Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2183: Top Ten

When the giant Buddha is present, the terrifying Sanskrit sounds almost make everyone can only block the sense of hearing among the five senses, and even forcibly close the consciousness of the sea, otherwise they will be easily affected by the Sanskrit sounds. △ Apex novel,

Even if the Buddhism and Taoism are weak and their inheritance is almost broken, many ancient books handed down from sects contain warnings to those powerful Buddhist forces in those days!

The line of Buddhism and Dao is best at its influence on martial arts people. At least they are not willing to abandon their pursuit of martial arts and plunge into the line of Buddhism and Dao.

"Sure enough, he had hidden his strength before."

Li Ye's expression shrank slightly. Others needed to close off the sense of hearing and consciousness among the five senses, but he didn't do that.

There was a burst of Sanskrit sounds, like a certain will trying to invade his soul. Once he was successfully invaded, he didn't know the consequences, but at least, he instinctively produced a fierce resistance.

A refreshing breath suddenly appeared from his body, and in an instant, the Sanskrit sounds that invaded his body seemed to have seen natural enemies, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

However, that breath was not so easy to give up, like a tiger, swooping up and swallowing it all!

This was not the first time that breath appeared in Li Ye's body, but every time it appeared, it seemed as if Li Ye was in danger or encountered an irresistible danger, otherwise he would almost always sleep in a corner.

This time, it was the same.

The giant Buddha in the void seemed to have opened his eyes, wondering if it was an illusion. At that moment, Li Ye felt that he couldn't move his whole body, as if he was frozen.

His whole hairs stood up at that moment.

Unfortunately, that feeling only disappeared in an instant.

"Fudo Mingwang!"

The giant Buddha disappeared, but Kong Huan’s body seemed to have the breath of the giant Buddha just now, so strong that Li Ye and the others couldn't help but shrink their pupils slightly.

"The Art of Desire!"

Zuo Yujie took a slight inhalation and exclaimed!

In fact, it's not just him, Yun Qiantian and others are all looking ugly!

The art of surrendering the gods, in the ancient martial arts heritage, there have been some words and phrases, it is a forbidden technique! A forbidden technique that can borrow the power of the legendary gods!

It's a pity that there are very few people who understand this forbidden technique, and every time it is performed, a certain price must be paid.

Naturally, there are similar forbidden techniques in the line of Buddhism and Taoism!

The giant Buddha just now is obviously a true Buddha and God in the line of Buddhism and Taoism! Even if they only borrowed one-thousandth or even one-tenth of the power, it was definitely not what they could imagine now.

Sure enough, Kong Huan, at this time, even makes people feel that there is an illusion that even Emperor Wu is retreating in front of him. The tenth ladder of the ladder is like a hole forcibly torn by him!


Suddenly, in the depths of the void, there was a terrifying sound, like the terrible roar of some existence, and also like a kind of anger at someone daring to use this forbidden power to forcibly enter the tenth level of the ladder!

At that moment, when Kong Huan had just stood on the tenth heaven, everyone saw that from the depths of the void, a hand appeared!

That hand directly smashed the Buddha's light guard around Kong Huan, and saw that Kong Huan's complexion changed drastically for the first time. The next moment his golden body shattered and turned into golden light spots in the sky, the whole person fell back again. At the ninth level of the ladder.

It fell short!

Seeing Kong Huan fall back to the ninth floor, everyone didn't know whether it should be happy or disappointed.

But they were more shocked by the hand that appeared in the void just now!

"What was that just now?"

"What a terrifying breath! Even far beyond the realm of Emperor Wu!"

"Is there something terrifying in this secret realm? Is it possible that our every move is under the control of the other party?"

No one can answer, but the hand just now completely calmed everyone!

Including empty fantasy!

The technique of surrender! In other words, as far as the line of Buddhism and Taoism is concerned, what he just displayed is the true Buddha's golden body and magical powers, which is a forbidden technique to borrow the power of the gods.

It's just that no one thought that someone would suddenly intervene in the void, directly smashing him all over the Buddha's light and golden body.

"The one just now, was the emperor?"

With the existence of horror far above the Emperor Wu, Li Ye's eyes were slightly startled. There is no doubt that the owner of the hand just now is at least a strong man in the realm of the emperor, otherwise it would be impossible to shoot the ninth level of Konghuan.

After all, at that moment, even Li Ye thought that empty illusion was enough to fight against Emperor Wu, and that the terrifying technique of surrender was definitely not as simple as ordinary people imagined!

But in this way, the origin of the secret realm and the mystery of the ten-layer ladder have become more confusing and confusing.

Even what other people don't know, only Li Ye knows, in the eighth day that no one can reach, who is the sarcophagus in the palace that suppresses the seal inside?

Who is that old man?

There are more and more mysteries, but there is no doubt that if you can't climb the ten-tier ladder, no one can answer him.

A trace of golden blood flowed from the corner of Kong Huan's mouth.

Obviously, it was not as simple as it seemed.

The Buddha's light and the golden body shattered one after another, undoubtedly hurting him. In a short time, it is almost impossible to hit the tenth one again.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock of the hand that appeared in the void just now, but after Li Ye fell back to the ninth floor, under everyone's unbelievable gaze, he launched an impact on the tenth ladder. .

"He's crazy!"

"Ten-tiered ladder, that's a height that mortals can't reach! Empty fantasy all ended in failure, does he think he can go up?"

I have to say that the scene just now was too shocking! It was shocked to almost shatter all the ambitions of everyone to climb the ten-tier ladder.

That hand, with a light tap, what kind of impact did it bring to everyone!

That is a power far beyond the emperor Wu, in the eyes of those who have not even reached the emperor Wu, it is almost equal to invincible!

The Heavenly Phoenix Saint couldn't help but want to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything, because she knew Li Ye's character, the more impossible it was, the more he would rise to difficulties.

At the beginning, Jiangnan Dao was just an unknown person, but now it has reached a height that everyone must look up to.

The top of the ladder!

The moment Li Ye stepped onto the highest top of the ladder, the hand that had disappeared just now did not appear in the void, nor did any pressure fall on him.

In front of his eyes, there is only a lotus platform, an old monk with a kind eyebrow.

He finally understood why Kong Huan had to set foot here without hesitating the art of subduing the gods!

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