Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2196: The origin of the devils

The mortal blow of a strong king is definitely not to be ignored.

Even if the winning ticket is in hand, the devils dare not be too careless. After all, Xunyu's strength is not inferior to him, even if he hits his black death sutra, once he is pressed into a hurry, he will directly explode and he will not be able to run away!

Between these mountains, there is a certain force that limits their realm.

Seeing that Xunyu was pressed into a hurry, a cold light flashed across the Devil's eyes.

The two of them had similar strengths, and they really wanted to fight each other, and they couldn't tell the winner within a hundred moves. However, at this time, Xunyu was hit by the Guizi’s Black Death Sutra, and the meridians throughout his body were rapidly shrinking, with little impact in a short period of time, but as time passed, his breath became weaker and weaker.

On the other hand, Guizi, knowing that Xunyu's death period is approaching, he is not willing to work hard, and even retreat while fighting, completely not giving Xunyu a chance to work hard.


Xun Yu was extremely angry, but the more so, the more chaotic his heart!

He naturally doesn't want to die!

Compared with the emperor pill, compared with the glory and wealth, life is the first! If you lose your life, what's the use of having more?

In the end, it's not for the other people in vain!

Unfortunately, he woke up too late!

"Xunyu, I advise you not to be impulsive. If you don't do it, you can still persist for a while with your cultivation base and Shen Danzong's pill. But once you use your true energy, it will only make you black death The power of power flows faster!"


The two directly slapped each other, but Xunyu was shocked to find that not only did he not retreat the devil, but he was shocked to retreat again and again, and suddenly he roared sweetly, and a big mouthful of blood came out from his mouth.

Now, he has almost reached the situation where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, just hanging on with one breath.

Seeing him like this, a sneer flashed in Guizi's eyes, what he wanted was this kind of result.

If he is really desperate, even if he can run, at least he will be injured. At that time, even if you get the emperor pill and imperial weapon, it will inevitably be targeted by others.

"Guzi! Today's revenge will be returned several times in the future!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Xun Yu broke out with a terrifying aura, and instantly avoided the attention of the devils, and had appeared at the entrance of the cave, turning into a light to escape.

The devils did not expect this sudden change! It's hard to look on his face in an instant.

"Emperor Yufu!? Humph, do you really think you can run away!"

Suddenly Xunyu's strength skyrocketed, and Guizi naturally understood what he did!

Emperor Yufu! A special kind of talisman, usually by Emperor Wu pays attention to his own will, and uses it for some younger disciples. Crushed at the critical moment, you can get a certain amount of Wu Huang's will in a short time.

Although it is only a one-time consumable, but who has no enemies?

Even Emperor Wu is not omnipotent. The disciples and descendants around him cannot always be protected by Emperor Wu. The emperor jade amulet is a kind of amulet given by Emperor Wu to those who are not strong relatives.

Once the emperor jade amulet was crushed, in a short time, even if Emperor Wu came in person, there was nothing left to do. Of course, this time is short, but it is enough to make people react and escape to heaven at a critical moment.

Obviously, before Xunyu entered the secret realm, Emperor Dan Shang Qing gave him such an emperor jade talisman. At the most critical moment, this is his life saver!

From when the two entered the cave to when the devil made a sneak attack on Xunyu, Li Ye saw it all.

Although he was entering Ding, he also distinguished a trace of divine consciousness in the outside world.

"Black eats black, but it's a pity that one was placed."

Xunyu's on-the-spot reaction caused Li Ye to sigh in admiration. As for the devil, it is obvious that he is also calculating but people are not as good as the sky.

Is it to hunt down Xunyu, or to kill Li Ye who has no resistance at the moment?

A trace of hesitation flashed across Guizi's face, but in the end he gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing Xunyu, and his eyes fell on Li Ye.

"Xunyu hit my black death sutra. Even if he ran for a while, he wouldn't be far away in his current condition! When I get the emperor pill, it will not be too late to kill him!"

With a decision in his heart, the devil appeared in front of Li Ye.

At this time, Li Ye also opened his eyes.

"Li Ye, do you think you have today?"

A cold voice sounded in the cave, and the devil did not directly attack, but with a look in the eyes of a cat and a mouse, with a trace of joking.

Seeing Li Ye not speaking, he sneered, "Yun Qiantian's trash, originally expected him to solve you, I didn't expect it to be so useless! Even though I lost my identity by my own hands, at least It can be considered as giving you a ride!"


Suddenly Li Ye felt what the Devil had said, without any ulterior motives. Seeing the Devil's hand raised, he couldn't help but make a sound.

"Guzi, if you want emperor pill, I can give it to you!"

These words caused the devil's movements to stop suddenly, but he quickly sneered again and again, "Li Ye, is it too late to say this at this time? I kill you, and naturally I can get the emperor pill!"

"Oh? Really? You are not afraid that I will be desperate and explode my soul! Will the emperor pill be damaged by that time, can you bet?"

Sure enough, hesitation flashed across the Devils' face as soon as he said this.

Blow up! He couldn't stop Li Ye from doing that, and he really didn't dare to take a gamble!

"Li Ye, don't fool me with you!"

"Are you fooling? You will know later."

"Okay! Hand over the emperor pill, I can consider giving you a whole body!"

The murderous intent shrouded the entire cave, and the murderous intent of the devil was beyond Li Ye's expectations.

"Since Huang Dan gave it to you, why kill me?"

"Because you **** it!"

Damn it? Li Ye's eyes flashed sharply, but it was pretending to be suspicious, "You and I have no grudges in the past, and I have no grievances in the past. What you picture is just the emperor pill. Once you get it, I will hardly threaten you. Why kill me?"

"Hahaha! Li Ye, do you really think it's just for Emperor Pill?"

Not for Huang Dan? !

Li Ye's heart was shocked, as expected there was something strange in it!

"Are you curious? Originally, I didn't need to do it, so as not to expose my identity. Unfortunately, Yun Qiantian was too arrogant and conceited, but he was still defeated by you. As a last resort, I can only do it myself!"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it weird? Si Ye said you are extremely smart, can't you guess?"

A sly smile appeared on the devil's face.

Fourth Lord?

Fourth Lord? Li Ye was shocked almost instantly! Fourth Master Tong?

"Are you from Fourth Master Tong?! No! Isn't it a ghost... who are you anyway!"

"Who? Since you are dying, why do you need to know, you just need to know that your presence is too obtrusive, and someone can't see you alive!"

With a strong killing intent on the face of the devil, he directly hit Li Ye Tianling with a palm!

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