Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2155: The source of the spiritual core

Spirit core!

Li Ye's face changed a bit, and then he didn't know when he had an extra jade-like object in his hand, which looked as black as ink. ↗Vertex Novel, x.

This is exactly what Shen Danzong gave him and Yun Qiantian alone before coming to the secret realm.

"Is this the spiritual core?"

With a move in his heart, he has been wondering, since Shen Danzong said that five people can enter the core area of ​​the secret realm, why everyone will be in the same place after they come in.

Now that I think about it, it is clear that the so-called core area refers to the huge palace in front of me that looks like a city.

And they had the spiritual core in advance and got the qualification to enter.

Not only Li Ye thought, but Yun Qiantian and others naturally responded quickly.

Even Yun Qiantian himself directly turned into a light, and was the first one to enter the black palace without any hindrance.

As he entered, the faces of the others changed drastically.

The second thing that reacted was Yu Luoyan, but Li Ye was not slow, almost both of them sank into the black palace at the same time.

Kong Huan and Heavenly Phoenix Saints followed closely, and both entered.

In this way, it makes the expressions of the remaining people a little difficult to look at.

"They have a spiritual core in their hands!"

"It seems that Shen Danzong gave them in advance."

In the black palace, there is definitely the emperor pill they want, but if they can't enter, they stay outside and can't just stare at them?

Suddenly, several eyes fell directly on the three people of Black Smoke Xunyu.

"Xinyu! Do you know whether the spiritual core can be obtained in this secret realm?"

Lei Ming's face was green, and his tone was even more questioning, making Xunyu grunt in his heart, but he also knew that it was not the time when they were fighting, frowned slightly, but shook his head directly, "I don't know about the spiritual core."

"You do not know?"

"Don't be surprised, we really don't know about this."

Black Smoke also sighed, he also wanted to enter the black palace, but since he needed to hold a spiritual core to enter, it was tantamount to putting an end to all their hopes.

"Damn, I don't believe it! Can the ban outside a palace stop me?"

Dong Xinghuang is the weakest among the crowd, so naturally he is not willing to waste this opportunity in vain! Since there is no spiritual core, he wants to go directly!


Qingtian's expression in the north courtyard changed. He just wanted to stop him, but he was a step late.

Dong Xinghuang rushed directly, but just as he approached, suddenly a black hurricane appeared outside the black palace. The next moment Dong Xinghuang almost had no chance to scream, his whole person was directly crushed and he saw A looming shadow retreating hurriedly is the soul of Dong Xinghuang!

Just as soon as it appeared, that black hurricane engulfed him all at once, and then a roar of unwilling despair came out!

Dong Xinghuang, fall!

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

In the scene just now, they saw the cold in their eyes.

"What a terrible prohibition!"

"Dong Xinghuang actually didn't even escape the spirit!"

Although Dong Xinghuang's strength is indeed at the bottom of the crowd, he is also a top genius at any rate. Even if they are stronger, they will not be much stronger.

Spike! This result suddenly frightened other people who had similar ideas to Dong Xinghuang just now.

Qingtian's expression in the North Courtyard was slightly distorted, but at this time he was unable to, so he could only sigh in his heart, considering how to go back and explain to the elders of the Dongxing family.

"It seems that we can't rush here, but are we just watching?"

Smoky was also unwilling, and looked at the others.

At this moment, a voice made everyone's expressions move slightly.

"Spirit core, maybe here, there is also a place to get it."

This sentence almost made the rest of the people’s eyes light up. The person who spoke was naturally Zuo Yujie. He seemed to be lost in thought, and then grabbed one of them, “Do you still remember the one that appeared in the palace just now? A paragraph?"

"That paragraph?"

Thunder frowned, then his eyes lit up.

The rest of the people also reacted, but Temujin scratched his head. With so many people here, maybe he is the least ambitious. He doesn't care if he can enter the black palace, but he can't help but ask. , "What dumb riddles are you playing?"

"Spirit core! To enter the palace requires a spiritual core! But the next sentence! The number of spiritual cores must definitely enter the palace!"

A hint of wisdom flashed in Zuo Yujie's eyes, almost in a certain tone, and said, "If I expected it well, there must be some place to get a spiritual core in this secret territory!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was tantamount to igniting the hopes of Thunder and others, but he was puzzled, "As you said, where will the spiritual core appear?"

Where will the spiritual core appear?

Indeed, even if you guessed this, where do you start?

Zuo Yujie also showed a wry smile all of a sudden, shrugging his shoulders, "Don't ask me about this, I'm not almighty, why don't you try your luck?"

However, at this moment, Temujin scratched his head with a simple face. Although everyone almost ignored him, he said at this moment, "Are they the resentful spirits just now? Just now the young master told me that he guessed the spirit The nucleus may be obtained from those resentful spirits."

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes fell on him, causing Temujin to scratch his head in embarrassment, "Why are you looking at me like this? This is what the young master of my family said."

"Li Ye?"

Zuo Yujie was thoughtful. As for Lei Ming and others, although they were somewhat hostile and even disgusted towards Li Yedu, at this time they had to think deeply.

"The resentful spirit, the spiritual core, is a bit interesting. Since that kid Li Ye said it, it might be possible."

Yu Heng Wuwei grinned suddenly, and the next moment his figure flashed and left directly. He obviously didn't want to waste time. He went to find the resentful spirit and confirmed Li Ye's guess after killing.

Others also set off, whether it was or not, at least it was better than staying here and staring.

Suddenly, in front of the palace, only Tie Muzhen and Zuo Yujie were left.

Seeing everyone else leaving, Temujin was a little speechless. At this time, he jumped out the second half of the sentence. "The young master said that at least the resentful spirit that has reached the level of the Martial Emperor can have a spiritual core..."

Naturally, other people could not hear this sentence. Only Zuo Yujie slapped his forehead, but there was a smile on his face. He looked at Temujin’s honest and unintelligible look. The wordy figure disappeared in a flash.

No one knows how big the entire secret realm is, but the only thing is that there are countless resentful spirits! It seems to be a strong resentment towards the living, lingering in this world forever.

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