Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2202: Collision of will

The two of them collided with their own strength and will almost at the same time.

Qingtian in the North Courtyard had soared killing intent, and wanted to take advantage of the situation to kill Li Ye directly. As for Li Ye, it was a helpless move. Now he has recovered less than 40-50% of his injuries. It is naturally not the best choice to want to head-on.

The two people's will directly permeated the void, but unfortunately the entire secret space was so strong that it could not be torn apart. But even so, the violent impact is still enough to destroy everything around him.


Qingtian in the north courtyard was shocked and flew out, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth in the sky, with a strong horror and unbelief on his face!

Even the qi of his body was completely shattered at that moment, which made him injured.

Naturally, Li Ye was not well. Although he was forced to use the power and will of the path of destruction that he had previously understood in the third heaven, he hadn't fully grasped this force after all, so he barely used it. It came out, but it was not as powerful as expected.

But seeing Qingtian in the North Courtyard being injured by Zhenfei, he was also shocked!

"This is Dao's will? Even if I only have a small amount of fur now, I can still show such power?"

The same is the will of Tao, the will of the Flame Tao that Li Ye masters is obviously inferior to the Tao of Collapse!

"Boy, the will of Tao is also superior! The Tao of Fire is just the most basic elemental Tao, the Tao of Three Thousand, you are just the first glimpse of the way, the real world, you have not really touched!"

The voice of Emperor Tianjian rang in his mind. Obviously, it is also the will of the Tao, mastering and comprehending different Taos, the power is naturally different!

At the same time, facing people who have mastered the will of Tao, those who don't realize this power are naturally far from opponents.

Everyone inevitably gasped when they saw that Qingtian in the North Courtyard was injured by Zhenfei.

They saw that Li Ye's injuries were not all healed, but in this way, with one move, they could be regarded as the first genius of the top four families. This terrifying increase in strength is enough to make everyone feel Chills.

"Impossible! His strength, compared to just before entering the secret realm, has increased so much? The will just now is so domineering! Actually, it directly shattered Qingtian's body protection in the north courtyard!"

Guizi and others couldn't help but move.

Especially the Guizi, how regretful he was, he had dealt with Xunyu too early just now! If not, Li Ye would have died in front of them both!

However, he was more fortunate! He didn't really do it before! Otherwise, it is his fate for Qingtian in the North Courtyard!

The expression on Yun Qiantian's face changed again and again. He disdain to act on Li Ye, who is now seriously injured. His pride and arrogance made him unable to pull down this face. But now it seems that even if he pulls his face down, whether he can beat Li Ye, who is currently injured, is still unknown!

With such a heart, his strength is not stronger than Ao Tian. In an instant, a divine dragon swung its tail, and a huge dragon's tail hit him.

Fortunately, Yun Qiantian himself reacted extremely quickly, roaring, his whole body seemed to be lit up with a layer of pale golden light, but it was a pity that in front of the dragon's tail, he didn't even hold his breath for a while, and he broke.

"The filthy blood, with the incomplete blood of our clan in your body, can't exert the true power of our clan at all!"

Although in this space, Ao Tian has been greatly suppressed, and his strength can't be used for three or four Chengdu, but it is more than enough to deal with a Yun Qiantian! After all, it is the pinnacle of the Flood Dragon clan, if it is in its complete state, it would be nothing to say that one of the human beings who rely on swallowing the emperor pill to become an emperor will become an emperor.

Almost from the beginning of the fight, Yun Qiantian has always been suppressed, no matter how he stimulates the blood in his body, but in front of the true originator, even played the opposite effect!

In this way, the situation has changed again!

Ye Lanxiang looked at it and lost her expression in shock. At this time, he was entangled with the Heavenly Phoenix Saint. Although he had hidden some of his strength, it was difficult to beat the Heavenly Phoenix Saint. Under the pressure of the bloodline, his ability to perform seven or eight achievements is not bad, and it can be maintained in a short period of time, but it is quite detrimental to him over time.

"Damn, how many hole cards does this Li Ye hide in his body!"

He didn't know, but only Yun Qiantian and Tianfeng Saints knew how the terrible will to collapse Li Ye just now came from!

It's just that they have also comprehended a stone statue, but they could not display it in a short time like Li Ye.

From this point, you can see the gap!

As Qingtian roared in the north courtyard, Li Ye was forced to retreat once again! Even with the defeat of the first move, his final result was announced!

"One sword! Broken mountains and rivers!"

An astonishing sword intent headed directly towards the north courtyard Qingtian! At the same time, there is a terrible will to collapse!

Seeing this sword intent, Qingtian in the north courtyard almost paled! He knew that he couldn't be it, and he spouted a mouthful of blood on the imperial weapon in his hand in a desperate manner!

"The North Courtyard Qingtian is crazy!"

Seeing his behavior, others couldn't help shaking their heads.

In a short period of time, once again urging the will of Emperor Wu in the imperial weapon, it is no longer a matter of consumption for them, but a loss of essence and blood! One that is not handled well can easily affect the foundation of martial arts!

The blood loss can be made up, but the foundation of martial arts is damaged, so I really want to cry without tears!

Qingtian of the North Campus naturally understands the consequences!

But the way he had no way of being was, was driven to a desperate situation by Li Ye!

Either die by the sword of Li Ye, or desperately!

Naturally, he chose desperately!

The terrifying will of Emperor Wu appeared from the imperial weapon, and Li Ye's sword intent suddenly shattered. After all, in front of Emperor Wu's will, Li Ye's will almost can only be regarded as a furry will, and it pales in comparison.

Last time, Li Ye was seriously injured because of the will of the three martial emperors!

This time, Li Ye naturally did not dare to underestimate the enemy's carelessness, and his body collapsed and his will rose wildly, as if he had transformed into a demon **** of destruction, and a terrible phantom appeared faintly.

In the end, when the two wills collided, Li Ye was still slightly inferior. The phantom of the demon in his body disappeared, and Li Ye was also shaken off, with a bright red at the corner of his mouth.

But looking at Qingtian in the north courtyard, at this moment, it is as old as a dozen years old, with a few strands of white hair appearing on the temples, a little more vicissitudes of life on his face, and the whole person's breath is weakened to an incredible point.

Seeing this scene, everyone knows that the northern courtyard is over! At least his loss today, there is no more than ten or two decades, and he can't make up for it! Even if the four big families are willing, the future road of martial arts in the North Campus Qingtian will be seriously affected!

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