Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2175: Madman in the eyes of others

Above the ladder is the Nine Heavens!

It's just that with the current strength of the two people, it is difficult to climb to the sky in front of the general trend of the world.

The two looked at each other, and they actually saw the confidence in each other's eyes.

On the surface, neither of them went up just now, but they knew each other could not give up so easily.

Li Ye didn't go on for the second time. Now that he was here, he directly found a place to settle down, and soon entered Ruding.

Seeing Li Ye's behavior, Kong Fan was slightly surprised, and the same was true afterwards.

In fact, he had already made the same choice before Li Ye came here.

Since I can't make it through for the time being, it's better to practice here with peace of mind.

There is still a period of time before leaving the secret realm, even if it is only a short-term cultivation, although it can't take their cultivation to a higher level, it is enough to restore all aspects of their spirits and spirits to their peak state.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly Kong Huan opened his eyes, and a ray of Buddha's light flashed through the depths of his eyes. The whole person looked like the incarnation of an Arhat, and the whole person seemed to be stained with gold powder!

"Rohan golden body!"

Li Ye opened his eyes almost at the same time, and couldn't help but marvel slightly when he saw the empty fantasy.

Buddhism has always been very mysterious, let alone now, even in the ancient times when the flowers were contending, the powerful and sects of Buddhism rarely interact with other sects. Even some records are very scarce.

But there is one thing that everyone agrees with, that is, the strong of Buddhism, the physical aspect is definitely better than the strong of ordinary sects! In the same realm, almost all have an advantage.

Sure enough, as Kong Huan stepped onto the ladder, he didn't receive much resistance at first. When he went up two steps in succession, he finally showed a slight dignity on his face.

"This third step is the key."

Li Ye is also looking forward to how high Kong Huan can climb, perhaps it is also a secret contest.

Halfway through the third step, waves of waves appeared on Kong Huan's golden body, but it barely broke. But when the third step finally landed, Li Ye clearly saw a crack in his golden body.

"Really someone can board the Nine Heavens under Emperor Wu?"

The entire ladder looks out of reach, but what really appears is only ten ladders! It is equivalent to saying that as long as you pass these ten steps, you can reach the highest nine heaven and win the emperor pill!

In the third step, Konghuan finally stabilized, paused slightly, and stepped up to the fourth step.

At that moment, Li Ye's eyes were completely narrowed, and the fourth step was shocked back even if he hadn't tried to go up just now.

However, this time Konghuan finally landed on his feet firmly, but his whole body was shaking violently, as if he was suffering from a terrible impact.


A mouthful of blood spurted from Kong Huan’s mouth, as if faintly with a trace of gold, obviously reaching the fourth step, which was the limit of Kong Huan.

"Sure enough, it's still too far."

There was a trace of disappointment in his heart. Although the two were rivals, Li Ye hopes to see Kong Huan can climb higher in the current situation.

Kong Huan stopped directly on the fourth step, as if hesitating.


Li Ye also ascended the ladder, the first step, his body was as stable as Mount Tai.

In the second step, it is obvious that the whole pressure has increased a lot, but compared to just now, this time Li Ye only shook his body slightly and stood still.

In the third step, it can be clearly seen that Li Ye's muscles are almost sunken by huge pressure, and there is a crackling sound all over his body.

Only this time, Li Ye was not shaken back, and finally stood still.

In front of him was the fourth step where Kong Huan was. As long as he stepped up, it was equivalent to saying that the two were back on the same starting line again.

Feeling that Li Ye came behind him, Kong Huan did not turn his head. Even if he just stayed on the fourth step, he had to bear the horrible pressure all the time, let alone turning his head, even if it was distracted, he would be shaken back. .

"Fourth ladder!"

Without hesitation, Li Ye stood up directly, but for an instant, he could almost feel his whole body bones being crushed, his internal organs were squeezed out, a big mouthful of blood came to his throat, but he finally swallowed hard. Go down.

The two finally stood in the same place.

After looking at each other, they all saw that the other party was determined to win! Even though there is still a long way to go from Jiuzhongtian, the two obviously won't give up easily.

Suddenly, Li Ye made an act of consternation to the empty words, sitting cross-legged directly on the fourth step!


Under such a terrifying pressure, you are actually in peace? If there are other warriors who see it, they will definitely shout a madman!

You must know that every time a martial artist enters Dharma is extremely dangerous and cannot be disturbed by others. Once disturbed, it is easy to go crazy, and even be severely injured or even killed by someone with a bad heart.

However, Li Ye, at this time, chose to enter Ding under such an environment. I have to say that it was a very risky decision.

However, after the initial consternation, Kong Huan quickly understood what, thoughtfully, also made a decision similar to Li Ye!

On the fourth level, for a time, the two of them chose to enter the concentration practice here at the same time!

one day!

Two days!

At this moment, there was one more person in the Seventh Heaven Valley.

Yu Luoyan!

When he appeared in the Seventh Heaven, the first thing he saw was Li Ye and Kong Huan who were on the ladder, and he couldn't help showing a slight surprise.

Not long after he appeared, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint also appeared in the Seventh Heaven. Both of them were of ancient blood, and there was no big gap between them.

After seeing Li Ye on the same day, Saint Phoenix revealed a touch of complexity.

Obviously it can be felt from the two of them, which is different from the previous ones. The breath is more calm, and there is a hint of sharpness in his eyes.

Looking at the Saintess of Heavenly Phoenix, Yu Luoyan went straight towards the ladder. When he stepped onto the first level of the ladder, he almost didn't get back from the shock. He was shocked, and only saw Mr. Yuluo Yankou. He let out a low growl, his legs were like suckers, firmly nailed to the first ladder, and finally stabilized his body.

But steady is steady, but his face is full of horror! In particular, he once again looked at Li Ye and Kong Huan who were on the fourth step of the ladder at this moment. They were as smart as him, and naturally guessed that the ladder must be higher and more terrifying! He is only the first level ladder, so reluctantly, what is the concept of being able to stand on the fourth level ladder? !

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