Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2185: Fight for the emperor pill

Although a middle emperor's emperor pill is not attractive to Li Ye, it is after all a treasure that can create a martial emperor, and it is also a treasure of a middle emperor!

The inheritance space was directly recovered. The next moment, Li Ye found that the entire ten-tiered ladder began to collapse, as if the entire space was supported by the power of that emperor pill. Now the emperor pill was taken away by Li Ye and lost his support. Began to collapse.

"Li Ye!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came to my ears.

I don't know when, Li Ye had already returned to the original space, and his location happened to be on the tenth heaven.

What made him even more strange was that in front of his eyes, an altar appeared, on which sat cross-legged a sitting bone.

Judging from the crystal clear light on the dry bones, this is clearly a martial emperor!

At the same time, in one of the bones' hands, a pale golden bead was holding.

"That's Huang Dan!"

With an exclamation, Li Ye was also awakened!

There is also an emperor pill?

How is this going? Didn't he have harvested one of the middle emperor's emperor pills just now, why would there still be the corpse of a martial emperor strong in front of him, as well as an emperor pill? !

At this moment, all of a sudden, the dry bone clicked, as if after a long time, it finally couldn't bear it, and it broke apart. But at the same time, the pale golden bead that was held in the hand was supported by a force and soared into the sky.

A faint imperial might diffused from the pale golden beads, and at the same time, a looming afterimage appeared in the void.

A closer look revealed that he was an elegant middle-aged man with a dusty temperament all over his body, wearing a green robe, but with a majesty that no one could imagine.

"Is it finally the day."

A helpless sigh came from the middle-aged man, the voice seemed to be a kind of relief, more like a kind of helplessness.

But at this moment, everyone's attention was not on him, because everyone could see that this middle-aged man was just the last ray of remnant soul left in the emperor pill! Not even the remnant soul, it can only be regarded as a touch of obsession!

In an instant, the entire ten-layer ladder disappeared quietly, and at the same time the terrifying pressure on everyone also disappeared.

In fact, since the obsession of the middle-aged man appeared, Li Ye already knew it, and the coercion that was exerted on everyone just now to prevent them from boarding here came from this pale golden emperor pill, just following Li Ye climbed to the top of the ladder, and all the causes and effects were unraveled.

The middle-aged man looked at Li Ye and the others for the last time, his figure gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared without a trace.

A generation of Wu Huang could not avoid such a fate after all.

At this time, Li Ye was the closest to the emperor pill floating in the air, almost less than five feet away!

But with the disappearance of the ten-layer ladder, everyone was restored to freedom at once!

"Huang Dan! It's mine!"


In the void, a terrifying thunder suddenly fell! Go directly to Li Ye!

Thunder! At this time, it was as if he was a **** of thunder, and his body was exuding a terrifying thunder flame.

Not just him, almost instantly, everyone's eyes inevitably showed a trace of greed!

Emperor Dan! One step to the sky! Become Emperor Wu!

No one can refuse this temptation, even as the top evildoer in the entire Star Sea Region, they can't resist it!

Li Ye hesitated in his heart, but still stretched out his hand towards the emperor pill in the air.

"Go away!"

However, at the moment he shot, someone shot Li Ye directly with a palm, and the cold and evil aura even penetrated into the body directly with strong corrosion.


I was shocked, this was the first time Li Ye had fought with a devil. As soon as he touched it, he clearly understood the terrifying aspects of the devil.

In terms of cultivation base, Guizi is not the strongest among the crowd, but he is the strangest one!

That mysterious and dark power even directly ignored his physical defenses, invaded his sea of ​​consciousness and wanted to attack his soul!

After such a delay, Li Ye did not succeed in catching the emperor pill.

At the same time, Thunder appeared in front of the emperor pill, with crazy chills and surprises in his eyes.


A horrible sword intent appeared directly, and immediately knocked the emperor pill into the air, while Shui Yuntian was stopped in front of thunder.

"Shui Yuntian, do you dare to stop me?"

It's a pity that Shui Yuntian didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and directly shot his sword! The crazy sword intent turned into a huge and incomparable sword light, even if Thunder is now transformed into the Thor, he dare not touch it easily. He can only roar furiously, avoiding the temporary sharpness.

The emperor pill was knocked into the air, so many people who wanted to compete were shocked!

Taking a closer look, the direction Huang Dan flew away was toward the solitary group.

Seeing the emperor pill flying towards him, Duguqun was extremely pleasantly surprised. He thought he could not compete with others for his strength, but it was clear that now he could not grab the emperor pill by strength alone! It depends on luck!

Huang Dan fell directly into his hands, but before he had time to show a smug smile, he felt a chill behind him instantly enveloped him.

Beiyuan Qingtian's palm was directly printed on the back of Duguqun, and he shot the Duguqun again and again. The emperor pill in his hand also flew away and was directly caught by Beiyuan Qingtian.

"Beiyuan Qingtian!"

Huang Dan was seized and he was seriously injured, causing Duguqun to crush a mouthful of silver teeth with hatred.

But he also knew that he was not the opponent of Qingtian in the North Campus, and he was still injured, and he was only humiliated by himself.

In a melee, everyone wants to win the emperor pill! After all, that represents an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

However, there is only one emperor, and it is not so easy to win it.

The purpose of the devil was naturally for the emperor's pill, not to entangle with Li Ye, and evil intentions poured out wildly, his eyes turned into pitch black, and there seemed to be an incarnation of an evil demon behind him.

Throughout the void, several human shadows erupted into a terrifying storm of destruction, but in this secret realm, there was no idea of ​​what power was protecting, and even with such power, the void did not appear to be torn.

"Huang Dan!"

Suddenly, a golden light flew out, even if a genius like Qingtian in the North Courtyard was besieged by several people at the same time, it wouldn't last long, and the emperor pill flew away.

Pata, Huang Dan was unbiased and fell into Li Ye's hands.

After a round, he came back.

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