Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2179: Three conditions for becoming an emperor

An inhalation sound rang from the valley. What is the concept of the eighth level of the ladder? In fact, they can guess without going up!

Perhaps, there are a few beautiful people who are really convinced by Li Ye, but at this moment, when you see Li Ye standing on top of everyone, even the moment that is out of reach, even people who no longer dismiss it will inevitably. Feeling a cold helplessness in my heart.

Ji Shengyu He Shengliang, such a sigh involuntarily arose in the hearts of several people.

Anyone who can stand here can be regarded as a peerless evildoer leading an era! However, this world is only that big, and in this era, too many geniuses and evildoers have emerged!

But there are only a handful of people who can really reach the highest peak!

The rest can only become their stepping stones!

Among the people, the deepest feeling is Yun Qiantian! Xinghai first youngest! Now it seems like a joke!

From his body, one could feel an angry flame, and with the help of this force, Yun Qiantian once again stepped onto the fifth floor of the ladder!


A large mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, but he was not shaken out of the fifth floor, and stood there firmly!

Ten layers of ladders are more difficult than the other!

Even if it is a peerless evildoer, it is impossible to reach the top in one go!

Soon, Ye Lanxiang and others felt this firsthand!

No one can climb to the top in one breath, and there are very few even to the third floor in one breath!

On the eighth floor of the ladder, Li Ye paused for a long time. He didn't move. From time to time, he could hear a crackling sound from all over his body, as if the bones were shattering, and then reorganized again!

The eighth floor of the ladder is still a thousand times the general trend of the world! There is no difference!

But after personally experiencing it, Li Ye discovered that compared to any level before, the increase in pressure was another level of horror!

If it is, the first to seventh levels are the coercion of the heaven and the earth on the flesh! So when he stepped onto the eighth floor, even his soul could not help but start trembling violently!

"Fortunately, my soul cultivation base is always ahead of my physical cultivation base, otherwise, under Wu Huang, who can hold it?"

Li Ye’s current Divine Soul Realm has long surpassed that of the King, but it’s a pity that the final broken pill has not yet become an infant, but facing this kind of pressure that can almost instantly shatter the King’s Realm powerhouse Divine Soul Jin Dan, but It just made him unable to act again.

What he needs now is to slowly withstand this pressure, and then launch an impact towards the ninth floor!

Gradually, the look on Li Ye's face became a little more subtle.

Under the pressure of the eighth layer of the soul, he unexpectedly discovered his soul gold core, and it started a little change! If it was said that his Divine Soul Golden Pill was originally the size of an adult's fist, it is now gradually shrinking, although it is not large, it is obviously more solid!

The golden core is still golden core, but the invisible improvement is equivalent to making Li Ye's spirit more than twice as strong as before!

"The impact of Emperor Wu is not just a simple evolution and improvement of the true vitality in the body, but also a conversion of the soul! The broken pill becomes an infant! Is this the secret?"

How can we attack Emperor Wu? In the entire Xinghai Region, not many people really understand the mystery! Even if it was Ye Wuming himself, the successful impact of Wu Huang succeeded, but he couldn't tell a single reason.

But Li Ye is different! There is an old monster Tianjian Great who doesn't know how many tens of thousands of years ago! With his experience and insights, naturally he is not comparable to these martial emperors in the Xinghai Region.

"Boy, if you want to break into the emperor, apart from condensing the innate five elements and transforming the true energy into the power of the world, what is more important is the evolution of the soul! Once you reach the emperor, as long as the soul is immortal, even the body There is a way to be reborn if destroyed! Do you know why?"

"Yuan Ying?!"

Suddenly Li Ye's eyes lit up, and the broken pill became a baby! Thinking of this, Li Ye naturally understood.

"The clever boy, it is the broken pill! The emperor's soul is equivalent to the second life, even if the body is destroyed, as long as the soul of the soul is still there, there will be a way to reunite with the body! And the emperor is truly terrifying. The place lies in the soul of the soul, because the power of the world is exactly where the soul is formed after the soul is transformed into the soul!"

There is no doubt that no one who really understands the secret of attacking Emperor Wu can find a few. Even, many people's knowledge of Emperor Wu is just the superficial strength of Emperor Wu. However, few people can tell what is truly powerful.

"In fact, it is not difficult for your kid to condense the innate five elements. You have successfully condensed the innate fire spirit and have the capital for impact! The only thing missing is the control of the world and the evolution of the spirit."

World trend!

Broken Dan becomes a baby!

Li Ye suddenly understood why there are so few martial emperors in the Star Sea Region, and even faintly, many Martial emperors learned from the mouth of the emperor still rely on the emperor's pill left by the ancestors to take shortcuts before reaching the emperor realm!

The innate spirit of the five elements is simple, unless it is Li Ye who is ready to gather the five elements before attacking the realm of the emperor, otherwise any one of the kings can do it alone!

But the difficulty lies in the fact that the broken pill becomes an infant and the general trend of the world!

Among them, the former is the most difficult. After all, there are not many tricks in the cultivation of the soul, and even a complete set of methods for the cultivation of the soul has never been seen. As for the latter, the control of the general trend of the world also requires a certain chance! At least the nameless exercise that Li Ye got from Zuo Yujie, once it spreads out, it will definitely cause countless people to fight frantically.

"The general situation of the world, I can now easily control seven hundred times the degree, with the combination of the Heavenly Step and the Unknown Technique, barely approaching the general situation of the world a thousand times!"

With a move in his heart, there is no doubt that in spirit, Li Ye is indeed ahead of any genius in the same realm, but there is still a distance between violently breaking the pill and becoming an infant.

Vaguely, he seemed to have an intuition!

When his Divine Soul Golden Pill was compressed to the size of a rice grain, it was the day when his broken pill became an infant!

In this way, Li Ye is a little reluctant to leave the place where the eighth floor is located easily, because standing here, all the time, is like a baptism and tempering of the challenger's soul! As long as you stick to it, there is no doubt that the Soul Golden Core will become more and more solid, while being gradually compressed to a certain extent.

At this time, the empty fantasy on the seventh floor finally moved!

The whole body seemed to be dyed with a layer of golden light, and he stepped directly onto the eighth floor. A Buddha appeared vaguely behind Kong Huan.

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