Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2176: Yun Qiantian eats up

Seeing Yu Luoyan's reaction, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was wary, and also showed a reluctant expression on the first level of the ladder. △¢Appointment Novel, x.

The two looked at each other, and both took a deep breath.

Whether it is Yu Luoyan or Tianfeng Saintess, the pride in the heart is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Ancient blood! Beyond the innate spirit body, the rumors almost represent a synonym for horror talent.

However, now the two people with ancient bloodlines found that they were not the strongest in the same realm. This kind of result really made them willing to accept easily.


At this moment, when a Buddha's name came out, Kong Huan suddenly opened her eyes, and at the same time the golden body that had originally appeared cracked, it was completely consolidated within these two days, even a bit deeper than before.

Li Ye also opened his eyes, and the two got up almost at the same time.

"Donor Li, little monk go one step ahead!"

With a long laugh, Kong Huan directly stepped onto the fifth level of the ladder. As soon as he stood up, several people suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing through, and the feeling that even a ten thousand-foot mountain would be torn apart in an instant.


The Heavenly Phoenix sage exclaimed in a low voice, Kong Huan did indeed gain a foothold on the fifth-level ladder, but his face was not calm, he was obviously under great pressure.

Looking behind him, Li Ye naturally saw Tianfeng Saintess and Yu Luoyan.

"It seems that during the wasted time, they have also caught up from Sixth Heaven."

At the beginning, several people were sent to different places, but it was a pity that Li Ye stayed at the sarcophagus of the Eighth Heaven Palace for a while, but now they were overtaken by them.

"Li Ye!"

Yu Luoyan spoke suddenly, which surprised Li Ye.

"Yu Luoyan, the Heavenly Sword Sect back then, but after looking away, he let go of a descendant of ancient blood for nothing."

Looking at each other, Li Ye was also quite strange in his heart.

In fact, even if someone in the Heavenly Sword Sect had recognized Yu Luoyan's true talent, it would have been impossible to cultivate him. The Heavenly Sword Sect, and even the entire Jiangnan Dao, is like a prison for geniuses of ancient blood, too small!

"Aren't you the same?"

Yu Luoyan's expression was weird, in other words, for the first time he started to face Li Ye. Even if he was in the Heavenly Sword Sect back then, he was just used as a springboard, how ridiculous Li Ye's scenery was in his eyes.

But who knows that now, when the two meet again, Li Ye is still crushing him! The astonishment caused by that extreme change made him unable to calm down for a long time.

The fifth level of the ladder!

Li Ye also stood up, and as he expected, the pressure was still a thousand times greater than that of the whole world below! But the pressure he has endured has increased exponentially!

The same thousand times the general trend of the world, the degree of coercion is completely different.

But unlike Kong Huan, Li Ye once again stood on the sixth floor after standing firm!


A horrible force seemed to fly Li Ye out, but he, who had been prepared for a long time, took a deep breath, and then the whole momentum changed. At that moment, it was like integrating with the surroundings!

Only saw two deep footprints appear on the sixth ladder! It was Li Ye who stepped on his feet just now, and he transferred all his strength under his feet, using the earth as a support to resist the terrifying pressure.


Kong Huan's eyes lit up and she also stood up, but compared to Li Ye's magical methods, Kong Huan was naturally impossible to do it. But he used his own method to almost accomplish the same goal.

At his feet, two deep footprints also appeared, but compared to Li Ye's steady as Taishan, Kong Huan shook slightly.

Li Ye didn't say a word, and suddenly stepped onto the upper level again!

Ladder! Seventh floor!


There was a crisp sound, and Li Ye's whole body was torn, blood spurted out, and at the same time, the whole person was shaking again and again, and he was about to stand unsteadily.

However, at that moment, Li Ye stomped his foot directly, and one of the soles of his foot was directly embedded in the ground under his feet, barely retreating.

In this way, Li Ye ascended to the seventh floor of the ladder at this time, while Kong Huan stayed on the sixth floor. Yu Luoyan and the sage of Tianfeng stopped on the first floor, but the two obviously still had more energy.

"It seems that my limit for the time being is only here."

Li Ye was impulsive but not reckless. The seventh floor was so difficult. Li Ye did not rush to the eighth floor, but once again sat on the ground!

"Only in this environment can I quickly adapt to this coercion."

Just like on the fourth floor, Li Ye once again chose to adapt himself to the coercion under the general situation of the world before him. Even cultivating in this environment gave him a leap in control of the general situation of the world. The speed is increasing extremely fast.

Before stepping onto the ladder, Li Ye's greatest degree of control was only 300 times the general situation of the world! That is still with the help of nameless exercises and heavenly strides! But now, even if he doesn't use these two techniques, he can easily control four hundred times the general situation of the world!

Seeing Li Ye standing on the seventh floor, Yu Luoyan frowned slightly, the arrogance in his heart made it impossible for him to stop, and he directly stepped onto the second floor and then on the third floor!

The Heavenly Phoenix sage was naturally unwilling to lag behind, and also came to the third floor. At this time, both of them were a little panting. Standing on the third floor in one breath, it was also a considerable risk for them.

Four people, no one dare to be distracted at this time.

"Huh? Young Master is really here!"

At this moment, a person appeared in the Seventh Heaven Valley, with a burly body and a simple smile. It was Temujin!

When he saw the four of Li Ye on the ladder, he suddenly showed excitement.

Behind him, the figure of Yun Qiantian appeared, but it was a pity that he was once the number one star in the sea, but his face was blue and white, and his eyes were full of rage.

Obviously, something happened between the two before! But it seemed that Yun Qiantian had suffered.


"What? Do you still want to fight me? Although I can't beat you now, you can't help me."

Sure enough, the two have played against each other before. But what is surprising is that Yun Qiantian did not refute even though he was furious.

"I don't have the same knowledge as you, if I don't want to do it, I will take a step first!"

Temujin directly stepped onto the ladder, leaving Yun Qiantian alone with a bitter expression on his face.

First floor, second floor, third floor!

Temujin breathed a sigh of relief and stood directly on the third level of the ladder. He finally panted and sweated on his forehead.

"It's so overbearing pressure, I don't even feel it through! Young Master has actually reached the seventh floor, it is indeed a person I admire!"

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