Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2178: Eighth floor!

Can't even get close to the ladder?

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath!

You know, Shui Yuntian is the top genius evildoer who has been famous for a long time in Xinghai Region! Even if he couldn't stand still, he was shaken back. What would happen to the others?

Even Shui Yuntian himself was stunned, but on his body, a sword intent soaring to the sky erupted wildly, as if the whole person turned into a peerless sword!

"Interesting, it seems that this ladder is not that simple. △ Apex novel, x."

Ye Lanxiang's shrill voice was particularly harsh among the crowd, but no one dared to look down upon him. As one of the few male disciples in Tianxiang Pavilion, being able to come to participate in this secret realm competition is a demonstration of strength in itself.

Shui Yuntian didn't care about other people's gazes. He jumped again and appeared on the ladder. This time he was a little more prepared than before.

Sure enough, the overwhelming horror aura was crazily squeezed towards Shui Yuntian, but this time, he was directly torn apart by the peerless sword intent on his body, and his feet stood firmly on the first floor of the ladder.

"Stand up!"

Seeing Shui Yuntian successfully climbed the ladder, the eyes of the others changed slightly.

"Haha, it seems that this ladder is really interesting, let me try it!"

Duguqu laughed bursts of laughter, but there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped up!


But just as he approached the ladder, he was hit by a huge force, and he snorted on the spot, and his figure was shocked back.


After a dozen steps back, Duguqun stopped his body, but his face was full of horror!

He did not expect that he did not succeed in going up!

"Luoqun, it seems that your strength is still too weak."

Seeing him like this, someone suddenly sneered, and all of a sudden, the already ugly expression on Duguqun's face became even more stern.

"Huh! There is something weird on this ladder! If you want, you can naturally go up and try!"

Ugly appeared on the spot, and Du Guqun was feeling upset at the moment, and his tone was a bit less refined than usual, and a bit more bitter!

And it was not someone else who opened the irony, it was the thunder of Tingtianmen!

After being beaten to half-waste by Li Ye, Tingtianmen obviously used a life-defying pill to save him abruptly! Today, he is a bit less arrogant than that day, but a bit more cold.

"Since the ladder is here, it is natural for people to go up! You can only blame yourself for inferior skills if you are untenable!"

There was a cold snort, and although the thunder was contemptuous, seeing that Shui Yuntian and Duguqun had suffered once, naturally they would not underestimate the enemy. Thunder and lightning all over his body, like a **** of thunder.

Unlike Shui Yuntian, he directly stepped on the first floor of the ladder, and the next moment, it was like the whole person turned into a thunderball! The amount of horrible violence erupted from him.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked.

"Did Thunder encounter any adventure?"

"His strength has improved a lot than before. It seems that on the way to find the spiritual core, he should have obtained a treasure!"

They naturally didn't know that Thunder was not like them. After entering the black palace, they came directly here. After experiencing the trials and tribulations of the previous few days, he is naturally different from others today.

Sure enough, even though Thunder's body swayed slightly, he still stood firmly on his heels. It's a pity that before he showed joy on his face, Shui Yuntian on one side didn't even look at it and went straight to the second floor of the ladder!

Another figure appeared on the ladder, even more relaxed and calm than Shui Yuntian and thunder. After a breath, he went directly to the third floor before finally stopping.

"Yuheng is fearless!"

The thunder that was triumphant just now made his face collapse all of a sudden. Shui Yuntian is one step ahead of him. It's not a match between the two people once or twice. They are just like each other, and no one is sure to beat each other. Now the gap is not big, and Thunder does not worry about being thrown away.

But Yuheng went up to the third level without fear, but it made him a little surprised, and more, it was a kind of aggrieved!

Once upon a time, the first genius of the dignified Tingtian Gate was actually reduced to the foil of others?

At first glance, the others all looked different, but it was obvious that it was not that simple to go to the ladder.

"Li Ye, and that empty fantasy, has actually reached the seventh floor!"

The black smoke looked up to the ladder, and his expression showed a touch of horror. The others naturally saw it too. What made them unacceptable was that on the ladder, Li Ye and Kong Huan firmly occupied the forefront, and at the same time they were on the seventh floor. Below them is Zuo Yujie!

As for everyone, Yun Qiantian, who was originally the strongest, just barely stood on the fourth floor!

"Yun Qiantian is only the fourth floor!"

Xun Yu looked at her and her expression changed again and again. After all, for so many years, Yun Qiantian has been the goal he has always wanted to surpass by countless top geniuses and evildoers in the Star Sea. Now, the mountain that was insurmountable in his mind has long been surpassed, even far behind . Such a huge gap is difficult to accept at a time.

"It seems that this ladder is not easy to go up."

Black Smoke shook his head slightly, even if Yun Qiantian lost to Kong Huan and Yu Luoyan one after another, no one thought that his strength was too weak! On the contrary, Yun Qiantian's strength is still overwhelming them all!

Even he was only standing on the fourth floor of the ladder, enough to see how difficult it is for each level on top of this ladder.

Their gaze fell on Li Ye and Kong Huan at the top.

The seventh floor of the ladder! At this height, they all have a sense of powerlessness like looking up at a mountain.

Suddenly, on the seventh floor, Li Ye opened his eyes.

For three whole days, he didn't move, and he always maintained an aura of Ruoruuowu, but at this moment, a soaring edge broke out from his body!

"He's going to move!"

The black smoke exclaimed in a low voice. As expected, Li Ye had disappeared from the seventh floor and appeared on the eighth step! When he stopped with his feet, he could see that the entire void formed a whirlpool, and a terrible storm began to brew in it!

Even if they were still in the valley, they could clearly feel the sense of powerlessness, like a lone boat in a storm.

Thundering's eyes narrowed, but a trace of viciousness flashed in his heart, "The eighth layer, I don't believe you can go up!"

However, everyone is waiting for Li Ye to be shaken back. It is a pity that although Li Ye's body swayed again and again, and even was about to leave the eighth floor of the ladder, in the end, it was as if his feet were nailed to it!

The eighth floor of the ladder! Li Ye still succeeded!

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