Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2156: Wuhuang Palace

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, when Li Ye stepped into the black palace, he felt as if his whole body was torn apart.

However, the next moment, he found that he was already down to earth and appeared in a valley.

"here is?"

"Don't have a cave, it seems that the black palace outside is just an illusion, and here is the real secret."

There was a voice not far away, Kong Huan folded her hands together, with a solemn expression on her face, her whole body was enveloped in a faint Buddha light.

Not only him, Heavenly Phoenix Saint, Yu Luoyan and Yun Qiantian have all appeared.

The valley is surrounded by mountains, and even a few people can't see the end at a glance, as if it continues to the depths of the void.

"There is not much will to death here."

Yun Qiantian's expression changed slightly. You should know that after everyone entered the Xinghai Secret Realm, they always felt that the omnipresent will of death was weakening their power, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was almost thin to an exaggerated level.

But here, although the aura of heaven and earth is not that strong, at least the will to death is not obvious.

It seems that there is a kind of power resisting the entry of those death will.

Suddenly, just at this moment, over the valley, just like the two lines that appeared outside the palace, a black light was also shot out at this time, and a line of words appeared directly in the eyes of everyone.

"With a spiritual core, you can enter the first heaven challenge!"

Have a spiritual core? Li Ye and others, naturally each person has only one spiritual core, and careful observation, the mountains around the entire valley seem to reveal a terrible aura, as if there are countless powerful people in it, even Li Ye and others. To feel a certain kind of strong chill, that kind of as if they had just stepped into the martial arts world, looking up at the mountains, they felt extremely small.

"First Heaven!"

Sure enough, with the appearance of that line, what appeared in front of the five people was a passage!

Yun Qiantian didn't hesitate directly, he was the first to enter, and Li Ye and others would naturally not fall behind.

In the passage, what appeared in front of them was a high mountain, with countless palaces all over them, and each palace revealed the vicissitudes of life and simplicity. I don't know how many years it has existed.

"A spiritual core can challenge a palace!"

It was after the light just now, but this time an ancient and vicissitudes of life sounded in everyone's minds.

A spiritual core can only challenge a palace?

And there are at least hundreds of palaces in front of you! This is still something that a few people can see, and the genius knows how much it has not seen at the end!

"What does it mean?"

Yun Qiantian's face changed slightly, but he looked towards the palaces. You can see that these palaces are hard to distinguish from the outside, but some of them seem to reveal a horror from the inside, and some are nothing. The reaction seemed to be empty.

Li Ye was also observing, none of them made any decisions without authorization. After all, judging from the voice just now, they had only one chance.

"Amitabha, it seems that these palaces are the key to whether we can enter the next heaven. The little monk will take the first step to ask for directions and see what is going on."

Kong Huan didn't hesitate directly and chose a palace that looked like a Buddhist temple. The next moment his figure disappeared from the sight of several people.

Being one step ahead of Kong Huan, Yun Qiantian was obviously a little dissatisfied, and soon he chose a palace and entered directly with a cold snort.

The two people chose palaces that revealed terrifying aura.

Yu Luoyan glanced at Li Ye and didn't say much, and also chose a palace to enter.

Suddenly, only Li Ye and Tianfeng Saintess were left.

Unfortunately, before Li Ye could speak, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint directly chose her goal and stepped into it.

Touched her nose, it was obvious that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint still had a grudge against what happened that year, so she didn't show him a good face at all.

"Boy, let you incur such a passionate debt, do you know the consequences?"

"Old ghost, don't stand and talk because your back hurts. This is beyond my control."

"The emperor advises you to decide on a dual monk as soon as possible. Sometimes the love debt is far more dangerous than your enemies on the surface."

There seemed to be a story in the tone of Emperor Heavenly Sword. Perhaps when Emperor Heavenly Sword Emperor was full of vigor and vigor, he also experienced a similar experience.

Li Ye shook his head. Now he naturally doesn't think about those. With a glance, there are countless palaces in his eyes, but it can be seen that these palaces seem to be stepped up all the way, and many of the palaces at the bottom have no breath. The more you move up, the more terrifying the breath revealed by those palaces.

"Are those already patronized by others?"

With a doubt, Li Ye appeared in front of a palace without any breath. Sure enough, the palace gate was wide open and there was nothing inside. Even after Li Ye approached, there was no movement.

After hesitating, Li Ye stepped in directly.

The next moment, he found himself in the palace.

It’s just that in this palace, there is only one statue left, like a middle-aged man, with a magnificent figure, a sword eyebrow and a star eye, and a square painted halberd in his hand make him look a bit more domineering, like a thousand horses. The commander in it, all over his body, seemed to be shrouded in killing intent.

"Emperor Wu!"

Subconsciously, Li Ye blurted out. Although there is nothing here, he has an intuition that the owner of the statue in front of him is a powerful emperor! That is a kind of intuition that belongs to the martial artist, but also a kind of perception of power.

"Could it be that in those palaces, there are statues of some martial emperors strong?"

Thinking of this possibility, Li Ye couldn't help but gasp.

How many palaces are there? To say nothing, there are hundreds of them. If every palace is filled with a statue of Emperor Wu, how many powerful people will it be possible?

Sure enough, Li Ye entered three empty palaces one after another. There were statues of powerful men in them. Any of them, even the statues, revealed a terrifying aura, and even gave Li Ye an illusion, as if standing in front of him. Not a dead thing, but a real strong.

"Who on earth has such a big hand, who has built so many palaces dedicated to the strong men of Emperor Wu here?"

Regarding the origin of the Xinghai Secret Realm, no one can say clearly, even the ancestor of Shen Danzong found out here, but he also couldn't find any clues about the origin of the secret realm.

Knowing that every palace enshrines a statue of Emperor Wu, Li Ye appeared in front of another palace in the next moment.

"Heaven Sword Palace!" Looking at the three vigorous and powerful characters on the palace, Li Ye's expression became extremely strange.

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