Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2180: Condensed soul

Once again, Li Ye and Kong Huan stood on the same floor.

It's just different from Li Ye's misty wind and rain, which may be shaken back at any time. Kong Huan is like turning into a Buddha, enveloping him with the light of the Buddha. No matter how terrifying the pressure on the eighth level, you can't shake him!

And the next moment, Kong Huan didn't even stop, stepping out again! Go directly to the ninth floor of the ladder!


In an instant, the golden Buddha light shattered, the golden body trembled, and the whole person retreated directly to the rear.

After seeing this scene, everyone below couldn't help taking a breath!

"Too reluctant! As soon as you reached the eighth floor, you hit the ninth floor directly."

Ye Yun shook his head slightly. Above this heavenly ladder, the first floor was more dangerous than the other, and they were still under the fifth floor, so it was almost impossible to move! It is completely conceivable to what extent the ninth layer is.


Xunyu even sneered again and again. At this time, he was already standing on the fourth floor of the ladder. Only Yun Qiantian and Yuheng fearless were above him!

However, just when everyone thought that Wuhuan was going to lose his power, they suddenly saw him stepping firmly on the edge of the ninth and eighth floors, his body finally stood firm, his robes seemed to be blown by the wind. However, he firmly blocked him from the edge of the ninth floor.

"He actually succeeded!"

Except for Li Ye, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

The ninth floor!

There is only one step left until the final ladder reaches the top!

On the ladder, the more you climb one level, the pressure you have to endure will increase several times! It can be seen from the fact that Yu Luoyan and Heavenly Phoenix Saint did not try to hit the eighth floor several times. Even the two of them, who are of ancient blood, are not sure in their hearts!

On the ninth floor, Kong Huan leads the way! Only one step away from reaching the top!

On the eighth floor, Li Ye did not move, as if he had given up the idea of ​​fighting for the emperor pill. Even people who knew him could not guess what he was thinking at this time!

On the seventh floor, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, Yu Luoyan, the two ancient bloodlines are divided into courts, regardless of upper and lower.

On the sixth floor, Zuo Yujie, Temujin, firmly occupying it may launch an impact on the seventh floor at any time!

As for the sixth floor, there is no doubt that even if they are unwilling to admit it in their hearts, they also know that if they want to compete with the abnormal ones above, the hope is already slim!

Among them, Yun Qiantian, who was once known as the number one youngest in Xinghai, was included. He has unwillingness in his heart, but in the face of reality, no matter how unwilling it is, he can only swallow it!

"Unexpectedly, this time, all of our major sects will come back unwillingly, instead they will serve as a foil for others."

A bitter smile was the consent of one of the three geniuses of Shen Danzong. Compared with other people's unwillingness, he has a free and easy look, as if he had already expected this ending. But seeing this scene really made him unable to calm down for a long time.

One sect, one pavilion, two sects, three schools, and four families. I am the only one above the cloud!

Will the pattern that has lasted for thousands of years changed dramatically in this generation?


Suddenly there was a muffled hum, and only a figure was shaken back directly from the sixth floor.

"Yun Qiantian, it seems that even he can't step on the sixth floor of the ladder?"

Seeing Yun Qiantian being shaken back, the others couldn't help sighing.

And in the next few days, there are naturally some people who are unwilling to leave here unwillingly, wanting to set foot on the higher position of the Ten Tier Ladder, but there are very few who really succeeded!

On the sixth floor, Yu Heng Wuwei failed to attack the seventh floor for the fourth time, and finally sighed, and he even chose to practice concentration on the sixth floor.

Seeing his choice, many people were a little surprised, but they were quickly relieved.

Since you can't hit higher, why not calm down and practice? At least there is still time to accumulate, and wait for the next impact!

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.


The entire ladder seemed to tremble, and then a figure was knocked back directly from the top of the ladder, a mouthful of golden blood spurted out, and the golden body was shattered in an instant.

"Failed the third time."

Several eyes fell on the little monk in the robes on the ninth floor.

Within ten days, Kong Huan tried to hit the top of the ladder three times before and after, but all ended in failure.

"Amitabha, it seems that the little monk still has insufficient cultivation."

Although it failed three times, no one would laugh at it!

He was the only one standing on the ninth floor of the entire ladder of tenth heaven! This is a height that no one can reach!

"Perhaps, there is only one person who has hope to compete with Kong Fan!"

Several eyes fell on the eighth floor again.

Ten days have passed, and the figure hasn't moved! As if it had turned into a rock, if it weren't for the aura that was still there, one would even be suspected of sitting there.

No one knows why Li Ye didn't move and didn't try to hit the ninth floor for ten days!

Is it lack of strength? Or other reasons?

"Li Ye, what are you thinking about?"

Zuo Yujie was standing on the seventh floor of the ladder at this time. He knew that this was already his limit! Even if his teacher has a unique advantage over the general situation of the world, but he has too many weaknesses in other aspects, he also knows himself, and it is impossible to reach the top!

At the same time, there is now more than Li Ye on the eighth floor of the ladder!

Yu Luoyan and Heavenly Phoenix Saint had also stood on this level. Although it looks a little reluctant, but as the ancient blood, the aura on the two of them is several times higher than before.

Everyone couldn't help but have doubts. In ten days, Li Ye hadn't opened his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

What they didn't know was that Li Ye had never been relaxed for a whole ten days!

In the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Soul Golden Core has shrunk to the size of a soybean, which is more than ten times smaller than it was at the beginning! This kind of change is completely invisible in the realm of cultivation, but only Li Ye knows what a huge step he has taken in these ten days!

Soul condensed, broken pill becomes an infant! He is infinitely close to that point! Even if he only needs to practice for a period of time in this environment, he is confident that he can continue to condense the Divine Soul Golden Core!

However, his wish is still impossible to realize after all.

"Is it the limit?"

When the Divine Soul Golden Core was condensed to the size of a soybean, the terrifying coercion that almost made people vomit blood had disappeared.

It was equivalent to saying that Li Ye was standing on the eighth floor of the ladder at this time, just like a normal person standing on the flat ground, without any pressure at all.

The eyes opened, and in an instant, a light golden edge flashed from the bottom of Li Ye's eyes, like a horrible whirlpool, and even the Heavenly Phoenix Saint and Yu Luoyan who were not far away, could bear it. I couldn't help but feel a trace of heart palpitations, as if the whole soul would be sucked in at that moment!

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