.

Everyone almost stopped their hands.

They wanted to know how Li Ye would choose.

put? Or kill?

At this time, Li Ye can decide with one sentence.

The first genius of the four dignified families, but now life and death have to be decided by others. He was aggrieved, but no matter how bad he was, he could be thrown aside compared to alive.

As if for fear that Li Ye would not believe it, Qingtian of the North Court even swears directly, "Li Ye, I swear, if you let me go today, Qingtian of the North Court will not be your enemy from now on!"

Oath of heaven and earth! Naturally no one dares to violate it.

But the resentment in Beiyuan Qingtian will dissipate so easily? There are even loopholes in this vow that can be heard!

He is not against Li Ye! But it does not represent other people! Does not represent the entire four major families! Moreover, even if he violated the consequences of the condemnation of the heavens, and only the souls remain, how can he avenge Li Ye?

The Saintess of Tianfeng couldn't help but speak, "Li Ye, don't be impulsive, he has already spent most of his life, but after killing him, the four big families will definitely retaliate with all their strength! The gains outweigh the losses, it is better to let him live!"

"Yes! Yes! Li Ye, Qingtian from the North Campus is willing to swear!"

Unfortunately, as the Beiyuan Qingtian's begging for mercy sounded again, Li Ye showed a smile on his face.

Afterwards, only a scream was heard, and the three demon wolves burped directly.

Everyone: "..."

At this time, Qingtian in the North Courtyard could never be overborn, and even the souls were swallowed by the monsters, which was tantamount to being annihilated by flying ash!

No one thought that Li Ye was so crazy!

"He, does he really dare to kill?"

Guizi and others are dumbfounded!

Qingtian in the North Courtyard, the top evildoer in the Star Sea Region just like them, just died? And so humiliated and humiliated? Was the soul swallowed by the monster?

For an instant, a chill completely enveloped them.

Li Ye dared to kill a Qingtian in the North Courtyard, wouldn't he dare to kill them?

The devil was the first to react, without saying anything, his body flashed into a light, and he fleeed away!

Just kidding, he wanted to kill Li Ye, not just Huang Dan, but also other reasons! But the premise is that he wants to live!

Everyone is dumbfounded when the devil runs like this!

Qingtian in the north courtyard was dead, and the devil ran away, leaving only Yelanxiang, Yun Qiantian and Duguqun.

On the other hand, Li Ye could kill them all just now! Now that the devils are running away, they don't leave at this time, and their only end is to step into the North Courtyard to Qingtian's footsteps!


This month, I will update two chapters at the bottom of the guarantee. Of course, there will be a lot of scolding in the future. Even when I decide to tell this decision, I am mentally prepared.

But the decision remains the same. More than one person advised me not to write anymore. Just finish the book, or the eunuch, not many people subscribed, why bother? 260,000 people collected! What makes me persevere? It's the five or six hundred book friends who subscribe every day! But at the same time, it is also the saddest thing. 260,000 people have collected this book but only 500 or 600 book friends subscribe to it every day.

This book will not be an eunuch, this is the only guarantee given.

How hard is it to subscribe? Two or three cents a day! But perhaps for many people, even if the weather is hot now, and they spend three yuan to buy a bottle of iced Coke and drink it in one go, they are not willing to spend one-tenth of the money on subscribing to a book every day.

Because you don’t need to spend any money to drink Coke, you have to face the kind "smile" of the police uncle, please go have tea and talk about life. But who cares if you don’t pay for books or subscribe?

Net writers never have much rights.

This is a complaint, but also a kind of helplessness. As an author, I am also a reader. I also know the mood of reading and chasing updates, just like the book I am chasing. I am a big star. Every time I want to update the author who has less than a dozen chapters a month. Draw a few whips. But only when you truly become one of the authors can you understand how difficult writing is!

[Thank you for your continued support. I hope you can support the writer's glory hall and the general election of works starting from the 515 Fan Festival. In addition, there are some red envelope gift packs on the Fan Festival. Get one and continue the subscription! 】

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