Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2182: Taoism and Buddhism

Yu Luoyan failed to strike the ninth floor!

If it hadn't been for the previous scene of Li Ye's almost enchanting impact on the ninth floor, no one would have felt how embarrassed he was now.

The ninth floor! It is almost an unattainable height!

Even Yun Qiantian has actually given up!

He was proud, he was conceited, but when he hit the sixth floor with such a hard time, almost destroyed all his pride and conceit.

It is not the difference in cultivation base, but in the control of the general situation of the world, he is too far apart.

"Can't the ancient bloodline step into the ninth level?"

The cold light flashed in Thunder's eyes, but soon disappeared, and suddenly he let out a long sigh.

Almost similar to Yun Qiantian, as the pride of Tingtianmen, he has hardly convinced anyone except Yun Qiantian in his life! Even facing Yun Qiantian, who was once known as the number one star in Xinghai, he was full of fighting spirit in a challenging posture.

But now, he stands at the same height as Yun Qiantian! But he couldn't laugh.

Above him, there is more than one person!

If we say that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, Yu Luoyan, and Temujin are all of ancient blood! This is an inherent advantage that no one can match.

How do Li Ye, Kong Huan and Zuo Yujie explain?

"The Heavenly Phoenix Saint hasn't hit the ninth floor, maybe the pattern has not been completely decided!"

Although Yu Luoyan failed, Heavenly Phoenix Saint hadn't tried yet.

Many people's eyes fell on the Heavenly Phoenix Saint.

Even with a kind of expectation!

Xinghai Eighteen Regions, one family, one pavilion, two schools, three schools, and four families! If this time, it would be almost a great shame to be climbed to the top by a few black horses that turned out to be loose repairs!

Everyone's eyes fell on the Heavenly Phoenix Saint.

However, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was hesitant.

On the ninth floor, she was not sure about it! But the moment she collided with Li Ye's sight, it was like a flame burning in her heart.

"Li Ye! I will prove that your decision was wrong! I want you to regret it!"

In the high phoenix sound, the heavenly phoenix saint's whole body is like a flaming phoenix in the rumor, a pair of phoenix feathers suddenly unfolded behind her!

The pride of the ancient blood, coupled with her ruthlessness towards Li Ye back then, was completely aroused at this moment.

Even if it is a ten-tier ladder, it is impossible to stop the power of the beast!


The entire ladder made a groan, and the Heavenly Phoenix sage, carrying the might of the phoenix, stood directly on the ninth floor of the ladder, but although she stood still, she could see that the phoenix's will on her body was being fastened. The ablation, the pair of Feng Yu behind him also gradually dimmed.

But after all, she succeeded!

"This girl."

Seeing the unyielding and stubbornness on the face of Saint Tianfeng, Li Ye shook his head slightly.

Only he could see that although the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had successfully ascended to the ninth floor, she had suffered serious internal injuries, but she had resisted and did not show it.

Even at this price, she would never have another chance to hit the tenth peak of the ladder! Because the Heavenly Phoenix Saint had just succeeded in standing on the ninth level of the ladder at the price of inciting the blood in the body to burn excessively.

This price, at least in Li Ye's eyes, is not desirable!

As Li Ye had guessed, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was almost at the end of the force, but she still looked towards Li Ye with a hint of proud and triumphant eyes. Unfortunately, Li Ye turned a blind eye to her provocation.

This kind of frustration, like a fist hitting cotton, made the Heavenly Phoenix Saint finally couldn't hold back, she let out a muffled grunt, and her red lips spouted blood.

"Too reluctant."

Zuo Yujie also saw something and shook his head slightly.

Li Ye guessed a little bit about the thoughts in the heart of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint. Even though the eldest lady of Tianfeng Villa had experienced so much, she was still the same as the stubborn little girl back then.

There are now three people on the ninth floor!

But everyone with a discerning eye can see that the only ones who are truly qualified to hit the tenth level of the ladder are Li Ye and Kong Huan.

"Li Shizhu, it seems that in the end we have to decide a victory or defeat between the two of us."

Kong Huan's face is neither happy nor sad, but her eyes reveal a hint of warfare!

In the previous battle with Li Ye, he didn't actually use his full strength, but now, he will not give in again.

In addition to Li Ye knows the secret of the ten-tier ladder, he also knows the mystery inside, otherwise it is impossible to get to this point!

It's just that it's different from Li Ye's choice. His Buddhist monks pay more attention to a fate! It's not the ordinary martial artist's self-cultivation going against the sky.

During the qualification battle, Kong Huan's opponent was not Li Ye.

But this time, on top of the ten-layer ladder, there is what he needs.


The Buddha's light directly split the void, and a giant Buddha appeared from the void, and when it appeared, the entire ten-fold ladder seemed to be bathed in the holy Buddha's light.

Bursts of Sanskrit sounds resounded throughout the sky, and for a while, even the people on the ladder seemed to be affected.

"What a terrifying spiritual intervention! The line of Buddhism and Taoism cannot be underestimated!"

Fortunately, everyone is the top genius of the entire Star Sea Region, and the cultivation of their minds is not weak, but they were in a daze, still holding on to the clarity of the spirit platform. But even so, everyone couldn't help but move! Because they knew very well that they were them, they barely blocked the impulse and changed other people. At the moment that giant Buddha was born, it was very likely that they would kneel down and worship and become devout believers in Buddhism and Taoism!

"According to legend, in the ancient times, Buddhism and Taoism were at their peak. At least half of the sects and aristocratic families in the entire Yunteng Continent had converted to Buddhism, but they eventually aroused the terror of those ancient tribes. The expansion of Tao."

Looking at the giant Buddha in the void, Zuo Yujie couldn't help muttering to himself, a deep dread struck deep in his eyes.

The oldest martial art in Yunteng Continent is inherited from the legacy left by the ancient gods, but no one knows where the Buddhism and Dao came from and how it developed, and even once caused the entire Yunteng Turmoil in the mainland!

"Is this empty fantasy the reincarnation of the ancient Buddha? Otherwise, why can I cultivate to such a degree?"

Shui Yuntian couldn't help but speak slightly. If it weren't for the birth of a freak-like Li Ye, all the geniuses in the Xinghai Eighteen Regions would have almost become a joke!

Although many people resisted Li Ye, at least Li Ye took the oldest martial art road in Yunteng Continent!

But what Kong Huan cultivates is the mysterious and unpredictable Buddhism and Taoism! At least in terms of the whole martial arts authentic sect, Li Ye will not be rejected by the major sects.

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