Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2177: Secret Realm Change

For three whole days, Li Ye didn't move.

On the seventh floor, there was already a second person coming up at this time.

Empty fantasy!

However, like Li Ye, standing on the seventh floor is already his limit, and it is impossible to attack the eighth floor again.

The two sit on the ground at the same time, as if they are competing with each other. Whoever can adapt to this degree of pressure faster will be able to step onto the eighth floor first.

And behind them, for three days, the others were naturally not standing still.

What is only surprising is that Temujin, who was a latecomer, is already standing on the fifth floor at this moment, while Yu Luoyan and Heavenly Phoenix Saint are still on the fourth floor!

As for Yun Qiantian, with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, his face was pale, and he stood on the second floor again and trembled violently.

This is the third time he tried in three days, and finally he has a firm foothold!

Just comparing with Li Ye and others, it took so long on the second floor of the ladder, and the gap was clear at a glance.

Another figure appeared in the seventh heavenly valley.

"It seems that I have caught up with this last train."

Looking at the few people on the ladder, Zuo Yujie laughed, although he stepped into the black palace before Temujin, but it was strange that he did not come here until now.

"Ten Ladder, it seems that this is the final place."

Unlike everyone else, Zuo Yujie seemed to have a deeper understanding of the whole secret realm. He could hear from a few words and phrases from time to time that what he knew about the secret realm far exceeded everyone's imagination.

Without hesitation, he stood directly on the ladder, and in the next moment, he almost went straight up layer by layer at an incredible speed.

All of a sudden, he stood on the fifth floor and was shocked by Temujin.

"You are so fast! It took me two days to get here."

Facing Tiemu really surprised, Zuo Yujie just smiled, and then stepped onto the sixth floor again!

His forehead began to show a trace of sweat at this time, and the calmness on his face disappeared. He hesitated, and finally stopped.

"The sixth floor, as expected, the old man said, I am still far behind."

After talking to himself, Zuo Yujie closed his eyes directly, his whole person seemed to disappear in front of his eyes, but his person was still there, but it was as if he were born with the surroundings.

Obviously Zuo Yujie's cultivation level is higher than that of Li Ye using the same nameless technique. However, compared with Li Ye's physical metamorphosis, he could hardly break through the seventh level before he stopped. The coercion of the sixth level made him unable to do it again Go ahead.

One day, two days, Li Ye and Kong Huan both acted.

On the contrary, the few people below climbed the higher ladder again. Among them, Temujin stood on the sixth floor a day later, and even attacked the seventh floor once, but ended in failure.

Yu Luoyan appeared on the fifth floor, and it could be seen from his face that he had the confidence to hit the sixth floor, but he still did not move.

The Heavenly Phoenix Saint was also on the fifth floor, hitting the sixth floor twice in succession but failed.

The worst is Yun Qiantian, who can stand on the third floor at this time, but it seems that he may be shaken back at any time.

Several rays of light flashed in the Seventh Heaven Valley, and several people appeared.

As soon as these people appeared, they noticed everyone on the ladder.

Looking closely, the few people who appeared were the other geniuses who had been blocked from the black palace before looking for spiritual cores.

"Yu Heng is fearless, the battle between you and me will one day be a winner!"

With a cold snort, three people appeared, and it was thunder, Qingtian and Yuheng fearless in the north courtyard. Judging from the appearance of the three of them, there must have been conflicts before. The three of them have some injuries on their bodies, but from the tone of thunderous gnashing teeth, it can be judged that he is not Yuheng's fearless opponent. Suffered. On one side, Qingtian expression in the north courtyard was gloomy, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

The three of them entered the Black Palace almost in no particular order, but several conflicts broke out along the way. They just united the strength of the two, but they still couldn't help but fearlessly. Finally the three of them came to the Seventh Heaven together.

Afterwards, Shui Yuntian, Yelanxiang, Guizi, Xunyu, and Yiyun appeared one after another in the Seventh Heaven Valley.

Obviously, with their strength and means, it is not difficult to get the spiritual core into the black palace.

But judging from the expressions on the faces of several people, they revealed a deep consternation.

"This is the inside of the black palace?!"

Appearing in the valley, the devil's eyes were cold. After sweeping the crowd, he finally found the ladder leading directly to the sky in front of him, as well as Li Ye and others on the ladder, and suddenly exploded with a terrifying edge.

Seeing a few of them, Qingtian in the North Campus was a little surprised. You know, they have gone through a lot of dangers before they came here. Why did they come so fast?

"Beiyuan Qingtian!"

Both sides are the top enchanting evildoers in the Star Sea Region, and there are some frictions on weekdays. At this time, when everyone gathers again, the atmosphere between each other is naturally extremely hot.

Moreover, there is only one emperor pill! Only one of them can win!

"Why did you come here?"

"Haha! This is really ridiculous, the North Courtyard Qingtian, can it be that you are allowed to appear here, we can't?"

Xunyu sneered. When he saw that Li Ye and the others had not yet ascended to the top of the ladder and got the emperor pill, he was suddenly surprised. Even if the two belong to the same family now, there is no doubt that who can win Huang Dan is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step!

This kind of opportunity, let alone the same family, even if it is a brother, father and son, is likely to face each other in the face of that huge temptation!

"Impossible! Did you pass the following obstacles so easily?"

Beiyuan Qingtian snorted coldly, but his words made the people of Xunyu show a stunned look. Seeing their expressions, Beiyuan Qingtian was even more puzzled.

"After we entered the Black Palace, we came directly here, what's the obstacle?"

Come here directly?

Hearing this, Qingtian in the North Courtyard almost didn't spit out a bit of old blood!

Xunyu and others are not stupid. Seeing Qingtian’s reaction in the North Courtyard, they are also aware of the problem, but they don’t think about it. The entire secret realm has actually begun to change. The original part under the seventh heaven has disappeared. not see.

"No need to argue, instead of arguing about these little things here, it's better to go straight up!"

Shui Yuntian was surrounded by sword intent, and his gaze swept away. Naturally, he saw that Li Ye and Kong Huan had approached the topmost layer of the ladder, their figures flashed and appeared directly on the ladder.

In an instant, endless storms and the general situation of the world pressed against him, directly causing his face to change suddenly, which was obviously unexpected.


Everyone was dumbfounded and watched Shui Yuntian being stunned back. After staggering, he retreated more than ten steps before finally gaining a foothold.

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