Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2204: Bluffed everyone

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"Li Ye! You killed the people of the four big families, this enmity, the four big families won't give up!"

Ye Lanxiang's shrill voice was accompanied by his escape from the back, especially ironic.

But he did say what Li Ye had to face. When Qingtian died in the North Courtyard, the four big families would not give up! Even thinking about it with the ass, once learned that Qingtian in the North Court died in Li Ye's hands, especially the kind of death, this hatred cannot be solved by changing anyone, and only one party completely disappears in this world. Will terminate.

Ye Lanxiang ran away, Duguqun and Yun Qiantian were not fools either!

They also left directly. They were also afraid that Li Ye would kill them directly at this moment, so no matter if the goal was achieved, they would run away first.

Leiming was dumbfounded at this moment, everyone ran away, he still slapped him?

The expression on his face is uncertain, and deep in my heart there is more fear than anger!

People are like this. Before they chased Li Ye because Li Ye had given them a serious sense of threat, but now it seems that they feel right. But compared to before, they treated Li Ye as a threat to the future, and now it has become a reality!

Even in front of Li Ye, it is difficult for them to have a chance to save their lives!

"Li Ye! I am thunderous today!"

Lei Ming was also simply, knowing that he could not be Li Ye's opponent, and it was not the first time that he lost to Li Ye. He was beaten half to death before. Looking back now, he secretly rejoiced. At least that time, Li Ye's strength was not as abnormal as it is now. In addition to that time, the environment was limited and there were people from various sects around, Li Ye did not dare to kill him.

Taking a look at Qingtian's corpse in the North Courtyard, he was being gnawed and swallowed by the three demon wolves, and he couldn't help but fought a cold war.

He suddenly realized that he and Li Ye didn't actually have too much hatred, not even a conflict! If it was just an ordinary person, he would naturally not think about it. But right now, Li Ye had reached a level he couldn't even imagine, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Sure enough, he considered it for a moment, with a helpless smile on his face, "You killed Qingtian in the North Courtyard. Unless you kill all of us, you won't be able to hide this matter. Please do it for yourself! Before leaving the secret, I I won't be your enemy again!"

These words seem to be thunderous, although this person is irritable but not stupid.

Weiwei revealed a soft attitude, and also implicitly warned that if Li Ye wants to kill people, he must kill everyone, which is equivalent to giving him an extra retreat and dispel Li Ye's idea of ​​killing him. And in the last sentence, I won't be an enemy again, which is also a kind of concession.

Instead of killing him and adding one more enemy, and letting Tingtianmen stand on the opposite side of Li Ye, it is better to add a friend.

Li Ye naturally understood, but he didn't answer, his eyes were cold.

This attitude is actually the most satisfactory result of Thunder, and he nodded slightly, then turned into a escape and left.

All of a sudden, only black smoke remained, and there was no action yet.

Li Ye naturally saw the scene where he started with Eryun just now.

Facing Li Ye's gaze, the corners of the black smoke rose slightly, revealing a strange sneer.

But he didn't say anything, just looked at Li Ye with a peculiar look for a long time, then turned and left.

Li Ye didn't stop him. After the black smoke left, finally, unable to bear it anymore, he spouted a big mouthful of blood!

"Li Ye!"

Seeing Li Ye vomiting blood, Ye Yun was startled, and the Heavenly Phoenix Saint could no longer hide her concern and hurried forward.

"It's okay, it's just a recurrence."

It turned out that Li Ye was not as terrifying as everyone imagined. Just now, the powerful killing of Qingtian in the North Courtyard was simply a scene he could create!

A drama that shocked everyone! Why did he kill Beiyuan Qingtian even if he knew the consequences? Just to frighten everyone!

After swallowing a healing pill, there was a trace of blood on Li Ye's face, "Leave here first!"

Although Yun Qiantian and the others were deterred and left, there is no guarantee that someone will come back halfway in doubt.

Not long after Li Ye left, a figure appeared. Upon closer inspection, it was Ye Lanxiang and Guizi who had gone back and forth.

These two people left first, but returning now reveals a strange layer.

"he left."

"It seems that you guessed right, his injury is not healed, and it should be aggravated!"

The two seem to have an extraordinary relationship.

"Guzi, this Li Ye can't be kept, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Ye Lanxiang lost her former femininity, and her face revealed a murderous intent.

"Naturally can't stay, but it's hard to kill him now because of the two of us. This matter still needs to be reported to the above to know that this Li Ye is enough to threaten the Lord's plan."

The two looked at each other, and they could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"What's the news over there?"

"Eight or nine do not leave ten, but the old immortal is still there, it is difficult to do it, unless the Lord sends someone over."

The two left soon, as if they had never appeared before.

Only after a while, a figure appeared in one corner.

A closer look revealed that it was Zuo Yujie.

He and Temuzhen were looking for Li Ye before, but they got lost halfway. It's just that Temujin didn't know that everything was done deliberately by him.

No one even knew that from the very beginning, he had found the cave where Li Ye was located before Guizi and Xunyu found Li Ye.

He saw everything in his eyes, including the scene where Li Ye Dazhan killed Qingtian in the North Courtyard and finally could not help but vomit blood and leave here.

"Sure enough, the old man has a brilliant plan. It seems that that person is a little impatient now. But this has nothing to do with me. I just don't know. This time the upper three realms heaven gate opened, how many people can successfully enter?"

Thinking of something, a hint of interest appeared on his face, and then he disappeared.

In the next two days, a cave in the secret realm.

Li Ye never woke up. By his side, Wangcai had turned into a puppy and squatted aside, while the golden corpse puppet stood firmly in front of Li Ye like a door god.

His injury was more serious than everyone thought!

In particular, the battle with Qingtian from the north courtyard with injuries made his injuries more serious.

Seeing Li Ye closing his eyes to heal his injuries, the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess and Er Yun stayed aside. Moreover, Yiyun herself was injured, and she also needed to adjust her interest rate.

There was not much joy on the faces of the three of them, because even though Li Ye stunned Yun Qiantian and the others, they dare not act rashly now.

But once the mystery is opened, they may be greeted by a greater **** storm!

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